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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Frigid, Frosty & Feisty

Well well well...for such a short month, February sure makes a name for itself.

This week started off with sunny skies and pleasant temps, took a turn for the extreme cold, and rebounded back to spring-like weather. Wow, one would almost need a tightly buckled safety belt for such a roller coaster ride!

In keeping with my #OptOutside daily streak, I did get outdoors everyday. And I was blessed with almost every kind of weather imaginable. Emphasis on the almost...

Before I dis on the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness and whatnot this week:

A Beautiful Sunny Sunday
The morning started with another Sunday (slight) sleep-in. By late morning, the temps had climbed to the mid/high 40F's, so I got out for a 3-mile walk with Amy (remember her from all those weekly bike rides?). A few hours later, I headed back out for another 3-mile walk (this time while chatting with a friend on the phone). I waited until early evening to do my riding (since I was doing that indoors anyways), and cranked out 15 miles in the saddle.

Another Never-Miss-a-Monday
The early morning temps were still chilly (and the sky was still dark), so I opted for six miles of HIIT on the bike. By mid-morning, the temps were pleasant and the sky was sunny, so Michele and I got in a couple of 1-mile walks during our breaks.

Later, I headed out for a 5K run after work. Although the temps had fallen enough to warrant tights (instead of shorts), I still had ample daylight and remnants of sunshine. No complaints!

A Festive Fat Tuesday
I thought it only appropriate to don the Mardi Gras tights for my early morning 14-miler with Deb. So what if I was a hot mess as a result? Fashion Before Function, right? I also did a 20-minute Barre workout afterwards. As the day wore on, the weather turned cold. My 1-mile walk, after work, had me layered-up and fighting the bitter wind.

pic courtesy of Deb ;-)

Another Double Workout Wednesday
The wind howled all night, sounding much like a blizzard. I awoke feeling more tired than I had the night before, so there was ZERO motivation to go for a run. The forecast was showing rain all day, then turning to snow and freezing by mid/late afternoon...so there would definitely NOT be any running after work. Instead, I opted for a couple of upper-body workouts, via Peloton app (so many raises #ouch). Surprisingly, the temps stayed right at 32F/33F all day, so the forecasted ice wasn't nearly as bad as we were expecting. I did manage a 1-mile walk after work, with minimal slipping, and then spent 30 minutes on the elliptical (for "5 miles" of cardio).

A Very Thankful Thursday
As mentioned, most of the ice missed us (yay!), but the temps were still crazy cold and windy (ugh!). Due to an accidental sleep-in (this is getting to be a habit, LOL), I was short on time. My solution: Hit the stairs for 15 minutes of HIIT-like cardio and 60 flights of fun. After work, Barb and I met for four miles of insanity in the crazy wind...I even wore my "civilian" winter jacket (title pic, above).

A Feeling Fine Friday
With a 7:30 PT session on the schedule, I didn't have a lot of extra time nor did I know what was in store for me...so I kept things fairly low-key. I did a 20-minute Peloton class and stopped the bike at 7.1 miles, resisting the temptation to finish out 10 miles (you have no idea how much restraint that took!). Next, I had a 15-minute full-body stretching class (also via Peloton), which felt amazing. At my PT appointment, she did an ultrasound "deep heat" treatment followed by some stretching and more dry needling. WOW, the combination of everything left me feeling great! It was another cold and blustery day, but the 2-mile post-workday walk wasn't too treacherous.

A Super Saturday
Barb and I met up at 7:30, planning to run at least six miles, but I was hoping for seven (and possibly eight). I'd done a 3-mile ride prior (and some dynamic stretches), so my legs felt good right outta the gate. Temps were sitting at 15F, but ZERO wind and the sunshine was spectacular. We got to six miles with ease, and were able to do the bonus mile as well...ending at seven. By then, truthfully, I was feeling a bit fatigued and didn't feel the need to push the mileage any further. I walked a mile back home, and then did another 10 miles on the bike for a cool-down/leg flush-out. Since I hadn't done much for strength work this week, I cued-up at 10-minute upper-body workout (Peloton app). Wow, I often forget how intense those 10-minute workouts are because not a second is wasted. There also was a little more biking later in the day (see below)...  

