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Thursday, August 3, 2023

A Sip of This; A Chat About That

July was a busy month in my little corner of the world, and that's just the way I like it. I also like gathering with friends, over coffee (or any beverage of choice) and having a feel-good chat session.

Honestly, is there anything better than time with friends, seated 'round a table, sharing laughter and lively conversation? I think not!

Alas, I'm feeling the need for some chatter and camaraderie. What ya say, shall we make it happen?

First off, I'd ask how your July went...any fun fitness endeavors or accomplishments?  My July played-out quite nicely. The running miles weren't stellar, but they were decent considering I missed almost an entire week in the running shoes (due to RAGBRAI, last week).  Walking saw some substantial numbers...kind of bummed (but only just a little) that I missed the 100-mile mark by ONE mile. And, we all know biking was my dominant sport of choice as I rallied-back from June's mid-month bike crash. 

A July to remember

This week, we took a gamble and did our 28th Full Moon Run an evening early, on Monday.  Technically, the full moon was due to appear on Tuesday evening, but I had out-of-town plans and didn't know when I'd be getting back home. As luck would have it, we had a clear sky on Monday evening! Tuesday was cloudy, LOL, so we timed it right.

There it is!

Most know I succumbed to a little OCD with riding RAGBRAI last week. I stepped out of my comfort zone bubble, and rode not only two consecutive days, but I added a third "bonus" day to the mix as well. Saturday's ride came in just under 72 miles...and Garmin rewarded me with a new personal record! The thing is, I actually did a century ride last summer (recap HERE), almost exactly a year ago (which is a much bigger personal record, IMO). At that time, I'd only had my Garmin a few weeks, and hadn't yet figured out how to access the bike mode (#MyBad). In other words, those miles never showed on my Garmin stats (how's that for a first world prob, LOL?). A few days after that century ride, though, I had the bike mode up and functioning for Day-7 of RAGBRAI '22. Last year's Day-7  65.18 miles became the long-standing "personal record," that I bested on Day-7 of this year.  

new record, according to "recorded" Garmin workouts

Speaking of RAGBRAI, I still haven't (yet, LOL) gotten an official bike jersey commemorating the 50th year of the event. That said, I caved, while on Wednesday's ride, and bought a patriotic-themed jersey from a bike shop as we were passing through Ankeny. What can I say? I didn't have such a jersey in my biking wardrobe, and (for $45) it was a steal. 

Finally, with all the biking that's been happening, my feet have a pretty funky "biker's tan" going on. Yes, I use sunscreen, but I guess my feet are still getting hit with ample sunshine, LOL. 

this pic doesn't do those tan lines justice, just saying...

Anyways, if we were gathered together and chatting, those are a few things I'd bring to the table.

How about you? Any news to share? Did your July play-out nicely? 

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. Congrats again on your Ragbrai accomplishment looks like your July was very successful and active!

    1. Thanks, Deborah! The Ragbrai gig was really a lot of fun...it was a great challenge!

  2. Your biking miles this month are amazing! I’m so glad you enjoyed RAGBRAI. I’ve never done such long rides in a row but it sounds like an adventure.

    Love the jersey!

    1. I forgot to mention n my recap (from Tuesday), the route this year was longer than usual...over 500 miles! There were several 80+ mile days, and it was very hilly as well.

  3. Looks like a busy and fun month for you, and you've got the tan lines to show for it! Haha! Love the new bike jersey!

  4. Great job with all the biking, plus other activities, too! Sunscreen doesn't necessarily prevent tanning! I have tan marks on my arms -- from wearing a short sleeve tee over my tank when walking -- to save me from too much sun, LOL!

    1. Oh I know the sunscreen is just a buffer...I was just surprised how much sun my feet got, though!

  5. I don't think that there is any amount of sunscreen that can stop your feet from getting bronzed. I've learned the hard way that I'm better off wearing sneakers while walking the dog and taking walks around the hood. The rest of my summer life is spent in sandals of course.

    Now that I'm not running, my farmer's tan is quite a bit different. It went from a hard line from my short sleeves to a "bathing suit" shaped tan after vacation. In past years it was always "tank top" shaped.

    1. I also have a weird Garmin tan line on my right wrist. There's a "top" line, but the bottom line (near my wrist bone) is very subtle, almost indistinguishable.

  6. LOl on your feet. My outdoor activities are mostly running so my legs are tanner than my feet.

    You had quite a busy month especially with all that biking.

    I started marathon training in July so I've been consistent with my running... and even going to the gym and adding some hiking.

    1. Well, my thighs are more tan than my shins, LOL...they got a lot more direct sun than the lower part of my legs. The tan lines are crazy!

  7. Well, your tan lines are better than mine! I have sock tan lines which are the worst.
    Sounds like a great month. It’s fun (and good for you) to mix things up- more biking one month, more running another month, etc. I can’t wait to see what august brings for you!

    1. So may cyclists wear crew-length socks...I'm sure their tan lines are really obnoxious!

  8. I have given up worrying about tan lines. It's just not worth it. Sounds like a great July. We had some fun travels and made some great memories, so that makes me happy.

  9. I can relate to your feet. Sometimes I wear sandals (Birkenstock) and now can see my tan lines. The weird thing is that I am not outside that long enough to get tan lines. I am again impressed with our stats! Bummer on that one mile for walking.

  10. I like your new patriotic jersey! Not sure why I don't have any tank style jerseys.

  11. It sounds like you had a great month, wow to those biking miles! That is such a nice jersey! It's funny that you talked about your stats because I just found my PR's on my Garmin watch and it was funny to see them there, knowing that there had to be some other ones that were on my old Nike+ watch haha!

  12. My husband did RAGBRAI this year too. Last year was his first time doing it and this year was much tougher for him (the temps were higher this year). You never think of Iowa as being hilly until you ride RAGBRAI! Congratulations to you-it's a tough week!
