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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Keeping Things Light

Wow, how is it August? Already? Just...wow.

 After last week's crazy biking extravaganza antics, I thought it wise to keep things somewhat light this week. I eased-up on the biking miles, took a reprieve from focused lower-body strength, and tried (sometimes unsuccessfully, LOL) to get a little more sleep. 

Ironically, I have been noticing the daylight showing up a little later each morning (that's what happens when you're usually up and dressed before the sunrise). ((sigh))

Nonetheless, this week kept me on my toes as I kept my workouts fun and low-key, yet effective.

Before I delve into the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, as I did my best to keep things light and lively:

A no-frills Sunday.
After a rather long and eventful Saturday, I was due for a subdued day. I got out for a 2-mile walk in the early ours, and took another 2-mile walk around lunch. There may have even been a mid-morning nap, just saying.

Never miss a Monday.
The morning began with an early 2-mile walk with my sister. Then, on a whim, I decided to take  Gustavas (my mountain bike) out for a 5-mile sunrise ride. The weather was beautiful, so we got in both a mid-morning and mid-afternoon walk (two cumulative miles) at work.

That evening, I met-up with Allison and Barb, at 9:15, for our 28th full moon run. We really got lucky on this one! We took a chance on seeking the full moon a day (actually evening) early, and were not disappointed. After having an entire week off from running, my legs were full of all kinds of energy. Let's just say those five miles felt effortless, and leave it at that.

Taking-Things-Easy Tuesday.
Not much to say about this day...there was a 2-mile walk in the early hours, and a couple of 1-milers at work. Four total miles for the day. End of story.

Just another Wednesday...
Barb and I met at 5:00 for a very humid 5-mile run. This #5at5 was another great run, despite the damp air. My splits found themselves in a pyramid of paces (10:10, 10:18, 10:25, 10:16; 10:06), and not necessarily by design. I love it when the runs feel this good! There was a 2.5-mile walk in the evening, and I was finally able to do my first core workout since "the crash." My ribs are still not back to 100%, but they're feeling good.

An action-packed Thankful Thursday.
Another early morning wake-up, Thursday had me heading out for a 3.5-mile walk (virtually) with Deb. Boy, was it foggy! It looked like I was on the set of a B-rated horror movie, LOL. After a quick blow-dry of the hair, I hit the weights and did some upper-body strength work before hitting the shower and  heading to the office.  

After work, I met Amy at the bike path for our weekly hilly adventure out to the lake. It was a warm ride (84F), but the humidity wasn't too uncomfortable. Ironically, there wasn't much wind...and, I actually kind of missed it, LOL. It's a bear to fight, but it does bring some heat relief. This was our 14th bike path ride already this season. Sixteen miles done (and a very tired body), but I did a 2-mile recovery walk to stretch the legs afterwards.

Finally Friday!
Another low-key day, I got in a 2-mile walk before heading to work and a 1-mile walk, mid-morning.

Kind of a Super Saturday...
How does an 8-mile run sound for breakfast? I met Barb at 6:00, and we got it done. This was another run where things seemed to fall in place quite nicely. Apparently all that biking agrees with my legs, as did last week's sabbatical from running. After returning home, I cued up a couple of arms/shoulders workouts. Speaking of biking, I also saddled-up and got in a 20-mile ride, after lunch...you know, just because. I blame the beautiful weather!

and what's on deck for Sunday?
Well. the forecast is looking damp and stormy, so I don't know when I'll be getting outside (I'm approaching Day-1,000 of my #OptOutside streak), but I will make it happen. Tentatively, I'm planning on some indoor biking, via Peloton, in the morning and I'll take it from there.

So, I think I did an okay job of keeping things light, at least in respect to my "usual" routine. The running miles came in at 18 (but the bulk of those were from Saturday's run). Walking was respectable with 25 miles. Biking was a very conservative 41 miles this week, and I was alright with that. No focused lower-body work this week (other than Thursday's hilly bike ride), but the upper-body workouts were legit, and I'm glad to finally be back to doing core work! Those ribs are taking their sweet time in mending, just saying.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! It was a steamy day, so we needed to keep things easy-breezy and "flowy." That means a sleeveless top (you can't really tell from the pic, but it's linen...super light and comfy!). And a flower-patterned skirt? Yes, please!

So, that's another week all wrapped up and tied with a festive bow. Although it was another warm and humid week, it was substantially more comfortable than the week prior. That said, I will gladly deal with the heat (and humidity) of summer because we all know how much I detest the chill of winter. 

Your turn-
Tell me something great about your week? New fitness goals? Accomplishments? New training plan in the works? Any weekend racing? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I can't believe july is over either! Summer is flying by. You had a pretty active "light" week. Nice job on the 8 miler!

