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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Keeping it Low-Key

Things had been a little crazy of late, fitness-wise, and my body was ready for a well-deserved break.

So, how about a week of (somewhat) easy-peasy recovery?

While my recovery looks different from that of others (as it should...none of us have the exact same routine, nor do our bodies need the exact same recovery regimen), I could tell it was due time for a low-key week. I kept the running mileage ultra conservative, I scaled-back on the biking, and I even caught a few extra hours of snoozing (yes, me!).

Are you curious how that all played out?

Before I share some of the highlights, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, in my little corner of the fitness universe:

Sunday, sunny Sunday...
No doubt, my body was feeling fatigued from the previous day's DAM to DSM half marathon. There's no need to sugar coat that, LOL. None the less, I knew a shake-out run would (probably) help loosen up my legs. The morning air was crisp, the sunrise was golden, and the birds were singing as I made my way around a familiar 2-mile route with a very easy-peasy pace.  Mission accomplished! A short while later, I saddled up Krystal for a 10-mile ride and then met Amy for a 3-mile walk over the noon hour. Although I still was feeling tired, my legs felt much less achy.

Never miss a Monday.
We'd had rain all night, so the air was somewhat cool, but very humid upon wake-up. I did a short 2-mile run (the legs were feeling good, but I didn't want to over-extend the distance). There was some walking at work, then Barb and I met up for a 5-mile walking "happy hour" after work. And, yes, I slept quite soundly Monday evening.

Mixing-it-up Tuesday
I usually keep the Tuesday strength workouts more "upper-body" focused, but opted for a full-body endeavor with Peloton's newest instructor, Logan. There were more squats than I'd bargained for (remember that detail, LOL), and some decent upper-body moves. Also, there were a couple of 1-mile walk breaks at work.

What-to-do Wednesday?
The weather was looking iffy in the early morning, so Barb and I postponed our #5at5 for after work. Instead, I allowed myself an extra 90 minutes of sleep (you heard that right!), and opted for some walking (and also squeezed in two walk breaks, later, while at work).

After work, the #5at5PM was on! All I can say is Oof. Remember those squats from Tuesday morning? Well, the DOMS staged a mighty appearance by mid-afternoon on Wednesday. Not only did I have to step lightly (because, ouch!), but the temps had climbed (to the mid-80F's) and the wind had picked up. Also, there's a lot more traffic to deal with at 5PM than we usually see 12 hours prior. But, at least it wasn't snowing (#GlassHalfFull). 

Double workout Thursday.
As mentioned, I decided to mix up my strength routine this week, so that meant some upper-body work was on deck (literally) for Thursday. The workout called for "medium" dumbbells, but I didn't feel like trudging all the way down to the basement to get the appropriate weights. Instead, I double-gripped smaller hand weights with the heavier ones, and all was well. I sometimes forget that option!

Later, I met Amy at the bike path, after work, for our weekly ride. This ride was more challenging than anticipated. The wind was minimal (5mph), but it was out of the southwest. so we had to fight it all the way out (in other words, no downhill coasting). Coming back, we barely noticed any semblance of a tailwind, and had almost non-stop pedaling on the return trip as well. The warm temps felt great, though, and we beat the rain...the dark clouds were chasing us all the way back into town.

Finally Friday!
More rain overnight, and it was lingering in the early morning hours. I'd hoped for a bike ride, but settled for a walk under my umbrella. By early afternoon, though, all the rain clouds had disappeared. I was able to knock out 12 miles, on the bike, after I got home from work.

Saturday had me on the go...
After a brief sleep-in (until 6:00), I went for a 14-mile ride amidst the sunrise and nearly-clear sky. Yes, I am wearing orange biking shorts, because why not?  I was also wearing lipstick...would you expect any less of me? Go bright or go home!

What's on tap for Sunday?
We have a warm day in the forecast, and a long bike ride (with some friends) on the roster. Bring it!
(in other words...I will be delayed in reading/commenting/replying to the link-up...I promise to get all that business done before bedtime, though #pinkyswear).

Anyways, I think I did well in keeping things low-key. My running miles were capped at 12. Walking was moderate, with 19 miles. Even biking took a brief sabbatical (early in the week), and finished with 51 total miles. The strength workouts were legit, but not overly strenuous. I'm feeling good!

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Is there any better color combo than the classic black and white? As much as I love all things colorful and bright, even I cannot deny the allure and appeal of these two color staples. Add some chunky and funky jewelry and silver sandals, and you're good to go.

