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Saturday, September 24, 2022

...and so Summer goes...

They say that all good things come to an end, right?

Such is the case with the summer season. It's almost like that final "official" day of summer got tapped with Momma N's seasonal wand, and POOF! The temps plummeted and the daylight dwindled even more.

It's not all bad, by any means. But still. Thankfully, we will have some beautiful colors in our midst as the trees undergo their seasonal change, and the humidity will be at a much more moderate level. That said, I love my summer heat and it's a buzzkill to be on the other side of the equinox.

Before I share all the deets from the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what down in my little corner of the world this week:

Sunday...already a hint of the seasonal change
A perk to a slight sleep-in was enjoying a taste of the sunrise while on my 3-mile walk. The cool (but not cold) temps felt refreshing after the precious day's rain. Later, I also got in a 2-mile mid-morning walk, and a late-afternoon 27-mile bike ride...complete with a rainbow and a few sprinkles (see below).

Another Never Miss a Monday!
I love a strong start to my week, and a Monday morning 3-miler (with speed surges) did the trick. Three miles of walking (a mile at work, and two miles in the evening), and a warm and muggy 12-mile bike ride (after work) made the day complete.

Kind of a low-key Tuesday...
I've been rocking the Barre (so to speak) on Tuesday mornings, along with some arm work (via Peloton). It feels oh-so-good to be moving and grooving without over-doing it.

Double workout Wednesday for the win!
I met up with Barb for our weekly #5at5, and it felt like a mid-July morning, complete with warm temps and 84% humidity (no complaints!). I've been having some glute/hammy/Piriformis discomfort recently, and let's just say none of them wanted to play nice that morning. Despite the grumpy muscles, the run still went alright...but #ugh. Thankfully, the two short (1-mile) walks, at work, felt alright.

Later, I met Amy at the bike path for our weekly ride. Holy wind, Batman! The temps hadn't plummeted that much, but the viscous (cold) wind really made Hilly Bike Path Ride #20 a tough one.

Thankful Thursday, 'nuff said.
Back in black, and we were back inside. The 50F temps would have made for a very chilly setting outside, so I kept it inside...kind of fitting on the first official day of the fall season. I stacked three strength workouts (upper-body, core, and arms) and got it done. It also was a heavy day of walking with 4-1/2 total miles (two in the morning and 2-1/2 after dinner).

Kind of a frigid Friday
Wow, Momma N wasted no time in "welcoming" in the fall season. Iowa was blessed with 50F temps in the early morning (again) and it didn't get much warmer as the day wore on. We also had intermittent rain (most of the day) and wind. I'm glad I got my 2-mile walk in early (before the precip hit).

Saturday: Kickoff to Kinnick 5K
How about returning to a fun race, on a hilly course, that supports a wonderful cause? Such was the plan. The weather forecast was showing 57F temps and sunshine, but Momma N had a different idea, and dropped the actual temps to 52F and exchanged the sunny skies for fog and mist. The race went alright, but my recent hip/glute/Piriformis discomfort had me taking a few walk breaks. Not a big deal, and my finish time was still in my "average" range with 29:20. Stay tuned, there's a brief recap coming in a few days.

...and Sunday?
Things are a bit undecided. With the recent grumpy aches, it's probably in my best interest to stay out of  the running shoes. I will probably opt for some walking or bike riding (most likely both). And, there will definitely be some stretching, trigger-point massaging and plenty of TLC. 

The week seemed to be alright, for the most part, though the glute (and vicinity) stuff was frustrating. I have a half marathon in a month, so I should be maintaining my running, but I also need to keep things somewhat low-key to make it to the start line. Thankfully, I have my walking and biking to sub-in as needed. I'm not worried (yet). Anyways, this week saw only 11 miles of running (and I'm alright with that). Walking had 20 miles, and 54 miles of biking were logged as well. I loved all the upper-body strength work this week, and opted to limit the lower-body work to Barre. All is well. Onward!
In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. As mentioned, Friday was damp, windy and quite chilly. I snagged this cute green sweater earlier in the week...and how about those funky lacey sleeves! I had to go with pants (my legs would have frozen if I'd worn a skirt), but my toes didn't mind the open-toe booties.   

It had been awhile since I'd seen such a vivid rainbow. Unfortunately, this pic doesn't do it justice. Rest assured, I did feel the requisite rain that made the rainbow possible (remember, I was on my bike, LOL)...but it was very light and short-lived.

And Max! One of his favorite things is to jump on the bed, immediately after it's been made, and squirm his way under the throw pillows. Such a goof!

So that's it for this week with the first of the fall weather making an appearance.

How did your week play out? Any current aches and pains you're working through? Any races this weekend, or coming up? Did your weather take a bit of a nosedive upon Fall arriving?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. You know your body and exactly what it needs to make it to the start and the finish so I'm not worried either but how frustrating in the moment. I am blown away by the rainbow pic. All I can say is if your photo doesn't do it justice then I can only imagine what it was like IRL.

