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Saturday, December 24, 2022

And just like that It's Winter

Just like that, Winter made its grand entrance...and it didn't do so quietly.

It also didn't come alone, bringing with it an ill-timed bomb cyclone. And, as most know by now, this bomb cyclone didn't just affect my stomping grounds (in the Midwest). It swept its way across the USA and messed up a lot of holiday travel plans and kept many locked-up inside to avoid the dangerous weather in its path. 

A big UGH. But, alas, the fitness still prevailed. We can't control the weather, but we can definitely control our attitudes...and we can still get it done inside.

Before I dis on the Welcome-To-Winter deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little frigid world of fitness:

Sunday...the waiting game
The early morning was cold (umm, sub-ZERO feels-like with wind). I opted for a 20-mile endorphin buzz, courtesy of a few Peloton cycling classes, and an intense upper-body burner.

By mid-afternoon, the temps had "warmed up" and the wind had diminished substantially. I finally hit the streets for a couple miles of running, and (later) a 2-mile walk.

Never miss a Monday...
Opting for some sunshine, I postponed the streak run for noontime and (instead) started the morning with a 50-flight stair workout and five miles on the indoor bike. Over lunch, I got my 2-mile run done. An hour later, the snow started falling...

Typical Tuesday (sort of)
We didn't get a lot of snow, but the temps definitely had begun their forecasted plummet. I started the morning with 5-ish "miles" on the elliptical and saved the streak run for lunch time (again, utilizing the sunshine). I contemplated running two miles, but as soon as I changed direction, I promptly changed my mind and called it good at 1-mile, LOL. I did get out for a fast and furious 1-mile walk after work, though.

Multiple workouts for Winter Solstice Wednesday ...
With a busy day on tap (and extreme cold and even more wind in the afternoon forecast), my day started early with a quick 1-mile run outside (it was 3F, but with only 6mph wind, it was quite bearable). Back inside, I did a short and sweet 5-mile bike ride followed by a short upper-body workout (both via Peloton app). Then, I headed to my 7:30 PT appointment for some lower-body work (and a bonus 1-mile ride on the bike as a warm-up). I also did a a 1-mile evening walk, amidst numerous Christmas lights (and under several layers), before the night ended.

A real double workout for Thursday.
We all love our fitness friends, am I right? I'm so grateful for social media bridging the gap with my friends who do not live nearby. I joined Deb, virtually, at 5:00a.m. for some chatting, laughing, and 16 miles of riding.

The bomb cyclone, by now, was in full-on force in Iowa. Most of our workers were working from home, and I called it a day at 12:30. Not wanting to end my #OptOutside streak, I layered up and did a 1-mile walk (I figured walking was much safer than running, given all the blowing and drifting snow). Back home, I summoned the dreaded 'mill (remember Milly?). It had been 10 months, I think, since her and I last spent any time together. Surprisingly, after two miles, things were feeling alright (though I was bored out of my mind). I continued on and finally stopped when I'd reached the 4-mile mark (thanks to some music videos). Imagine my surprise when a treadmill badge popped up on my Garmin, LOL! That certainly had not been on my radar.

A very frigid Friday...
With the day off from work, I treated myself to slight sleep-in (I'd been up until almost 2:00a.m., knitting #oops #mybad). The morning  started with 20 minutes of Barre, followed by some core and upper-body strength and three "miles" on the elliptical. I also did a hot and sweaty 1-mile run, back on the 'mill (and another treadmill badge popped-up on the Garmin, LOL). Mid-afternoon, I got outside for a cold and windy 1-mile walk.

Saturday...how 'bout a brick?
The early morning temps were still quite cold, so I was still forced (again) to keep things indoors. It had been eons (or at least several months) since I'd done a brick workout, so I cued-up a Peloton ride and got to work. I started with an 8-mile ride on the spinning bike. Next, I headed upstairs, and ran a couple miles with Milly. Finally, I headed back to the basement for five more miles on the bike. By mid-afternoon, the temps were still cold (single digits, thank you very much), but the wind had mellowed out some...perfect conditions for a short walk outdoors.

...and Sunday?
The morning forecast is showing sub-ZERO temps with wind (I know, #shocker). My best bet will be a longish bike ride (indoors) and possibly a short run (outdoors?) after our Christmas dinner. Or, depending on how the day plays out, I may have to do an evening run on the 'mill instead. None the less, I'll get that streak run done one way or another.

So, it was an interesting week, thanks to the extreme weather. As much as I prefer to be outdoors, I am grateful to have plenty of indoor options. Case in point, my run streak. While this is my tenth year doing the Runner's World Winter Run Steak, for the past eight years, I've been able to do every run outdoors...until this week. It's a bummer the "outdoor run streak" had to succumb to the treadmill, but oh well. No frostbite or frozen fingers or toes. Running came in at 13 miles; biking had 60 miles; and walking had a measly seven. Let's not forget the 8-ish elliptical miles and several upper-body sessions. Not a bad week, actually.

