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Thursday, August 31, 2023

A Late Summer Coffee Chat

It's been quite a summer, and August has been quite a month!

Pardon my sorrow, but I am a tad bit sad to see summer winding down. Even though the forecast is showing a grand return to more seasonal temps this next week, there's no denying what's to come afterwards. The dwindling daylight and cooler mornings have served me up a bitter taste of reality (aka fall, or "pre-winter," LOL). 

At least there will still be plenty of warm days to enjoy for the time being.

Nonetheless, August has come and gone and it's time for the monthly gathering, with mugs in hand, for some chatter. I have a few things to bring to the table (see what I did there?), so shall we get started?

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Holy Sweltering Sweatfest, Batman!

It's been said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Well, I say, "Go ahead and face the heat, and smile as you do so."

Yes, I completely acknowledge and accept that I'm in my own party with that notion, LOL. That being said, this past week was a hot one in Iowa! We had triple-digit feels-like temps, daily, that started Saturday (of last weekend), and the heat didn't break until Friday (overnight) of this week. Yes, I did get outside everyday, and I had the daily laundry to show for it...but at least it wasn't snowing. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

'Fessing & Sweating (not necessarily in that order)

Didn't we just gather 'round the 'fessional, like last week? 


I guess it's a good thing I've had a whirlwind of activity (and an overdose of fun) in the meantime. Seriously, I cannot complain. That being said, it does make the time go far too quickly. 

Alas, here we are. Shall I get this 'fession party started?

Monday, August 21, 2023

1,000 Days of Opting Outside

It all began on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 2020.

I was slated to start another Runner's World Winter Run Streak that very morning. The Run Streak officially starts on Thanksgiving Day (and goes through New Years Day), so I was primed and ready to go.

That particular run streak was going to be a significant one, due to the fact that I was just coming off a 2-month running sabbatical (recovering from my first-ever stress fracture). Like all run streaks, I'd planned to do my usual 3-4 runs per week, and then do a very easy-paced 1-mile run on all the days that would usually be non-running days. The big difference, that year, was that most of my "regular" runs would be short and easy-paced (no speedwork or long runs on the weekends) since I had to keep things very conservative on the recently recovered foot as I rebuilt my running base.

The run streak went off without a hitch, but then I got a wild idea once January 1, 2021 arrived...

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Where Did My Summer Go?

Suffice it to say that things were a bit out-of-sorts this week.

After a few weeks of outright denial, reality smacked me in the face. The sunrises (that I love so dearly)  are coming later and later, and the morning (and some of the evening) temps are on a downward spiral. These are all things I'd noticed, but they really became evident this week. Ugh...why, oh why, is the summer season so short in Iowa???

It wasn't just the seasonal shift in daylight and weather, though, that affected my livelihood. The Iowa State Fair was underway, and I simply had to make a trek (or two) to see the sights (and compromise my already-jacked sleep schedule). 

Alas, you only live once and I  believe in seizing each moment, day, and week whenever possible. So, that I did...

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Keeping At It; Keeping Fit!

You know how it is when there's nothing on the immediate (racing) calendar...

It can get a little tricky keeping busy with no upcoming races, but it can also be a fabulous time of carefree fitness. The trick is staying active, maintaining some (or most?) of your fitness and not overdoing it (much, LOL). 

Such has been my objective most of the summer, and this past week was no exception...

Thursday, August 10, 2023

For the love of the Bike


We all know that biking has pivoted to a prominent spot in my fitness regimen, right?

Believe me, it's a reality I never saw coming. I mean, I've been a runner for over 18 years now. How could something (anything) ever step into (let alone, share) the limelight?

Well, it happened, in a relatively short span of time. And, I'm ever grateful for the experience.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Keeping Things Light

Wow, how is it August? Already? Just...wow.

 After last week's crazy biking extravaganza antics, I thought it wise to keep things somewhat light this week. I eased-up on the biking miles, took a reprieve from focused lower-body strength, and tried (sometimes unsuccessfully, LOL) to get a little more sleep. 

Ironically, I have been noticing the daylight showing up a little later each morning (that's what happens when you're usually up and dressed before the sunrise). ((sigh))

Nonetheless, this week kept me on my toes as I kept my workouts fun and low-key, yet effective.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

A Sip of This; A Chat About That

July was a busy month in my little corner of the world, and that's just the way I like it. I also like gathering with friends, over coffee (or any beverage of choice) and having a feel-good chat session.

Honestly, is there anything better than time with friends, seated 'round a table, sharing laughter and lively conversation? I think not!

Alas, I'm feeling the need for some chatter and camaraderie. What ya say, shall we make it happen?

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

RAGBRAI "X3" - 2023 recap

It's been said that third time's a charm

Little did I know that phrase would ring true in terms of RAGBRAI and my participation in it. 

It's also been said go big or go home...so I did just that. You only live once, am I right?

Any regrets? None, whatsoever.