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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Recovering? Like a BOSS!

...and, just like that, I was back in recovery mode.

Funny, it seems like it hasn't been that long since my last long-distance race (DAM to DSM Half Marathon, early June). Apparently time flies when you're having fun.

So, this week was all about respecting the recovery. I'd trained. I'd tapered diligently. The race had gone well. Now, it was time for the final piece of the puzzle...recovery.

Before I disclose all (or most) of the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, as I rode the wave of recovery...

Sunday - Race Day!
This was my 10th time running the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon, though I've made numerous appearances during Marathon weekend for other events as well. The full recap is HERE, but suffice it to say the weather was ideal, the sun was bright, my body felt great, and I was able to run my fastest 13.1 since the Red Shoe Half Marathon (May 2016). My 9:05 pace would have secured a sub-2 hour finish, except the course ran a bit long (13.29 miles according to my Garmin). Granted, some of that was on me, but I have heard from others who also had the same distance show on their timing devices. Oh well. I know what I ran, and that will have to do (even if my official finish time shows 2:00:37). A buzzkill, but not a deal-breaker.

Never Miss a Monday!
I was feeling pretty tired and very stiff after the race, so I opted for some easy indoor cycling (eight miles) upon wake-up. I may have slept-in (ever-so-slightly) as well.

After work, the temps had warmed up and the sun was beckoning. My legs had basked in 30ish hours of recovery time, so I hit the road for a couple easy-paced miles. I've said it numerous times, recovery runs really work like magic for me. My legs appreciate the movement, no matter how slow or short the run is. After the run, I continued with a 2-mile walk back home.

Tuesday - Taking it easy
Oops! Another slight sleep-in left me with limited time before work. I kept things low-key with some trigger-point massaging, via the trusty Theragun Mini. I got in a couple of 1-mile walks at work, and another 2-mile walk after work. And nothing else (except for my daily core work in the evening).

Double Workout Wednesday
I seldom, like almost never, fallback to sleep after my alarm (because I usually wake-up before it goes off). Let's just say Wednesday's #5at5 became a #5at507. I re-awoke at 4:48 and was dressed and out the door by 5:07, and that included brushing my teeth and letting Max out quickly. A bonus? We beat the morning rain! After work, the weather was cold and damp, so I summoned the spin bike (again) for 10 miles and did some upper-body strength work.

Thankful Thursday
Believe it or not, I had another sleep-in, LOL. Obviously, my body was needing the extra ZZZ's, so no guilt and no regrets. I had time for a quick 1-mile walk before getting ready for work. Later, it was another evening with 10-miles on the spin bike, and a 2-mile walk under the stars afterwards. Total tranquility!

Friday - Feeling good; feeling fine
I wanted to get in a short run. I had seen the afternoon temps would be summer-like, so I made a command decision to save that for after work. It had been several months (sometime back in the spring?) since I'd been on the elliptical...so, no time like the present. Twenty minutes of cardio fun (supposedly three miles), and all was well. 

As forecasted, the afternoon temps were absolutely beautiful! I wasted no time in changing into the running gear, after work, and headed out for four miles in the summer-like temps. Can you say it with me, "Ahhhhh..."

A simple Saturday (sort of)
With a 10K race on deck for Sunday, and a busy day of football happening in the afternoon, my time was somewhat limited. I also (yet again) allowed myself some sleeping-in. I got out for a fast-paced 2-mile walk (14:54 pace) and did a short arms/shoulders workout (via Peloton). Then, off to Iowa City (walking, walking, and even more walking)!

...and what's happening on Sunday?
Yes, another race is happening! This was a spontaneous registration, but I'm doing the 10K at the Spooky Sprint in Des Moines. It's a new-to-me event, and it looks like the race course encompasses some of the IMT DSM route. I figured, my body is already in condition and I've had a week of recovery...so why not?

All in all, I'd call this recovery week a  success. I had a lot more sleep-ins than ever before, and I even had some short intermittent naps. I also took a pass on several opportunities to add "bonus" workouts to my days. The running miles came in at 24 (technically 24.3, LOL), but 13.29 of those were from Sunday's race. Walking was very conservative (I blame the weather), with 14ish miles. And biking took a hit, as well, with a measly 28 miles in the saddle (all indoors). But, I'm feeling good and well-rested...and ready to dive back into my regularly scheduled program. Onward!

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. It's no secret I'm a fan of pink and leopard print, so they might as well be friends. Besides, I think the pink and brown color combo is legit.