    My dog loves to snuggle deep in our bed during the day and she's not shy about arranging things just how she wants them...she's bigger than Max so she can put quite a dent in the sheets when she has a mind to. Glad we're not the only ones;-)

    1. yes, dogs rule, don't they? It's rather kind of them to let us live in their houses with them ;-)

  2. Sorry to hear about the glute (plus), hope it resolves soon. Your weather has turned, hasn't it! Ours too and I'm enjoying some nice bright but cooler days. Also sunrise is after I wake up now so I can get down to the park to see it over the lake, and running to parkrun yesterday, I was running into the sunrise the whole way, just lovely (I won't be able to run there many more weeks as there's a balance with how much I can carry to put on when I get there to keep warm!).

    1. Our weather took a major turn! I know it will probably warm up a bit...but, still waiting...

  3. So sorry your glute is acting up. Hopefully some rest and stretching will help, and I know you'll stay active in other ways.

    1. Yes, I'm grateful to have other means of staying active. Hoping this will mellow out a bit in the mean time, though.

  4. So sorry to hear about the PIA! I hope it calms down soon. I feel you about race preparation--my half is in 3 weeks and after have 2 weeks off for Covid last month, I'm only setting the goal of finishing. It is what it is, right?

    That rainbow is beautiful!!!

    1. That rainbow is gorgeous!

      It does seem like someone flipped a switch on the weather on the first day of fall!

      Congrats on the strong 5K despite the glute issue. I sure hope your glute feels better soon.

    2. Well, I feel prepared for my half, but this PIA has gotta take a hike, LOL.

  5. oh no I hope you don;t have my same pain in the ass syndrome it is not fun. Well, I feel you on the race prep sometimes it is just not where we want to be

    1. I'm not worried about my race prep, but UGH...hoping the PIA mellows!

  6. I hate when I hear about aches and pains. Hope yours is shortlived.

    Knock on wood, I'm good. Have a half next Sunday!!

    I ran a 5k yesterday too. It was at 11am so the temps warmed up nicely.

  7. What a gorgeous rainbow shot and I'm pretty sure Max is the cutest "throw pillow" ever! Haha! Sorry about the glute issue. That is a PIA for sure. Fingers crossed it resolves before your half.

    1. I think Max know how cute he is and takes advantage of it LOL

  8. Well... I want to say I'd trade our weather for yours, but I'd probably be complaining about the cold and rain if I lived up there! I like how you describe your issue as glute "and vicinity." That area is so complicated- I keep talking about my achy hamstring, but sometimes I feel like it's in my hip. UGH! I hope a little rest and a lot of walking and cycling will do the trick for you.

    1. It seems like every day it feels weird in a different place, LOL

  9. Oh dear, I hope the pains in your hip/glute/piriformis area go away quickly. I hate when those little niggles rear their ugly little heads.

    Can't wait to read your K2K race recap!

    I love your new green top with the lacy sleeves. You look adorable! And that rainbow, wow!

    1. I can't help but wonder if it's my shoes? I'm probably due for a new pair...

  10. I bet the barre classes will help with the pains! It all comes back to the glutes doesn't it? Sounds like a fun and active week! Thanks for hosting the link-up!

    1. The barre classes do seem to help...I should have been doing them more often.

  11. Max is such a cutie!

    Well my miles weren't stellar either -- and no other cardio other than walking (which isn't at all cardio with Bandit) but I'm ok with it. Had this been my previous shots it probably would have been even worse so glass half full.

    It's a very chilly 60 at the moment and I'm in a sweater!

    1. It's been chilly here so far this week...temps in the 40's in the mornings. UGH! I'm so not ready...

  12. Sorry about the angry muscles - hopefully that settles down quickly for you. Congrats on your 5K for a great cause!

    1. Thanks, Michelle ;-) I'm gonna keep the running miles low this week and (maybe) OD on the TLC (via the roller & Theragun). Fingers crossed things will mellow...

  13. Aww Max. Staking his claim to the bed. Hope your hip/glute resolves itself soon and fully.
    I love fall, but that was a crazy on/off switch

    1. Total on/off switch! It's supposed to gradually warm back up before the weekend #FingersCrossed

  14. Ugh on pains! I’ve been feeling a bit of those annoying glute pains myself this week. Hope yours is short lived. What a beautiful rainbow!

    1. The glute pains are so annoying! A true reminder they need constant pre-hab, right?

  15. Summer left quite abruptly here last week, but no complaints from me, lol.

    I totally get why Max likes to hang out in a freshly made bed. I often want to do that after I made the bed to avoid logging in for work :)

  16. Hi, Max! Luna loves to roll around in our clean sheets. Sigh. We are really in for it with this upcoming storm. Sure, the temps are nicer right now, but I'm a little nervous about what's to come. Sorry for the aches and discomfort. It's never fun, especially when you are so enthusiastic and ready to go.

    PS - love the sleeves on that green top!
