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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Some Summer Fun 'Fessions

All is fair in fun & 'fessions, right?

It's hard to believe Summer 2022 is (officially) a reality, and we're already facing another turn at the 'fessional. When they say time flies, they aren't kidding.

It's been an interesting few weeks since my last 'fession session. You know, life and all that. Of course, I've got plenty to say...but I'll limit it to just the top five 'fessions for now (you're welcome, LOL).

Shall we get right to it? 

First off, the Summer Solstice of '22...
I love the summer season, and pretty much everything about it. The Solstice hits, though, and I Solstice-fess that it always gives me a touch of  melancholy. Although the progression to shorter days is slow, the fact that I no longer have continued "longer days ahead" to look forward to is a buzzkill. At least I'll still have plenty of daylight, for the next few months, so I plan to embrace every minute that I'm able. Thankfully, I'm an early riser (and usually go to bed late, LOL), so there will be many more sunrises (and sunsets) to experience in the flesh. 

The crash of the medals.
Recently I received a mid-morning text from the hubby, saying he'd heard a loud crash. No big deal, it was just my medal display! Although, I admit I had this "rack" over-loaded, it had never shown any signs of distress. But, I mess-fess, it wasn't a big surprise that this happened. Remarkably, the only casualties were the two Route 66 medals (from the 2016 5K and the 26.2). Both had "bases" attached to them, so they could stand on their own (like hood ornaments), but the bases are no longer intact. Since the medals were hanging, the bases were of no use anyways, so they won't be missed. Currently, all of these medals have temp lodging on the dining room table...

Non-running discomforts
Can we talk about random aches and pains that don't really have anything to do with running (or even fitness, in general)...but they cause more stress and agony than a true injury? I distress-fess, that there's been a lot of non-running discomfort wreaking its fair share of havoc on me lately. My back is finally feeling "back" to normal (see what I did there, LOL) after all of the previous week's gardening action. I still have a weird callous, though, on my pinky from all the viscous yanking I'd done (even with thick gloves). There's also an inch-long "dry skin" crack that split open on my heel a few days ago, so  walking is absolute torture at the moment (thankfully, it isn't too bothersome when I run). I'll spare you a gruesome picture (you can thank me later). And, Wednesday night, I bit into a slice of pizza and some of the grease singed (literally!) the skin on my chin. I'll forego sharing a pic of that as well, but the affected area is about the size of a dime. I know, #EWWW

Moving on...

My first-ever blowout brings about a reunion with Gustavas!
As I mentioned in last weekend's WRD post, I had my first-ever flat tire experience. Can I bike-fess that it's a relief to finally have that #FirstFlat over and done? I mean, with all the biking I've done in recent years, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm just grateful it happened in town, and less than a mile from my driveway. It really wasn't a big deal (other than the loud sound of the tire blowing), and I didn't crash, lose control, or get injured. And, it gave me the perfect opportunity to reunite with Gustavas, my mountain bike. Sadly, he had not seen any action, since last Fall, until this incident with Krystal's tire explosion.

Lastly, this week my Instagram "following" crossed the 6K mark.
While it's exciting to have reached that milestone, I seriously media-fess that I'm still perplexed at how the algorithms work. Also, my Twitter account has almost quadrupled in followers in the past few months. I'm totally perplexed on that, as well, since I'm a terrible Tweeter. I usually post at least once a day (on rare occasions, I may post a second or third time), but I am pathetically terrible about scrolling and interacting with others. And Gustavas? He accompanied me to the lake on Wednesday, and his "nothing-special selfie" garnered a lot of attention. Things that really make me go Hmmm...

Anyways, that's enough 'fessing for the time being. Once again, my (running) soles have been cleansed and I can move onward to the next month. All is now well.

Your turn! Any 'fessions to share, running-related or otherwise? Ever sustained a food burn outside of your mouth? Been victim of a flat tire? How do you feel about the Summer Solstice?

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?

Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. It makes me sad that daylight is already decreasing... I hope to enjoy the evenings as long as possible.