...and what's happening on Sunday?
We have another nice day in the forecast (temps in the mid/high 50F's!), so I might save the biking for later in the day and get outside in the morning. Then again, I might do some early-morning biking (when it's still dark outside) and go walking mid-morning. I might even sneak in a second (or a third?) walk in the evening. I have lots of possibilities, and I plan to take advantage of the nice weather!

So, yeah, Momma N and Old Man Winter were either at each others' throats or were having some kind of a ridiculous game of I Dare You. I'm just glad things turned much warmer as the week ended. Nothing crazy happening this week; I kept things pretty mellow...running had 14 miles, walking had 13, and biking saw 62 miles of action. A little bit of strength work, some stair-climbing, and a lot of stretching...all is well.  

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. As mentioned, Friday's weather was absolutely ridiculously cold. Look closely...I had three layers on! I almost wore a black shirt under the brown sweater, but spontaneously chose the denim button-down instead. I like the funky punch of contrast the denim gave it, and it's a given I love my puffer vests.

As mentioned, there were a few extra bonus miles on the bike late Saturday afternoon. I'd forgotten about the 100K biking challenge, but after a few other badges popped up (from my Saturday antics), this one got my attention. I only needed seven more miles to reach the 100K mark. So, why not?

Finally, how about another update on the livelihood of my house plants? The dieffenbachia (on the left) currently has four "babies" that sprouted from the original "stumps" of my late grandmother's plant. I don't know how long she had the original plant, but she gave it to me when she moved to a smaller dwelling (in the spring of 1994). I cut back the plant a couple years ago, and these four stalks sprouted from the roots. Just this weekend, I noticed there's now a fifth baby sprouting (bottom pic)! On the right is a Christmas cactus I got during the holiday season...and it's in the process of re-blooming! I've never had one of these re-bloom so soon after Christmas, so there's going to be a nice pop of color in the sunroom (ironically, right alongside the orchid...which is still in bloom, LOL).

So yeah. Quite a week in the state of Iowa! Hopefully this frigid "finale" to February is the last of the bitter cold weather. I know we'll still have some cold temps, but my fingers are crossed the worst is behind us.

How did your week play out? Did you get another blast of cold weather as well? Any fun celebrations on Fat Tuesday? Any racing? Favorite workout(s) of the week?

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  1. Bye bye February! C'mon spring! Yes the weather is doing a ridiculous see-saw with the temps but at least the highs are getting higher and we've got a lot more daylight to work with.

    1. I noticed the other day, we had substantial daylight before 6:30! I'm so eager to get back to more early-morning outside action!

  2. The way things are going, March is going to be interesting. A lion sounds tame compared to what February has brought us, lol.

    My Christmas cactus is blooming now. Valentine's cactus?

    1. February has really been erratic! It's been pivoting back & forth from one extreme to the other.

  3. We had wacky weather here too - warm, 60s, then snow again! Your Saturday was super active. Nice job!

    1. Thankfully, the snow has stayed away...and I'm quite alright with that ;-)

  4. It was an erratic week here weather wise as well. I'm so over the extreme cold. The spring flowers in Atlanta spoiled me!

    1. The spring flowers would definitely be a welcome sight, no matter where you witnessed them!

  5. It has been a crazy few weeks for us as well with temps up to 80 then falling 50 degrees bringing snow yesterday. (So I heard!). We never had a real winter this year at all. You never know what you will wake up to! Way to crush those bike miles this month!

    1. We're supposed to have a lot of rain this week...ugh. That's like a 2-month fast forward with the weather.

  6. Sounds like you had a good week. All those PT treatments sound amazing. I wish I could find someplace to just get that care without having to do 1/2 hour of exercises I can do at home.

