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Monday, December 26, 2022

2022: The Year in Pics

What a year 2022 was!

There were some struggles. The weather was challenging at times. And the running miles took a big hit.

But, there are were many beautiful sunrises to witness in person. Some decent age division awards came home with me. My love for biking took on a life of its own. And, there was a lot of fun along the way. 

Care to hear a little more about my 2022 experience? Or, at the very least, see a few pics? Read on...

Here are a few highlights...

January...snow birding, Florida style!

February...fighting the winter temps and crazy wind!

cold running...

...and LOTS of hot indoor biking

March...rocking the third annual Week of Pi (running 3.14 miles everyday during the week of my March 14th birthday)

April...reaching Day-500 of my #OptOutside Streak!

May... action-packed racing! 

Fight for Air Climb, May 7th

3rd place AG at the Des Moines Women's 10K, May 8th

Grinnell Girls Gone Running team at Market-to-Market Relay, May 14th

June...plenty of summer fun!

My 15th consecutive DAM to DSM

I started doing most of my strength workouts outdoors

Biking was very well-utilized as fitness, cardio, and recovery

July...enjoying accomplishments aplenty! 

after three years of 3rd place AG's, I finally snagged a 1st place at the Midnight Madness 10K!

at long last, on July 27th, I completed my first century ride!  

August...chasing all the fun and remaining sunrises

not fitness-related, but the Iowa State Fair!!!

banking as many sunrises as possible

September...transitioning to cooler weather

Kickoff to Kinnick 5K with Herky

darkness is coming...

October...finishing 25 weeks of bike path riding

November...PT had me scaling-back the running, but a return to the great indoors

back on the indoor bike


December...my 10th RW Winter Run Streak!

So, that's a quick peek at what went down in 2022. There were lots of fun memories, and I'm ready to see what 2023 has in store.

How did 2022 play out for you? Any fun races? Any big accomplishments? 

 I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. What a great year you had, Kim!
    One thing that stands out to me are your "private" challenges (the Pi-Challenge, Outside Streak, Bike Path Rides, Planksgiving, Winter Run Streak) that keep you going. It's a great idea to keep yourself motivated and accountable!

    1. Thanks, Catrina!! As you know, IIike mixing things up ;-) Nothing wrong with doing a few things out-of-the-ordinary, you know, just for kicks ;-)

  2. what a fun year... love all the pics esp all he color. and the variety of activities.

    No big accomplishments for me but lots of races and social activities.

  3. Love these photos, and what a great way to look back at the year. There is something special about having your day "done" at sunrise. It's also so much easier in Florida for some reason. Look forward to a great 2023.

  4. You always take the best photos so I knew this post would be awesome! I especially love the Kickoff to Kinnick 5K with Herky photo.

    1. Awh, thanks! Maybe we could arrange for a meet-up at one of the Iowa-Penn State games sometime. You could get YOUR pic with Herky, too ;-)

  5. I don't know how you managed to choose a select few photos as you have inspired us almost on a daily basis with such inspirational shots! Your photos keep me going on those very tough days - you just never stop fighting whether the weather is bad or you have an injury.

    1. Thank you so much, Shathiso <3 Admittedly, it was tough picking such a small number of pics, but I tried to highlight the "most" significant events (and that was tough, as well).

  6. You crushed it on the bike, in the gym and on the road this year. Wishing you a strong 2023

    1. Thanks, Deborah!! I'm ever grateful to have a good variety of fitness options to keep me busy.

  7. What a fun walk down memory lane! I love all of the pictures. Here's to a fabulous and active 2023!

  8. What a great year! You accomplished alot and I'm sure 2023 will be even better!

    1. I'm hoping for an uneventful year, in terms of injury...the past few months have been a bit frustrating with all the PT (but I have learned a lot of great exercises to keep in my "prehab" arsenal).

  9. What a great year! It is always so fun to follow along on your journey!

    1. Thank you so much!! I appreciate your support and encouragement ;-)

  10. It was a great year for you! I hope 2023 is just as great or even better.
