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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Desperately Seeking Sunlight

Darkness falls across the land....

Well, at least it looked and felt like darkness most days this week. Ugh. We had precip (rain AND snow, thank you very much), almost daily cloud cover, and wind (LOTS of wind). I did continue my #OptOutside streak, as well as my #RWWinterRunStreak, so my #IowaTough grit was thoroughly put to the test. 

Alas, as I've said numerous times, I refuse to let Momma N win. Whatever she throws at me, I'll face it head-on and rise to the challenge. That doesn't mean I have to like it, though.

Before I dis on the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness:

Sunday's 40K conquest: done!
I had a Garmin badge on the roster, so I was up and in the saddle early Sunday morning. Also, I had a new-to-me spinning bike to make that 40K (just under 25 miles) happen. All went well, though this bike definitely works my legs differently than my other stationary bike did. My quads felt like spaghetti when I dismounted, LOL. Afterwards, I headed outside and knocked out a 2-mile run for the run streak, and took a 2-mile walk in the late afternoon.

Another never-miss-a-Monday.
Nothing out-of-this-world stellar... a quick 8-mile ride, a surprise Garmin badge, and a short arms/shoulders workout in the early morning...

...and a quick 1-mile streak run after work. The forecast was looking very cold and very rainy, so I was happy to get this run done before all the weather nonsense started.

Sort of a typical Tuesday...
Yes, the rain showed up, as was forecasted. It was very light in the early hours, in comparison to what was coming later, so I opted to get a 1-mile run done (upon wake-up), then hit the elliptical for 3-ish miles before heading to PT. After work, there was a brief window of light mist, so I took advantage and got in two miles of walking before more of the downpour returned.

Double workout Wednesday.
The morning began with 11 miles on the bike and some core work (and a cheesy smile).

And, the sun came out of hiding! My friend and I were able to (finally) get in a couple of 1-mile walk breaks, and I had a sunny 3-miler for lunch.

Thankful Thursday had me back inside...
The temps took a nosedive, and all the precipitation turned to snow. I got out for a fast and furious 1-mile run (before the real cold weather hit), followed by some time on the mat (20 minutes of Barre) after returning. I also spent 10 minutes with my gal, Tunde (Peloton app), and she totally worked my arms and shoulders like never before. After work, it was too cold, windy, and downright nasty to be outside, so I hopped on the elliptical for 4-ish miles (27 minutes) for a pre-dinner cardio fix.

Friday's frigid fun...
With our daughter's collegiate graduation happening late afternoon, my only reasonable time for a run was in the wee-dark hours. So, I layered up and made it happen (just a short 1-miler), then hit the bike for 11 miles of HIIT and intervals before heading to PT. Let me just say, physical therapy is not for the faint of heart...all the lower-body work my gal has me doing is nothing short of a thorough strength workout. Oh, did I mention I had some major DOMS from the previous day's arms/shoulders workout? Yeah, it hurt so good, but #ouch.

Saturday: the busyness continues...
It was another busy morning on-tap with our reception brunch for the graduate (in her college town, an hour away). I saddled-up on the spin bike for 13 miles before heading to Graduate Activities: Part-2.

After returning to town, I reluctantly layered-up for a run. I'd hoped for slightly warmer temps, but no dice. At least there was a little bit of sunshine...but the wind was most evil. I contemplated four miles, but was tempted to shorten it to two miles. Thankfully, out of nowhere, I got a boost of mojo (near the 1.7-mile mark) and decided to continue on for three total miles. It must have been the extreme cold, and my eagerness to get back home, because I inadvertently pulled off negative splits (just barely, LOL). 

...and what's on deck for Sunday?
Well, Sunday's forecast is looking even colder, but much sunnier. Ugh. The morning will definitely start with some indoor fitness (via the bike). I'll save the streak run for later, after the temps "warm up" to above-ZERO feels-like conditions. 

Despite the less-than-desirable weather, I think my week played-out alright. I cannot control the weather, but I do have complete control of how I deal with it. I never regret getting outside, even if it's only for a brief 10-minute streak run. This week saw 12 miles of running (not great, but I'm thankful to consistently be back in the "double digits"). Walking was very bleak, with only six miles, but I subbed-in some extra elliptical time (seven total "miles"), so not a big deal. Biking logged 68 miles, pushing my YTD total to 2,885 (the 3K mark is getting closer!!!). As mentioned, PT is really kicking my backside (and my lower-body), but I have zero pain when I run, walk, or bike now. I just gotta keep on keeping on. Onward!  

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. I'm all about bright colors, and I'm all about red and green this time of year. A recent acquisition is this red maxi-length cardigan. Can I just say I'm a fan! The fact that it's almost a perfect match to this (also) new red sweater is a bonus.

And, if I can share a very proud parental milestone. Our youngest graduated cum laude Friday afternoon from Iowa State University (you know, the other "Iowa" university). After high school, she'd finished her 2-year degree (in a year) at a community college, and then took a year off. She returned to school in January of 2020, amidst all things Covid, and immediately got involved in student government, and various organizations, while pursuing a Marketing degree. Sigh. I don't feel old enough to have three college grads.

So, that's a wrap on the past week. Anyone else looking forward to having the Winter Solstice behind us? I know the return of increased daylight is very slow and gradual, but I swear I can see a difference within a couple weeks. Bring it!!

How about you!
Was it a good week, in your world? Any fitness conquests? Favorite workouts? Cold weather? 

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  1. Congrats to your youngest on the graduation!!! That's amazing, especially with covid thrown in there.

    You did great this week staying so active with the weather..glad you were able to fit it in between the rain, etc. And even saw some blue skies!

