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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Runs & Winds & Spooks - Oh My!

Maybe Momma N was doing me a favor?

I mean, she blessed me (and the state of  Iowa, LOL) with somewhat mild temps this week, but she held nothing back on the wind. I was able to get in a few decent runs, but there was zilch in terms of any possibilities of outdoor cycling. Even my walking game was compromised due to the damp (and did I mention windy?) conditions while at work.

Apparently, this was meant to be a good week for a little more recovery. 

So that's what happened...

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Falling Into Some 'Fessions

 ...and just like that, we're back at the 'fessional.

You know how it goes...the sun comes up, the sun goes down. Weeks pass. Things happen. And we get the opportunity to 'fess-up and move on. 

It's all good.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Spooky Sprint 10K: Race Recap

Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow...

Such was the case for my (almost) last-minute decision to run the Spooky Sprint 10K, in Des Moines, this past weekend. It proved to be a great lesson in making the best of any (less-than-ideal) situation and not stressing (much) over that which you have no control. Also, it was an opportune time to relish what we can do to make a frustrating situation much better. 

That being said, one of the many benefits of running, is that it serves us well as a stress-reliever, especially in the moment!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Recovering? Like a BOSS!

...and, just like that, I was back in recovery mode.

Funny, it seems like it hasn't been that long since my last long-distance race (DAM to DSM Half Marathon, early June). Apparently time flies when you're having fun.

So, this week was all about respecting the recovery. I'd trained. I'd tapered diligently. The race had gone well. Now, it was time for the final piece of the puzzle...recovery.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

That Post-Goal-Race Reality

Sometimes, reality bites. Other times, it feels just right.

Having just finished my seasonal goal race, the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon (recap HERE), I'm enjoying an engulfing tide of relief, along with a few remaining post-race endorphins. It's a rather euphoric ride, I must say.

But where do we go from here? 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

IMT Des Moines Half Marathon - 2023 recap

Maybe it was the intrigue of redemption. 

Or, it could have been a long-standing loyalty. 

Perhaps a little of both?

Whatever the reason, The IMT Des Moines Marathon weekend is one that I cannot stay away from.  

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Taking the Taper Seriously


Another week, another seven days of taper.

What can I say? We all know the benefits to a proper taper prior to race day. 

Without much on the racing roster this fall, I had ample opportunity to thoroughly embrace this taper, and really pay it due respect. Gotta admit, though, the compromised weather definitely helped, LOL. Cool temps, windy temps, damp temps...all made it easy to opt inside and not overdo any of my usual outdoor fitness this week. That was definitely a good thing!

Monday, October 9, 2023

Weekly Progression Runs: A Game Changer?

Kind of by accident, it seems I may have upped my training game.

My Never-Miss-a-Monday runs are something I hold pretty sacred in my routine. I can't even remember when they became a constant, but it's been awhile. They happen every week. Sometimes before the sunrise, sometimes after work. They have even happened following a Sunday marathon. 

No excuses, they just happen.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Bankin' the Taper

Taper. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

With the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon one week out (as this post goes live), this past week was Week-1 of my taper. I use the word taper quite loosely, though, since I'm kinda/sorta always in somewhat of a 13.1 condition (at least this time of year). That being said, this week I made a concerted effort to take the taper seriously in terms of scaled-back mileage, lighter strength-training, and extra ZZZ's.

Gotta say I'm pretty happy with how things played out...

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Coffee Catch-Up

Low and behold, it's already that time of the month. Time for a coffee catch-up, that is.

You know the drill...we all gather (virtually) around a (virtual) table and have some (virtual) chatter. It's crazy that September is in the rearview mirror and October '23 is already a week old. Time flies, right?

So, grab your favorite mug, cup, water bottle or stein, and let's have at it. I've got a few things to share with you all, so what say we get this party started.?