All that went down on the blog this week was last week's WRD:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. It was a breezy and chilly day, so I hung out (at home) in as many cozy layers as I could find. For example, this over-sized burgundy sweater. It's from the #HandKnitByMe collection, and I honestly cannot remember when I made it. The ugly Christmas leggings will soon be returning to storage until the 2023 holiday season rolls around...so why not showcase them one last time!

This meme totally made me laugh out loud. All you winter-loving peeps know who you are, LOL.

Ahhh, the Winter Solstice has come and gone! Yay!!!! Brighter days ahead, my friends!! As much as I'm a die-hard Summer gal, I so LOVE the Winter Solstice. It feels so great to finally turn the corner on all the daylight darkness. 

And, finally, my sincerest wishes to YOU for a festive and fun holiday season! 

Whew, that was quite a week! Did you get hit by the bomb cyclone, too?  Do you celebrate the Solstice, or do you dread it? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. It sure was a brutal weather week but I was also sidelined with a nasty stomach bug. Timing is everything! It's good you were able to keep the streak alive. Have a merry Christmas!

    1. The Streak stops for nothing, LOL, not even the Iowa weather ;-)

  2. Sounds like it was a brutal few days! Great job keeping up your streak 10 years in a row-impressive. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and get some warmer more seasonable temps this week.

    1. Yeah, it's hard to believe I've been doing this streak for 10 years! Time flies, right?

  3. Oddly, despite our current cold, we were warm as the storm came through & it was mostly rain. So weird! I'm SO grateful I don't live in Western NY.

    Great week of fitness, Kim & Merry Christmas!

    1. And this weeks has been weird (in a good way) with the sudden rise in temps. We might actually have RAIN on New Years Eve!

  4. Merry Christmas, Kim! I think you get the worst weather of all of us, but it doesn’t slow you down — or even keep you inside!

    1. This Midwest weather ain't for sissies, right? UGH. We def get some extreme stuff...

  5. Merry Christmas Kim! The weather was truly frightful and I too am so grateful for a variety of at-home options!

    1. As much as I'd rather be outdoors, YES, I'm glad I have plenty of indoor "fitness toys" to keep me busy ;-)

  6. Merry Christmas.
    Crazy weather here... almost 50 on Friday and then 7 on Saturday.

    Though I HATE winter, it is always better to run outdoors than on a treadmill and it's never as bad as you think...

    1. ...and we have 50F for the possible high tomorrow! Not complaining, but will Momma N makeup her mind?

  7. Merry Christmas Kim!!! Congratulations on the run streak! I can't remember if today is the last day or if it goes through New Years. It was a crazy weather week- we even got some of it down here! Although you northerners would be snickering at our "cold" temperatures. Anyway I hope you're having a wonderful day!

    1. The Run Streak technically goes through New Years Day...but I can't skip my Never Miss a Monday, so this year the streak gets two bonus days (the "Thanksgiving Eve" run, and the Monday after NYD).

  8. You made that burgundy sweater? It's absolutely gorgeous!! I'm glad to see you've been taking advantage of the moments when the weather wasn't too bad, to get out running. I hope the worst of the storm is over now. I loved that cold-loving meme too! Had to save it for future use.. :) I know a lot of people like that!

    1. I've been a knitter most of my life; I learned when I was in grade school. I don't have the time to do it as much as I'd like (thanks to blogging), but it's always there when I get an urge to create something.

  9. Yes we got hit!! It was soooo cold and I was happy to have a treadmill.

    1. The wind was absolutely insane here, even on the days when the temps weren't too extreme...so yes, I had to hit the treadmill as well.

  10. Very impressive knitting skills! I was so happy to have our home gym this week. I'll be spending a lot of time in it :)

    1. I felt like a caged bird set free yesterday when I finally got to run outdoors (after a 5-day treadmill streak). I don't mind the indoor bike, but the treadmill is another story, LOL.

  11. Although I love Winter, I do not like the Winter that was on display this weekend, lol. Give me 35 degree temps, not -10.

    You are so talented! That sweater you knitted is absolutely gorgeous.

    1. If our winters were in the 30F's most of the time, I'd like Winter a bit more...but my reality is quite the contrary, LOL.

  12. I also love the summer solstice, for the LONG day of daylight...but it's a buzzkill that the daylight starts it's decline the next morning...

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oh, look at that snow! And Merry Christmas! We did celebrate solstice, and we got some kind of weather. It dropped into the 20s and we had hard freezes all over the place. It was great running weather, that's for sure.