  2. Summer days are getting shorter for sure. That humidity is still sticking around though. Solid week of training and activity for you. I am just trying to get back on track post vacay :)

    1. I was glad to see (and feel, LOL) our humidity decrease. It's still present, but it's much more bearable.

  3. It's interesting how you did all those biking miles last week (and very little running) and this week had several runs where you felt great. Cross training definitely works!
    That foggy walk (with Deb) does look kind of sinister, ha ha. I hope the weather cooperates for you to get outside today! Somehow I'm sure you'll make it happen.

    1. I made it out for a 2-mile walk with my sister, and at our turn-around, the heavens opened and we got doused, LOL.

  4. I was so very grateful for the fall like weather this week! But yes I always notice as the daylight declines.

    Great job listening to your body, as always Kim!

    1. Thank you, Judy! I'm glad I took things easy (or easier!) last week.

  5. Alright, given that your biking decreased by almost 200 miles compared to last week we'll let you get away with calling this a light week lol. I'm debating whether I want to take a rest day or do some biking around the 'hood.

  6. Nice just giving your body a little break from your usual level of workouts. Don't you just love it when your legs feel so fresh after giving them a break (a break, HaHa considering how many miles you pedaled last week), but you know what I mean.

    1. I was really surprised how fresh my legs felt (regarding running) because they took a beating on all those hills, via RAGBRAI!

  7. I managed to do our running club's 4 mile club run on Tuesday for the first time since January (I do usually lead a 5k on a Tuesday and had done some 4 milers already but this felt special). Then did 4.5 miles all in one go on Thursday and added 3.4 to get a 12.5 mile week, again, my longest since January. I had a drop-back week the week before as I had a colonoscopy (all clear) and didn't feel like running, so am being careful with my increases. Love your work and pics this week.

    1. That's great your 4-miler went well! Sounds like a strong week as well, good job!

  8. Oh, getting ribs back to normal after a crash like that is so slow! I’m glad you’re somewhat back on track though and can do core work! I did some nice core work on Friday and feel like I’ve been in a crash, lol!
    I’m 100% with you when it comes to heat and humidity (whenever we have any)! Yay for summer!

    1. Yes, we gotta continue to celebrate summer because it's such a short season (at least in my corner of the world). These ribs, LOL...I knew it wouldn't be an overnight recovery, but seriously!

  9. It looks like you are back at it.

    Can't believe how active you were after all those biking miles.

    I oved the lack o f humidity last week... it seems to have returned and with rain.

    I do hate that we are losing daylight.

    1. The dwindling daylight is already noticeable...totally a bummer. I don't really notice it in the evening (yet), but it's pretty apparent on my 5:00AM mornings.

  10. We had much more temperate weather this week--I can't really complain, especially after sampling that Alabama heat and those real feels in the 100s! Looks like you got a lot in.

    1. It almost felt cold on a few mornings with the lower temps/humidity...thankfully, the seasonal temps were back by mid-day!

  11. I love that you're often breaking up your workouts in smaller (or not so small) chunks over the course of the day. I almost always do my workout block in one swoop... although sometimes I throw in an afternoon/evening walk or yoga class.

    1. If I had a bigger chunk of time in the mornings, I could do longer sessions. But, in all honesty, I like the 2-a-days...keeps the metabolism in check, LOL.

  12. What a great week! My running legs seem to react well to cycling, and I’d much rather ride in this heat than run!

    Love your Friday outfit!

    1. Oh I agree...riding in the heat is MUCH easier than running (says the gal who loves the heat). I was lucky regarding RAGBRAI for that evry reason...the extreme heat/humidity weren't really an issue for me at all since I was on the bike.

  13. I totally get how you would want to run & bike in the beautiful weather, and meeting up with friends is even better! Yay for getting back to the core work.

  14. I didn't realize your sister lives close, what fun to workout together!

    It must feel great to get back to your core work! glad you're fully healed Kim.

  15. The full moon run is a great idea. We will do it too.
    I appreciate that the summer days are getting shorter. Fall is my favorite season.
    Glad you can run/walk with your sister. Last week I made a workout with my son, I hope that he can follow a regular running routine.

  16. Even for a light week, you got a lot done in the fitness realm. Well done!

    We just kind of worked through getting home, and getting prepped for school. Just a few more days!

    So nice that you can work out with your sister. That must be great.

  17. great job Kim though not necessarily "light" in my book! haha! well if we were the same it would be boring now wouldn't it!? can I just say I was pretty proud to see a nap in all of that! Nice that the legs are feeling good and running well. More of those please, to share!

  18. Great job this week! I love how your "light" weeks (for you) are barely light for most people! How fun to get in a workout with your sister. And yes, I have the same question - where did summer go?!