Barb and I had plans for a mid-morning Saturday run in nearby Newton (about 20 miles down the road), but the sky suddenly clouded over and rain appeared just after I returned from my ride. This event was part of the statewide Iowa Brewery Running Series. I'm not a beer drinker, so this wasn't on my radar, but Barb found it. It was an untimed run that started and ended at the Gizellig Brewery. We had the rain. We had numerous hills. We had some narrow sidewalks, plenty of puddles, and a very scenic trail. And, we ran a very speedy 5K...and we were the first two gals to finish.  

And, finally, isn't it fun to get all glitzed up for an evening out? Barb, Kelsey and myself spent Saturday evening at the Des Moines Heart Ball, an event fundraiser for the American Heart Association. There was non-stop sequins, delicious food and drink, and many heart disease survivors were celebrated. 

So, that's a wrap on another week of fitness and fun. We have a hot week of record-breaking temps in store for us in Iowa. I can assure you, I'm looking forward to it as I ease back into maintenance mode! 

How did your week play out? Training, maintaining or recovery? Good weather? Any races?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. You all clean up well!~ Nice to see you and Barb dressed up! Looks like a nice well rounded fitness week for you. We are due for some hot and humid weather this week too-such is summer. Have a good one

    1. Our extreme humidity came back with a vengeance this weekend! It was bound to happen ;-)

  2. Nice job staying so active after your race!! And I love the dressy photos. Everone looks great!

    1. Thank you! We had fun getting all glammed up for the evening ;-)

  3. It's fun to get dressed up every once in a while, isn't it? I'm sure you had a great time. Stay cool this week!

    1. It's been awhile since there's been any glitzy events to go to, so this was fun...and for such a great cause <3

  4. Yay for a 90 minute sleep in on a weekday! And to friends that you can go from bike n'beer to red carpet with!

    1. The sleep-in was nice...but, in all honesty, it left me more tired LOL

  5. Lots of fun to get dressed up (or so I surmise, it's been a long time for me). Sounds like you had the perfect recovery week & are all set to get back at it this week!

  6. Your low key is more than most people's active week.

    I skipped my long run last weekend in favor of a 5k and then I had shin pain. My body may need more activity lol.

    You looked great all dressed up. I miss that...

    1. Not sure when I'll be doing a "long" run for awhile. I do want to keep those in rotation, but it's nice to not "have" to be doing them at the moment.

  7. Yes, I heard you guys are in for some heat this week! You may be the only one who's excited about that. I think I'm finally acclimated, because I've just accepted that it's going to be super hot here till the end of October. Nice picture from the Ball! Of course I zoomed in to look at your shoes... are those flats? i'm trying to figure out what in the world I'll do if I have to attend an event like that- I don't think my "difficult" foot will fit into anything other than a running shoe at this point!
    Nice week of workouts, and oh yes- those squats will give you DOMS, big time.

    1. My shoes actually have 2.5-inch heels, but it's difficult to see that detail from the camera angle. I like wearing heels, and they actually feel comfortable, but I have to navigate all the doorways with caution LOL (tall girl probs)

  8. "At least it wasn't snowing" lol I love how you always look for the bright side of things :) Nice job on your speedy 5K. You all look great all dressed up! Sounds like it was a great event.

    1. Well, I think a sense of humor is paramount (and a positive outlook certainly helps) in dealing with the crazy Iowa weather...

  9. I love that you had the Heart Ball the same day I ran Lawyers Have Heart. ;-)
    I also love your orange shorts!
    I don’t love when rain leaves humid air behind instead of clearing it out!

  10. I would definitely say you deserved a bit of a fitness break, especially after all the races and events you've done the past few weeks! I loved your dress for the AHA fundraiser - so cute!

    1. Yeah, I could just tell my body needed a break in the action (briefly, LOL).

  11. Yay for a little downtime last week. I bet you're raring to go this week!

    You guys look great all dressed up and I bet you had a fantastic time!

  12. Aw the Heart Ball was probably so much fun! A few years ago I applied to work for the AHA. I would have been in charge of fundraising events like that.

    Sometimes we need a recovery week! I have really enjoyed keeping things more low key since Toughest in prep to get ready to ramp up again for World's. And an extra 90 minutes of sleep?? Who are you? Haha!

    1. Right? That extra sleep was definitely not my norm...

  13. You are crushing it all over the place! Especially on that red carpet! You all look so gorgeous! I'm sure this week will have you back up to speed!

    1. I'm already getting things back in action...sitting idle is not my gig, LOL

  14. Sounds like a fun event - and always fun to get dressed up! We have an Ohio Brewery series here too, but we haven't been able to make to it any of them. Maybe next year.
