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Monday, June 20, 2022

National Selfie Day! Let's Celebrate!

Did you know that June 21 is National Selfie Day?

Yes, you read that correctly...there actually is a day that celebrates people taking pics of themselves (and posting them for the world to see). 

Although I play the (shameless) selfie game, pretty much on the daily, I do have mixed feelings about it. Most of what we see on social media is "filtered" (literally and figuratively) to reflect what the selfie-poster wants us to see about them or the lifestyle they lead. In other words, you don't see very many real-life images of us in our less-than-desirable states (and I don't think that's all bad, LOL).

While we all have our own preferences on the selfies we share, I do get a lot of questions on subject matter and content. So, in celebration of this most auspicious day, I'll share a few tips and strategies I utilize...

First and foremost, I love variety. I try, often times in vain, to constantly share unique and different material, all while keeping it consistent with the focus of running and/or fitness. After all, my social media accounts are named Running on the Fly. 

I also look for that same variety in the accounts I follow. If a new person "follows" me, I usually check-out their profile (on Instagram, for example). If the majority of their pics are featuring that person in almost identical poses or settings, my interest takes an almost immediate nosedive. Granted, it's their profile and not mine, but I'm much more likely to not tap on the individual pics, or bother to read the captions, if everything looks (virtually) the same. Call me high-maintenance, LOL. Like most everyone else, my social media time is limited...I'd rather spend it seeing/reading content that engages me. Sorry, not sorry.  

Anyways, if I find myself stuck in a selfie rut (for lack of a better word), I have roster of selfie options I draw upon. In no particular order, here are My Favorite Selfie Options

The prop and pose:
I'm probably guilty of using this option the most, because I think it offers the most versatility. Once I learned how to use the timer on my camera setting, a very big world of selfie photography was opened up to me. The availability of camera props is endless: lampposts, street signs, fire hydrants, the bumpers (or tires, LOL) of unsuspecting random cars...the possibilities are endless.

The live action on-the-go shot:
We're all moving as we do our fitness thing, right? Why not showcase that once in awhile? You can set your camera to "live photo" (which will give you several thumbnail cells to choose from) or use the "video" setting (then choose which video cell best captures your movement).

The "fun with filters" capture:
Sometimes, a picture is just a picture, with nothing special or significant about it. Adding a few filters to enhance the colors or add a twist of flair to it can make it look like a work of art. Just don't get in the habit of doing this to every pic...

The contemplative candid:
Many of us use our runs (or workouts) to burn off stress or anxiety. We may have a lot of deep thoughts (good ,bad, sad, and glad) that need special attention or focus. Or, we just may need a quick picture to document our workout of the day. We don't always have to be looking at the camera, nor do we always need to be smiling.

The silhouette:
I am a total art geek, especially when it comes to capturing the sunrises and sunsets. Even if the run, walk, or bike ride was nothing especially eventful, a beautiful shot that highlights the sky (instead of the person) can give huge props to opting outside. Besides, the focus doesn't always have to be on me.

The unassuming feet:
Sometimes, the feet tell more of the story than the words in the caption. They also show that you were, indeed, on the scene amongst the bright green grass, the blindingly white snow, or the puddle-laden streets after a rainfall.

The "nuts & bolts" of running:
You know, the stretching poses. Often times, these pics make me look more tired than I actually feel. Other times, the exhaustion portrayed tells the story of a hot summer run or an especially character-building endeavor.

...and, if all else fails, there's the tried and true Arm In The Air:
In my opinion, this is kind of cheating because it's so basic, LOL. I mean, haven't we all done this one?

So, there's a few options if you need some new ideas on upping your selfie game (or at the very least, trying something different).

A few related posts:

Do you plan to celebrate National Selfie Day? Got a favorite selfie "pose" you find yourself relying on more than others? Any selfie tricks or hacks to share?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect :  Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I love your selfies because they capture your love for fitness spot on! Happy National Selfie Day!

    1. Awh, thank you so much! I think being an art geek gives me an edge with photography, LOL because I'm always looking for different ways of angling my phone for the shots.

  2. Taking selfies is something I still need to learn! Thanks for all these tips, Kim. I should really try taking those live shots myself.
    I usually have Kai with me who very kindly (and patiently) takes the mandatory photo.

    1. Well, be warned! Once you learn,.it can be a tricky rabbit hole to venture down, LOL

  3. I feel like everyday is national selfie day lol. I do like the variety of poses you use. Some days I have no idea what to do!

    1. Oh I agree...we definitely celebrate the selfies on a daily basis!

  4. National Selfie Day? Who comes up with these things??? I definitely appreciate your efforts to make your photos interesting. Sometimes it's hard to get a lot of variety, but you manage to do it!

    1. Thanks! It's fun to find new and different camera angles or "backdrops" for the pictures. I mean, no one wants to see my front porch on repeat, right?

  5. I hate selfies where you only see someone's face. But they are the easiest.

    I always prop my phone and so you can see my whole outfit!!

    Your photos are great and love your bright colors.

    1. I try to get as much of my outfit in the pictures as possible, as well. It's not always an easy feat!

  6. I had no clue that today was National Selfie Day - I think there is a "national day" for just about anything these days, lol. As you know, I hate taking photos, especially selfies, but you have given me some new ideas for poses. You are definitely the selfie queen!

    1. Yes, there is a national day for EVERYTHING. Crazy world, right?

  7. I love this guide and call me high maintenance too but I'm drawn to photos that engage me, that have colour, that show effort and variety!

    1. Well, you have some awesome pics yourself! I can tell you're drawn to color and uniqueness as well ;-)

  8. I didn't know it as National Selfie Day! I try to change things up but it can be tough to come up with new ideas. I agree that if I see the exact same pic on someone's profile each day I'm less likely to follow them.

    1. I hate to be so "judgy" when it comes to pics, but I really like to see some variety...

  9. I agree with you on the Instagram thing. I try to mix it up as much as I can but I do know I have one pose that I tend to stick with lol

  10. Who knew it was National Selfie Day? Thanks for sharing. I agree with mixing it up.

  11. I find I end up taking the same picture again and again. It’s hard to find variety. Usually when I don’t post for a while (like now) it’s because I can’t find an interesting picture to take.

    1. Well, I post on the daily, LOL...so I usually can remember the most recent pics I've done. (emphasis on "usually" )

  12. I had no idea that it was National Selfie Day. I am not good with selfies. I take the boring ones of just my face because it is just easier for me. I do need to add some variety!

    Thank you for linking up with us!

  13. Obviously I'd rather highlight the nature around me than myself (most of the time), but hey, whatever floats your boat, right? Great tips on shaking up your selfies, Kim!

  14. I am horrific at selfies and take very few because I always look and feel so awkward. You on the other hand are the Queen of Selfies! I love how you showcase your runs/environment/fashion etc.
    Also - the live action shots one always confuse me. Do you then stop and set up your camera, run past, and then go back to collect your phone? I assume so, but breaking up a stretch of running like that would throw my off my rhythm so badly!!
