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Monday, June 13, 2022

Summer '22: What's To Do?

The Summer of '22 is already (unofficially) underway...what's a fitness-minded gal to do?

I'm glad you asked! 

Myself, I don't plan to spend very much of my Summer '22 indoors, nor do I expect to be sitting (un)comfortably still.  With no major races happening until the Fall, though, I have ZERO plans of over-expending myself with lofty goals or intensity.

There are a few objectives I have, though, as we approach the first official day of Summer '22...

Here's my Summer '22 Plan of Action:

Continue the daily regimen of my favorite fitness must-do's.
It's no secret that I have been daily planking for several years (since long before I ran the Route 66 Marathon, which was November 2016). A couple years ago, I added daily push-ups to the mix, and they stuck (some days I do more, if they're part of a workout, but I do at least 10 daily push-ups at the minimum). When I was recovering from my emergency knee surgery (Summer of 2017), and had to do 3-minute at-home IV infusions, I started doing leg lifts (60 lifts, each leg) as a way of passing the time...and that ritual stayed with me, long after the infusions ended. None of these exercises take very long, and all of them benefit my strength and balance...so why not just keep-on-keeping-on with them?

Bring back more focused core work.
Even with my daily planking, I can tell my core still needs some work. Although my core is strong, it's  not as toned as I'd like it to be, LOL. There was a time when I did a month-long challenge of daily side planks (in addition to the routine daily forearm planks), and I could see (and feel) a difference at month's end. Anyways, I think it's time to up my core-work game.

Do a monthly 10-mile run.
While I don't feel the need to keep my mileage high (as if, LOL), I do want to maintain my endurance base. Sneaking in a 10-mile run, every 3-4 weeks, is a great way to always be (somewhat) half marathon ready...just in case I spontaneously find a 13.1-race that strikes my fancy. Also, by keeping that 10-mile "long run base," I won't have to do much extra work in prepping for my Fall racing schedule. 

Throw in some light speed training...just for kicks (but also for maintenance).
It's been a hot minute since I've done training-specific running. We're talking hill repeats, hill sprints, downhill sprints (yes, they ARE a thing), Fartleks, intervals and track work. Gulp. I've been entertaining the notion of doing a series of 1-mile time trials (remember those, from May of last year?). Stay tuned! 

Do all the biking that's humanly possible!
Biking has really become a necessity in my fitness life. It's a valuable vice for recovery, cardio, lower-body strength, and just a great low-impact feel-good form of exercise. So far, I have done five 15-mile rides on the hilly bike path, and two "long" weekend rides (a 27-miler and a 50-miler)...and those are in addition to the random rides I do throughout the week. I'll be passing the 1,200-mile mark this week, so I'm hoping to continue logging some serious cycling miles in these warm months. Did I mention there's a century ride in the works, as well? 

Anyways, that's a tiny peek into what the Summer of '22 has in store for me! To say I'm a little giddy with excitement would be an understatement.

Do you have a plan of action in place for the summer? Any big races on the calendar? Have you set some new (or grandiose) goals?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. A great summer plan, Kim! That reminds me, I need to get back into my push-up routine. It doesn't take much time and it's a great way to build and maintain upper body strength.

    I have quite a few summer races on my calendar, but my big goal is the Berlin Marathon in September. Three months to go!

    1. I'm excited to hear how your Berlin training goes! That's going to be an epic race ;-)

  2. I like your plan of the monthly 10 mile run. That seems like a great way to stay in half marathon shape without running a bajillion miles all the time(something that's gotten me in the opposite of half marathon shape). I also like the daily side plank challenge...hey wait why I am not doing that??? I'm walking away from this post with a list of ideas....

    1. Yeah, I just cannot do high mileage, weekly/monthly/yearly. And, thankfully, I don't seem to need it. Ten miles is pretty doable, since I usually can squeeze out eight without much effort. We shall see...

  3. Look at you, hooked on cycling! :-D
    I’d like to get back up to am 8 mile base long run — hopefully I can do that soon.

    1. Cycling is really a runner's best kept secret ;-) It's really upped my performance in recent years!

  4. It is a good idea to keep a long run at least once a month in the summer time. Those fall races do tend to sneak up on us quickly!

    1. My thoughts exactly! Since I'm up and running early (literally) most days anyways, I don't think it will be a big deal to work in a 10-miler now and then before the heat is an issue.

  5. I used to have that 10 mile goal and I've cut back since I don't have a half until Sept. But I do plan to keep up those weekend long runs.

    I so wish I liked biking. Many of my friends have been trying to talk me into it.

    My one big goal is on my Mondays off to make sure I connect with friends it's so easy to let connections slide when we get busy.

    1. I'm really grateful biking found its way to me...it's been a huge game-changer ;-)

  6. How did I know you would be planning to spend much of Summer outdoors? Lol
    Love that goal of doing a 10 mile run per month too

    1. You know me pretty well ;-) I just wish I could have this weather year-round (or at least for longer than the short 3-4 months it's in Iowa).

  7. Truly I have no plans to keep my runs that long during the Summer, I know I won't be spontaneously hopping into a half!

    No big fitness goals, really. Keep on keeping on, mainly. I hope you are able to get in all the biking you want to this Summer, Kim!

    1. I figure 10-mile runs aren't a big deal...about a 90ish-minute time commitment, and I can do them when they fit my schedule. Fingers crossed!

  8. I think having your monthly 10 mile run is a great idea! It's a great way to keep that base ready in case an awesome race pops up!

    1. I'll be doing a lot of 8-mile runs anyways, so why not add a couple extra miles in (now and then)? Anyways, that's my plan on paper...

  9. What a good idea to run a 10 miler every month so you’re ready for a random half.
    You have a great summer plan. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Denise! I'm looking forward to a fun summer ;-)

  10. Your summer looks packed without seeming too overwhelming! I agree with you and others - keeping that monthly 10-mile on the schedule will really help maintain your endurance base and allows that spontaneity if a race does pop up. I know how much you love summer so ENJOY all of it my friend!

    1. Thank you! I'm ready for a great summer of heat LOL. It's such a short season in the Midwest, I plan to be outside as much as possible ;-)

  11. Oh, I wish I liked cycling as much as you do! It really is great cross training. You have great plans for the summer! Maybe I'll join you in the side plank challenge. I'm definitely focusing more on strength this summer, while increasing my running (cautiously.) My main fitness goal is DON'T GET INJURED!!! So far, so good.

  12. You have some great plans this Summer! I want to do all of them but know it isn't possible. But now you game ideas for a thing or two.

  13. Yay on the century ride! We decided to do the metric century instead of the full century ride this year because all of our friends are doing the metric. We don’t want to be late and miss out on the post ride party! Priorities, right? 😁