    And yes I've had the medal rack crash... broke one of my favorites ... a bridge age group award. and a mug.

    1. Right? I'm just focusing on all the remaining daylight I will still have for awhile. This morning, I woke up before my 5:00 alarm, and had almost full daylight at 4:45 ;-)

  2. I feel that tinge of sadness about the declining daylight as well. It happens so quickly. The only (knock wood) flat I had was a slow leaker. So no big pop but that gradual feel of something not right is no bueno. Sorry about the medal casualties!

    1. It's such a paradox that Summer actually begins on its longest day...

  3. I've had my share of flat tires and pops--I had a bad valve on my tire and it just kept happening! I finally replaced it this spring. Hoping that I have many flat free miles!.

    1. The new tire they recommended for me is supposed to not blowout like its predecessor, so we shall see. Now I'm paranoid about the front tire...

  4. The was a juicy month for the 'fessional! Hey if your medal rack collapsed from too much weight then you're doing it right! Yes I'm sad to have crossed the summer solstice :-(

    1. Ha ha...the poor medal rack was bound to (finally) give way to disaster, LOL

  5. I still do not know how to change a bike tire myself despite having taken one of those courses a few years back. My random is ache is that I sometimes wake up bc my hand is falling asleep. I am sure I press on some weird nerve while sleeping!

    1. Yeah, the hubby tried showing me how to change the tire, but it was tough to see what he was doing. I might have to rely on a YouTube video if I'm ever in that predicament again.

  6. Ha ha, well I think you definitely overloaded that medal rack! And... boy, take a few nights off moisturizing and you end up with the dreaded heel crack- I have one too right now! How does it hurt so much while i'm walking but I don't feel it at all when I'm running?
    I know what you mean about the solstice. Now that I live in Florida I don't dread the winters like I used to, but I'm enjoying all this daylight- especially early in the morning.

    1. The daylight is SUCH a joy ;-) I put cocoa butter cream on my feet every night, and they still get so dry. I seem to have more cracks (of this magnitude) in the winter, though. This current one is a doozy!

  7. Ouch on the pizza grease! And yes the gardening is always good for some random aches. I'm glad your back is feeling better.

    I'm with you on the shrinking daylight - I'm trying to soak up as much of the early morning light as I can!

    1. The early mornings are such a gift! I'm grateful that I can take advantage of them, almost on a daily basis.

  8. I still like the Solstice. There's still plenty of sunlight to be had! I try not to mourn things til they're actually gone, but that's easier said than done.

    My medals (which are less plentiful than yours) are in a box. They had to come down when we got the new treadmill & I seriously haven't given much thought to where I want them to live!

    1. I agree, there are still many more days of daylight and sunshine to enjoy. I will be cherishing each and every moment I can bask in all the summer glory ;-)

  9. I am not happy about the declining daylight either. I love it when it is bright and sunny so early in the morning. What are you going to do about your medals? Will you buy a new rack for them?

  10. The joy of living in Europe means that the light stretches well into the evening, it's absolutely amazing. We had some people from Norway at our parkrun this morning and they said it's pretty much only dark for a couple of hours now... ok I night-fess that a few more hours of darkness is my preference. Often here in NL we can still be sitting out on a cafe terrace until about 11pm and only then is it really starting the getting-dark process.

    So sorry to hear about your pains and chin food burn! I honestly feel like the older I get, the weirder the injuries/ random pains. So annoying.

    I had a flat twice in all my 28 years living here and riding a bike regularly. The first was kind of a bummer because I had just finished a hard training at Runiversity and was cycling my usual 7km home when it blew on the bridge (about 3km into the ride). I walked about 1.5km further and called Ron to pick me up! I chained it up well and then the next day walked down to get it and took it into the shop. The second time was even worse (different bike too) I was much further from home and Ron really had to come pick me and the bike up!

  11. Boo on all the falling, flatting and burning! My husband has two flats right now - I have no idea what he did but He will definitely need to figure it out before he tries to ride again.

    Even our short days are long here, because of our proximity to the equator. I don't start to notice the dark until January.