Lastly, I need to give a shout-out to my alma mater. Did you hear about the Crossover at Kinnick? Last Sunday (October 15th) was the first such endeavor, and it was a huge success! The University of Iowa women's basketball team has made quite a name for themselves, these past two seasons, and they outdid themselves with this unique event. A basketball court was (temporarily) installed at Kinnick Stadium, and the women's team played an exhibition game against DePaul...and all the proceeds went to the Stead Family Children's Hospital. They even did the Wave between the 1st and 2nd quarters of the game (just like on football game days)! To say I'm proud to be a Hawkeye is a huge understatement!

So, that's what went down last week for me. Fun, fitness, recovery...yadda yadda yadda.

How was your week? Any races run, or are you training for any upcoming events? Fall weather, or did you get a sweet summer-like encore over the weekend? 

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  1. Congrats on your speedy half marathon! That had to feel good. It sounds like your recovery went well. Good luck on your race today!

    1. The half marathon felt great! I was long overdue for one of those ;-)

  2. Wow I love the pink dress!! It's so cute. Hope your recovery goes well!

  3. Congrats on your half and good luck on your 5K today!

    I think it’s normal for a Garmin to measure longer than a race. First, Garmins are not THAT accurate — if you blow up your map you will see that. Second, the course is measured along the shortest possible distance—taking corners as close as possible, etc.—and you just can’t run that way. I often notice that my Garmin beeps for a mile before I hit the mile spilt clock on a race course.

    1. Agreed, my Garmin seldom shows a perfect distance, but this was way off (and it was for many others, even full marathoners).

  4. Sleeping in when your body craves it always pays off. Nice recovery week and have fun today

  5. Nice job recovering & hope today's race is fantastic!

    After one night awake for a while after a pitstop in the night, when I finally fell back asleep I slept almost to 7! That is totally unheard of for me.

    1. I hear that! I seldom ever sleep past 5:30, so this was out of my norm ;-)

  6. I'm still kind of mad on your behalf about the long race course- but I'll try to get over it! Sounds like you had a perfect week of recovery. No, I did not hear about the Crossover at Kinnick, but my daughter keeps telling me I need to watch more women's sports- so I obviously have to get into women's basketball!
    I hope the race went well! Looking forward to a recap.

    1. Ha ha! Thanks for the sympathy anger ;-) I don't follow women's sports much, either...but these Iowa women have really turned up the heat! Their entire season sold-out almost with a few days (a few months ago), so the tickets are almost impossible to score now for their home games.

  7. Congrats on your half marathon, but what a bummer that the course ran long and you didn't get officially get that sub 2-hour time. I hope today's race went well and you had lots of fun!

    How cool that the Iowa women's basketball team played DePaul in Kinnick Stadium, and that the proceeds went to the Stead Family Children's Hospital. I love when schools do things like that!

    1. I'm really bummed I didn't go to the Crossover game! It looked like such a neat event and it got a lot of press coverage ;-)

  8. I hate to say that it is rare that a half measures 13.1 on your Garmin. If it certified then it is accurate. The garmin won't often match. I think you did great... I can't imagine those times anymore. I'm ok with getting older and slower as long as I am healthy.

    Hope you had fun today... you recovered quickly.

    1. Oh I know the Garmin will seldom agree with the race course distance. This was just such an extreme difference it was crazy (for me and others). Like I said, I'm just really happy with my pace (regardless of what my official time says, LOL).

  9. Nice job with recovery Kim! I hope you had a blast at the spooky 10k!

    1. Thanks, Jessie! Recovery felt great ;-) Today's Spooky 10K was most interesting....

  10. Congrats to the half marathon almost PB! And I hope your spooky 10k was as fun as it sounds.
    You must have needed some extra sleep after your race! Sounds like a good recovery week for you and how nice to get some summer weather back!

    1. Yes, the brief return of summer weather has been wonderful!!

  11. Gotta say, that's a quick turnaround to get out the door - but I'm even more impressed that you brush your teeth before your run. I runfess that I never brush mine before I run, even if I am meeting someone for my run! I wait until after my 2nd breakfast :) Hope you had a fun race today!

    1. Haha, I have to brush my teeth almost immediately after I get out of bed, LOL.I don't usually have breakfast until around 9:00 or 9:30 at my work desk, but will sometimes brush again after that.

  12. Well done on a super half and a good recovery: I never feel guilty for a lie-in as, like you, I'm an early riser naturally, so if I need to sleep, I need to sleep. Have fun with your upcoming race!

  13. Congrats on two great races! Way to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs. How fun is that basketball game?!

  14. Congratulations on an awesome race! I love when everything just falls into place! That pink and leopard is the perfect fall combo and it looks great on you. I know you have been loving this weather and I'm so happy you're getting to enjoy it. I have a race in two weeks and I'm so excited!