  7. You had a great week of fitness and I'm so glad yo were able to switch our workout day to Tuesday.

    I think it's time for Old Man Winter to take a hike. ;-) After Thursday's perfect weather, we had snow yesterday, but luckily nothing stuck to the ground. I'm so ready for spring!

    1. Old Man Winter definitely needs to take a hike (and he can drag Momma N along with him). It worked out well to switch the ride around...heck, a lot of my workouts got switched with the weather, LOL

  8. The weather was ridiculous this week! I'm more than ready for spring! Friday's PT session sounds amazing. I wish my PT did dry needling - I've had it done before and find it offers me amazing results. Great job keeping your #optoutside streak going!

    1. I'm ready for spring as well, though (In Iowa) it doesn't seem to arrive until mid-May...

  9. Are they focusing on your low back in PT now? Those treatments sounds amazing. Anyway sounds like you had a great week, crazy weather and all. I was completely oblivious of Fat Tuesday this year, but I love the mardi gras workout photo with Deb!

    1. A lot of my PT has shifted to my back in recent weeks, though we still are doing some work on the glutes (my right glute just wants to be lazy, so it needs a lot of attention to do its job).

  10. Winter has returned here with cold temps and snow. I do feel bad for those training for important races.

    Nothing good in my world...
    Except my stationary bike is happy - 6 mi yesterday and 7 today.

    1. I hope your bike will grow on you. I was very surprised how much I liked my indoor bike when it was forced upon me a couple years ago. I totally did NOT see that coming! Chin UP!

  11. Some lovely blue skies there. We've had some nice ones here, too, which has been good for my recovery from my virus, and when I went to my PT on Thursday, I was able to sit on the bench outside and turn my face to the vague warmth of the sun for a bit!

    1. Other than a few cloudy days this week, we have really been fortunate to have a lot of sunshine and blue skies in recent weeks. Total game changer when the temps are feeling chilly!

  12. The ice didn't miss and neither did the crazy cold temps! More snow on the way!

    My cactus blooms from Thanksgiving til almost St. Patrick's Day -- but it's relatively young (about 3 years old). I love it! Sure brightens my day!

    Sounds like the PT is really doing its job -- you're working it!

    1. I'd gotten this cactus right before Christmas, so it was almost in full bloom at the time. A lot of the buds died off, then a couple weeks ago I started noticing new buds. There much be some magic pixie dust in that area of the sun room because my orchid keeps re-blooming as well.

  13. Glad the ice stayed away, and you missed the big snowstorms that lots of the country received! Your sunny Saturday run looks wonderful. So glad March is nearly here!

    1. The Saturday run was nice...gotta LOVE all that sunshine! It was a very nice surprise to not have all the ice that was expected.

  14. Oh, the Christmas cactus!! I'm a big fan. I've been looking for one since we moved to Ireland but they're probably not a thing here. :( I'm glad the weather didn't get as bad as expected for you! Here we have colder weather again and it looks like it will remain for weeks but it's not too bad.
    Congrats to your 100k cycling!!

    1. I've had Christmas Cactus plants in the past, but it's been several years. I love the bright colors of the blooms; they're so cheerful!

  15. I did exactly nothing for Fat Tuesday. I need to get back on my game. We had the opposite issue here: we went from chilly to hot as heck. Not a fan. Love that your plants are flourishing! Nice workouts this week.

    1. Seems like the weather has been crazy everywhere this year!

  16. I totally forgot it was even Fat Tuesday, so nothing happened for me. I'm impressed you got so much done before that early PT appointment! My house has turned in to a greenhouse as my son is in love with succulents. He does a really good job keeping them alive and thriving, which is much more than I have ever done with them!

  17. We had a weather rollercoaster last week too. It was almost 80 degrees on Thursday and then cold with snow flurries on Saturday. I've definitely enjoyed the warmer days here and there but they have been a tease, and now I'm ready for spring!
