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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Yes, a Final 'Fess for 2022

 Seriously, friends, how did we get to the final 'Fession of  '22?

Time seems to keep accelerating, and I cannot seem to keep up with it. Maybe that's a good thing, since I have ZERO time to sit idle and succumb to boredom. Yeah, that's the story I'll go with, LOL.

So, here we are again, knocking on the door of  the final 'Fession Session for 2022. As always, I have a few (or, in this case, five) 'fessions to disclose... 

First off, shall we start with Winter? Dang, Momma N and Old Man Winter have been at war  recently, and I'm not sure if either could declare themselves the winner. First we're blessed with almost 10 days of psychotic weather warfare, complete with record-breaking cold and ferocious wind. Then, just these past couple days, we're catapulted forward to a brief spring preview, with an almost 80-degree "feels-like" increase. That being said, I weatherfess, I'm grateful for the recent balmy "heat" and am treating it as a reward for all that we endured during those 10 frigid days prior.

Next, there's my 10th installment of the Runner's World Winter Run Streak. Regrettably, I'll have to streakfess that my 8-year streak of outdoor runs (for the RW Winter Run Streak) came to an end amidst last week's bomb cyclone. Although I have done this run streak for the past 10 years, the past eight years I've prioritized doing all of the runs outdoors. I went back and checked the numbers...last Wednesday (December 21st) was the 330th consecutive outdoor streak run. The following day, though, the extreme cold, severe wind, and blizzard-like conditions forced me to stay inside, on the treadmill. Admittedly, that 4-mile run wasn't totally terrible, but it still was a buzzkill for eight years of outdoor streak runs to end. 

Alas, with the bitter cold weather, a new (short-lived) streak began, by default. A few years ago, I got the idea take my post-treadmill selfies outdoors...kind of as a humorous means of coping with the less-than-ideal situation. Well, last week, that tradition continued for a record-breaking five day streak itself. Hey, if I'm gonna be stuck, indoors on the 'mill, I'm gonna make the best of the situation. I gotta freezefess, though, this poor man's cryotherapy actually feels refreshing after a hot indoor run!

Then there's the self-imposed Christmas gear mandate. I know, I know...I do this to myself every year. I have a lot of Christmas spirit, and I have a good cache of holiday-themed gear (as well as plenty of green and red gear in general). I try to make good use of all these colorful wardrobe pieces, this time of year, by wearing something red, green or holiday be-dazzled for every run.  But, let me yuletidefess how nice it is, come December 26th, when the "pressure" to wear all things holiday-inspired is lifted. Whew!

Finally, there's those Garmin badges (again). Although I think the Garmin badges are a nice perk, and many of the challenges are motivational and inspiring, I don't consider myself obsessed with them (yet). That said, it was most ironic that two more badges popped up as a result of my treadmill runs!  I'll badgefess it here and now, these two treadmill badges were nice surprises because neither were on my radar, and they gave me something to show for my (indoor) efforts. Whodda thunk!

Anyways, that'll do it for December's 'Fession Session, and that'll wrap it up for 2022.

How about you? Any special 'fessions to share for this final month of 2022?  Did the recent bomb cyclone throw a kink into your outdoor fitness plans? Have you ever had a Garmin badge surprise you?

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. As far as the weather goes, I'd love a happy medium! Wednesday was perfect in my book (except for the wind) with 30 degrees and sunshine. This warmer stuff brings gloom this time of year. It's still better than the deep freeze, though! Glad to see you're enjoying your new Garmin!

  2. Garmin has badges, LOL? I don't even look at that. Hey whatever floats your boat!

    I hate going out in the cold after getting sweaty. I don't want to hang out after running outside either! But again -- you do you. That's what makes the world interesting.

    Happy New Year, Kim! Although of course I guess I should just hold off til Sunday for that?

  3. It felt like summer yesterday! We earned it after last week's horrors. I am watching the growing minutes of daylight like a hawk and appreciating every second!

  4. As long as the sun is shining I always feel like it's not too bad out there. I guess you will have to think of it and cryotherapy! Maybe it will help w recovery! Nice job on those Garmin badges. I have not gotten too into those but still plugging away at the Peloton ones

  5. Your outdoor post treadmill pictures came out good! And adding festive holiday gear makes the run more fun!

  6. Well, I'm sure everyone is laughing hysterically at me, posting about our "cold" weather in the 40s while you were having a bomb cyclone. I'm trying to remember how I managed to run in the winter up north, because I didn't have a treadmill. I didn't do any streaks, so I guess if the weather was really, really horrible I didn't run. I think I've blocked it all out of my mind.
    Anyway, nice job on the streak (treadmill runs count!) and the badges. Happy New Year!

  7. Nothing feels better than stepping outside right after a hot indoor workout.

    I was so stupid last week and tried to take a walk on the coldest day. I had my hat pulled down and my scarf pulled up so the only exposed skin was between my eyebrows and my cheekbones. After a few minutes my eyes started to hurt so I alternated between pulling my hat all the way down, taking a peek to see where I was going, and putting my hand in front of my face to shield it until I made it home.

  8. Nope I ran outdoors no matter what. I runfess that the runs were shorter than planned.

    I don't use my garmin except for races... who knows if they are any badges.

    Happy New Year.

  9. That was one heck of a streak you had but I don't blame you for taking your runs indoors with those temps!

    Nice job with those Garmin badges - nice to have those treadmill runs acknowledged :)

  10. I love all your holiday gear! So cute! Our weather is so weird it's hard to be festive. Some days are great for tank tops, and some days we need full winter gear. It's hard to keep up with.

  11. The weather craziness happened here too! in fact it went from so frozen that we had to cancel not one but two parkruns because of ice! then suddenly it was practically spring again. And the last few days... ugh, someone please turn off the rain!!

    I always forget about the badges on Garmin so I'm definitely pleasantly surprised when I get one!

  12. Why do they call it a bomb cyclone? Its nuts how snowy this winter has been already in the midwest! I wouldn't be concerned about the outdoor run streak ending when there's a bomb cyclone involved :)

  13. Haha! What a fun trip to the runfessional and a wonderful spin on turning the negative into positive - i.e. getting badges for your indoor running efforts after the disappointment of breaking your outdoor streak! I've never worn festive gear for that long but I think I will join you this year from the 1st to the 26th December. :-) Although I have lots of gear, its actually quite limited in the red/green/festive area so that will be a challenge. But I'm up for it!
