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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Coffee Talk? Spring it on me!

Shall we gather? Over coffee? And have a chat session?

While I may not actually be drinking the real stuff (I prefer the foo-foo "poser" coffees, teas and lattes,  LOL), I'm always game for a get together. It's no secret I LOVE the aroma of coffee, though, and chatting with friends is a definite yes. Even if we have to do this virtually, I'm fine with that as well.

So, shall we? Grab your mug and let's talk...

If we were having a coffee talk...
I'd start with a summary of my February fitness. My running miles are on the upswing (even with a short month). More important than the number of miles, for myself at least, is how good those miles have felt. With the mild weather (in comparison to what February usually serves us), my walking increased substantially, though it's still well below what I'd like it to be. And, it's no surprise the biking (all indoors still) has dominated. Fingers crossed, I'll be hoping to get a few outdoor miles logged as the weather continues to warm up.

If we were having a coffee talk...
I'd express my absolute joy at having been reunited with the sunrise this past week! Being an early-riser most days, I don't get to see the sunrise on foot much during the colder months. Granted, I do get to see it on my drive to work, but it's just not the same as seeing it while out and about in the crisp air of the morning.

If we were having a coffee talk...
I'd share my excitement to be returning to the Leprechaun Chase 10K this weekend, in Omaha. I've done this race numerous times in Des Moines, but that venue was discontinued after the 2019 event. Thus, my free registration (an AG award from the 2019 Chase) was honored in Omaha in 2020 (recap HERE). I returned in 2021, but the race course was switched to a different locale (a nature preserve in  Papillion, NE) to allow for better social distancing (remember Covid?). I took a pass last year, so it's going to be fun to be (1) returning to Omaha, (2) donning my best St. Paddy's attire, and (3) pinning on my first race bib of 2023. Yes, I'm just a little bit excited.

after finishing the 2020 Chase

If we were having a coffee talk...
I'd tell you about a recent #FacePalm moment. It's a given I love my sunglasses. I wear them, more often than not, for most of my outdoor antics. Just this week, I had searched the house, high and low, for a pair of missing bright royal blue shades to no avail. I even conducted an in-depth investigation, through  recent pics, to jog my memory as to when I'd last worn them. Turns out, it was January 15th, when I'd gone for a group run while in Des Moines...and they were still in the pocket of the hot pink puffer vest. Whew! That was a mystery I was happy to solve!

Finally, if we were having a coffee talk...
I'd tell you about a recent change in my morning routine. For many years, I've been having my morning chai/cappuccino almost immediately following my morning workout. I'd assume the forearm plank position, and hold it while the chai heated in the microwave (2:30 minutes), and then sip the designated warm beverage while scrolling social media for a few minutes. I had an especially hurried morning recently (you know, pre-work PT sessions have been my gig in recent months). On a whim, I half-filled my travel mug with milk and set it in my car before getting ready for PT and my workday. Once at work, I added the remaining water and heated it in the breakroom microwave. PRESTO! A relaxing hot drink, while perusing the unread emails and task lists, was the perfect way to ease into my morning... from the comfort of my work station. Well, that new ritual has continued for a couple of weeks now. Don't worry, the daily planks are still happening (some in the morning, some over lunch, some after my workday ends), and I'm feeling much less rushed in getting out the door. Whodda thunk!  

Anyways, I've chatted enough, so I'll step aside and give you the floor.

What would you share if we were having a coffee talk? Do you drink your coffee (or morning beverage-of-choice) while still at home, or do you wait to savor it at work? Ever have a favorite item go missing, only to find it nestled away in a random pocket? Any St. Patrick's-themed races on the schedule? 

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. Where I drink my coffee depends upon how early I need to be at work! Have fun at your race! Can't believe St Patty's Day is almost here. Yay!

    1. I'm not sure how long this new coffee routine will last, but it's been a convenient time-saver.

  2. You know the list of my misplaced items and long and varied. :) I usually find said item -- eventually -- the only we thing we never found (which I didn't lose, btw) was the spare keys to my husband's car.

    Have fun at your race!

    Waiting to scroll the emails til you're at work is a fantastic idea. I do have a warm lemon water when I get up, usually followed by tea, but of course I don't usually have to be anywhere unless I'm going to see my mom.

    1. If I didn't do daily morning workouts, I'd have more time, but the early mornings are my prime time. It's worked out well saving the "coffee" for my work desk and has given me a good 20 extra minutes to primp for the day ;-)

  3. Yay for the return of sunshine! Have so much fun this weekend at your race. I was looking for my phone the other day all over and it was in my hand uh huh

    1. Oh have I missed my sunrise time! It felt so good to bet back outside in the early morning daylight (though I'll be losing it, temporarily, next weekend, LOL).