    1. We have beautiful blue skies today, and blindingly bright sunshine...but the temps are barely in the single digits for feels-like conditions. UGH.

  2. We had zero sunlight this week and with the fog and rain, it was really gloomy! It's supposed to be sunny today and that will be a treat.

    Congrats to your graduate!!!

    1. Yeah, today's sunshine is amazing...but it's still SOOO cold. UGH.

  3. Huge congrats to your daughter and her hard work! I don’t mid the cold if it is sunny. I won’t tell you about my current sun situation :) Hope your week ahead is great

    1. I agree, the sunshine definitely helps ease the pain of the cold. I'm contemplating when I'll get my buttocks outside...hoping for the wind to tame down a bit.

  4. Congrats to your daughter on a great accomplishment! I'm sure you are so proud. Looks like you're enjoying that spin bike. Yeah the weather here has been so nasty and gloomy and the extreme cold is setting in. Sigh.

    1. The extreme cold is here earlier than usual. Thankfully, the snowfall hasn't been much trouble yet.

  5. Congrats on having 3 college graduates! Yes, PT is no joke but worthwhile. Good job getting out there in less than desirable conditions! While I’ve been here we got ANOTHER 6ish inches of snow back home (much less here, we’re a bit further south. All I had to do was clear the car.

    1. We've really been spared the snow so far. I know that will be changing soon, but the streets haven't been icy or slick, so that's a bonus!

  6. Yay for PT - it's great that you're feeling no pain when you run, walk, bike, lift, etc!

    Congrats to your daughter. How exciting!

    1. PT has really been going well, but it's been a lot of intense work!

  7. I have to admit that I'm looking forward to Wednesday (the solstice) much more than usual this year. Once we're on the other side of it I know we're getting an extra minute or two of light each day. We're almost there!

    Major congrats to your daughter!!! And having all three through college!!! What a great early Christmas present!

    1. As much as I detest winter and it's cold weather, I do look forward to the Solstice every year. It's such a turning point!

  8. aww, congrats to your youngest! Very impressive. The sun really helps doesn't it? Glad it came out for you for a little while. Merry Christmas!

    1. The sun really helps make the cold weather more bearable. I just wish it could diffuse the wind, LOL.

  9. Aw, Congratulations to your daughter! And to you and your husband- that's an accomplishment, raising three kids and seeing them all through college.
    Sounds like you had a great week in spite of the weather. We had one day where it got down to 60 this week- does that count as cold? (ha ha... don't answer that.) I'm glad the PT is working so well- pain-free running is the best possible Christmas present.

    1. Gosh, 60-degree temps sound heavenly! I'd be in shorts and probably a tank!

  10. Huge congrats to your new graduate!!!

    Did I miss earlier news about the new spin bike? Looks sleek!

    At least this week we turn the corner gradually towards more daylight.

    Love your Friday outfit!

    1. The new spin bike joined the family a week ago (last Saturday). It's working great, but the control panel is a bit limited in the stats (no cadence or resistance numbers).

  11. Yay congratulations to your daughter! And, bravo to you on 3 college graduates - no small feat!

    Great job with your workouts despite the somewhat suspect weather. So happy to hear that PT is paying off for you - nothing better than to be pain-free!

  12. Congratulations to your daughter! We've had a very odd week - temps in the 20s and lots of ice, snow elsewhere but not much here, though it snowed for our run this morning. I missed Thursday's run as it was just too cold for me!

  13. Not much sun here and yes, bring on the daylight... thankfully sometimes I can run at lunch.

    Happy to hear that PT worked and congrats to your daughter.

    Milestones?? tomorrow I run my mile 1000!!!!!

  14. Well done going out in those weathers! Also I'm happy for you about the success with the physio therapy, it's so worth it! Congrats also to your daughter graduating.
    We started the week very cold but now finally we're in double digit Celsius degrees again! It was a slow week fitness-wise for me because of the weather but I hope for a good week ahead with some runs thrown in too.

    1. The cold weather really jacked-up my walking! I usually try to get in some daily walks, either during my work breaks or after getting home (before dinner). But, this past week it was just too cold and wet most days.

  15. I feel you on the difference in daylight. As stark as it is in fall, it's wonderful in winter/spring. I have great southern exposure, but with the low clouds and early daylight... yuck.

    Congrats to your daughter! Yay to pain free, especially while streaking.


  16. Congrats to your daughter! Great accomplishments for all of your kids.
    I had the same thoughts this morning about the sun. I don't think I've seen the sun in 10 days or more! It hasn't helped my disposition at all. Good job getting all of the workouts in (in the dark!).

    1. I don't think I suffer from SAD, but I definitely crave some sunshine! It just brightens my day (obviously), but really makes the bitter cold temps more bearable.

  17. Congratulations to your daughter! That's so exciting! I don't know if you saw my post about falling iguanas, but we won't get snow. We get giant lizards freezing and falling out of trees (I've never seen an iguana north of Orlando, so fingers crossed we are spared). Good times.

    1. I have heard of the iguana "plague" LOL. That would be so freaky!

  18. Super congratulations to your daughter - that is such an achievement and I know you are a very proud mama :)

    It was very rainy and windy here as well...and it's also dark by around 4:30/4:45 which is also a bummer. I really hope we don't have to do daylight savings time next year!

    1. Fortunately, we don't have total darkness until closer to 5:30, but it definitely gets pretty dark in the house if there are no lights on. The rain and the wind both can take a hike...both are quite miserable this time of year.

  19. I will be stunned if it doesn't snow here. Fingers crossed! I can't handle the rain. Congratulations to your daughter!