  4. I have my coffee as soon as I get up. If I work at home, that's it. If I go somewhere sometimes I stop for Starbucks.

    Normally yes yes St Patrick's races and dressing up... NOT THIS YEAR!! Boo Hoo.

    1. If I needed the caffeine boost, I'd definitely be drinking it immediately as well. For me, it's a little "chill before the day gets crazy" thing.

  5. Yay for the Leprechaun race!

    It takes me forever to drink a cup of coffee. I brew it first thing so that I can sip it during the rest breaks in my strength workouts, and then reheat it for breakfast. I usually haven't finished it by the time that work starts, so it's normal for me to get sucked into work, then remember that I have coffee, so I have to run downstairs to heat it up again. Sometimes it lasts quite a while into the work day.

    1. Yes, I'm excited to return to the Chase! I've only done the Omaha venue twice, but I think the Lads are in the lead with the most wins...

  6. I'm a coffee first thing in the morning kinda gal--so yes, I'm sipping as I read. Then I'll have a second, lol.

    Good luck at your race this weekend! I hope the weather behaves.

    1. The forecast is showing 50F with full sun. I think that's pretty close to perfection ;-)

  7. Ah, I love my morning tea so much! I almost always drink it at home but then bring along whatever I don't finish in a travel mug and finish it during my break at work. Your new system sounds like a win-win!
    Good luck on your race- it sounds fun and I'll be looking forward to the recap!

    1. It's nice to have a "wake-up and start the morning" routine ;-)

  8. Well, I told you my Gucci sunglasses story yesterday. And to anyone reading this comment, no they weren't my Gucci sunglasses. I'd loaned out my ski jacket and pants to a friend and YEARS later I found her sunglasses in the pocket.

    I know you're loving seeing the sunrise while out on your run. Gotta love these longer days!!!

    1. I just returned from seeing the sunrise on a walk ;-) YES, I SO love these longer days!!!

  9. Great job on your runs for February for it being so cold where you live. Goodluck on your Leprechaun 10k race coming up. I am debating to do a St Patty's race but may decide travel that weekend instead. I love drinking my morning coffee. I enjoy it much more when I am not rushing out the door, but half the time have to to drink it on the go.

    1. I like to savor the coffee (or hot beverage of choice). Before taking it to work with me, I always felt rushed. It just doesn't taste as good as I'm driving, either, so I'm glad I found a solution ;-)

  10. Ah the benefit of the run selfie - glad you found your sunglasses ;)

    It's great to hear that your miles are feeling good. I hope continues! Have so much fun at your race!

    1. Yes, all those run selfies really come in handy for this kind of investigative work!

  11. I am wearing all my lucky gear at my race tomorow. No St. Patrick's Day races for me this year. I usually drnk my coffee at home. Sometimes, I'll og out and get an iced coffee as a treat. I'm so glad you found your sunglasses! I hate losing things.

    1. These lost sunglasses were driving me crazy. What's really weird is that I hadn't "needed" them in all the time they were missing, but as soon as I wanted to wear them, I was in a panic.

  12. Yay for a race! Should be a fun one. I drink my coffee first thing in the morning while I check email and social media. I might have another later on in the day from McDonalds's or Dunkin Donuts.

  13. good stats for February Kim! well done! and good luck on your upcoming race. I have no races on the schedule thanks to the cough that stayed with me for 8 weeks (and is still trying to come back) but I have started finally doing a little bit of interval running to try and build back up. I always drink a double espresso in the morning, usually with my breakfast and then another one when I leave for the office (on my office days). I have another double at work but with a little milk and then i tend to switch to herbal tea. You don't want to know how often we drink coffee on WFH days... hey and about your sunglasses... at least you didn't find them on the top of your head! I couldn't find my watch anywhere last week and both Ron and I were searching EVERYWHERE. Welp. I was WEARING it... doh!!

    1. I had a friend, who one time started her car in the garage (to warm it up), then went back inside the house to look for her keys, LOL She was in a major panic, fearing carbon monoxide issues, while desperately searching for the missing keys.

  14. Oh, good luck with Leprechaun! If I started on coffee before I left home, I would always be late. Some days I do fix a to-go mug and have to have that first sip before I head out the door.

  15. You had a great month of workouts last month! And I hope you have a great race! I don't have any races lined up this spring, but I'm looking forward to building my base back up after the annoying PF I was dealing with the latter half of last year.

  16. My morning coffee is always my "reward" after my morning workout.... I loved your routine of sipping your chai while planking... but I can see how your new routine is fun, too :)
