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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Whoa, Winter! Not So Fast!

Despite the calendar still showing Fall (for another four weeks!), it feels like Winter staged an early arrival.

It's no secret how I really feel about the cold weather. Yet again, Momma N seems to have dumped the frigid temps, and unrelenting wind on us, without a gradual transition period. Lucky us!

I guess it's all good, though not ideal. I mean, it's not like Winter wasn't due to arrive eventually...

Before I share all the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little (suddenly cold) world:

A low-impact Sunday
The morning started with a 25-mile endeavor on the indoor bike, and ended with a 2-mile power walk through my hilly 'hood in the evening. Oh, and there was a bit of errand-running, a coffee chat, shuttling the granddog back to town, and some basketball watching in between.

A damp never-miss-a-Monday
Ugh, the early hours were not only dark, but also quite damp. I opted to keep it inside and knocked-out three miles (or thereabouts) in 20 minutes on the elliptical.

I met Barb, after work, for four miles in the "light" rain. It wasn't cold, so there's that, but it most definitely was very wet. I also did a short core workout, once back inside.

A low-key Tuesday
A short walk amongst all the newly fallen leaves, and then off to the office for a half-day. I scooted out, after lunch, and spent the afternoon volunteering at the Des Moines Turkey Trot packet pick-up. It was non-stop action until my shift ended at 6PM. So many DSM trotters getting their gear for the DSM Trot. I heard there were 5,800 registered for the race!

After a nice dinner, I cued-up a couple of upper-body workouts when I got back home.

The coldest #5at5 of the season for Wednesday
Holy Yikes, just like that, the winter season felt like it was in full swing. I met Allison in the early hours, and those five miles were crazy cold! After dinner, I cranked out 12 miles on the bike and started my (hopeful) streak of daily wall sits and side planking (to coincide with the RW Winter Run Streak). 

Celebrating all things thankful!
Thursday morning had me out of bed, in the early hours, prepping the turkey and potatoes, then heading to our local turkey trot at 8AM. This was the 12th year of our local Trot, and we had (what looked like) our biggest attendance yet despite the cold and windy weather. Thankfully, the sunshine was ever-so-bright! Afterwards, it was a full day of food, family and fun.

Black Friday fitness fun
Another cold morning, I was glad I was only doing a 1-mile run. After returning to the warmth of my house, I camped-out in the sweat den down under (ahem, my basement) and did some arms and shoulders strength, Barre, and core work. Then, it was Hawkeye football and Phase-1 of Christmas decorating.

A slow-start Saturday
Nothing wrong with a sleep-in, right? I was dreading looking out the window, but didn't see any of the white stuff that had been talked about in the forecast. And, get this, it was 28F, with NO WIND! That's a rarity in Iowa, LOL! I decided to do a brick workout...5.5 miles on the bike, 2 miles of running, and then 5.5 more miles on the bike.

and what's on deck for Sunday?
Another cold day is in the forecast (also showing more of the white stuff). I'll probably be on the bike at some point, and I'll venture outdoors for a brief streak run. Nothing too grandiose.

All in all, it was a decent week. As most know, it's time for the Runner's World Winter Run Streak. I actually started a day early, due to the #5at5 on Wednesday. Running saw 15 miles this week. Biking had 48 miles in the saddle. Walking, ugh, was pathetic...only three "official" walking miles. Lots of good strength work, though, and I'm getting in daily wall sits and side planks now as well (a new nuance to my  running streak). 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. How about a Back in Black theme? After all, (1) it's a theme song for my Iowa Hawkeyes, (2) it's Black Friday, and (3) a chilly day warrants a (black leather) jacket. BTW, the Hawks defeated Nebraska (in Lincoln) to end with a 10-2 season and officially claim the Big 10 West title.

In case you missed my Runfessions post, I shared a pic from our local turkey trot (now in its 12th year). It was a bitterly cold day, but we had an awesome turnout, possibly the biggest showing of participants yet. 

So, that's the latest. As I mentioned, the weather definitely has turned winter-like. It was bound to happen, so it is what it is. I'm glad I'm #IowaTough.

How was your week? Any big Thanksgiving gatherings? Turkey trotting? Cold weather?

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  1. Boo to cold, winterish weather, but nice job getting it all in nonetheless. Way to go getting in a Turkey Trot AND preparing your Thanksgiving feast! You are an inspiration !

    1. Thanks! Yes, Thanksgiving Day was a bit busy, but it was a fun rise-to-the-occasion feat, LOL!

  2. Despite the cold you are working hard: brava!
    Here cold has come with strong winds from north; for this reason now my runs begin at 10:00 a.m.
    I like to run under a light rain as you did.

    1. I'm not necessarily a fan of running in the rain, no matter how "light" it is...but it can be manageable of it's not too cold or windy. It beats running on a treadmill anyways!

  3. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving! Nice work! And we're getting snow today...

    1. Yeah, the forecasted snow was waiting for me this morning. Most of the streets were clear by mid-morning, though, so it wasn't too much of a problem. Just cold and windy....

  4. Sounds like our weather was pretty much the same. We did have snow & ice on Friday? I forget. It didn't take too long to melt and we had nowhere to be. Great week as always, Kim!

    1. Knock wood, no ice yet. but there was a bit of snow on the ground this morning.

  5. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving and a fun turkey trot. It did get really cold this weekend into the 20’s this morning but I guess that is expected. Time to pull out the jackets!

    1. Oh yes, I'm in the jackets and thermal base layers ;-) And the "thick" gloves.

  6. Brrr, on that cold Thanksgiving morning turkey trot, but it looks like you had a great turnout! How many of you were there for the first year?

    BTW, your 3 miles of walking for the week were still more than my 2.75! LOL Just goes to show how busy we both were.

    Have fun streaking!

    1. I think we had maybe 20-25 the first year (?), but we had easily over 100 this year, maybe closer to 150. I didn't realize how little walking I had done until I was looking over my daily stuff...I blame the cold weather and busy stuff...

  7. Oh, brrr! That does sound COLD. Let's see... the "feels like" temp was 88 when I finished my run today (PLEASE send some cold air our way!!!)
    Sounds like you had a good week and a fun Thanksgiving. Congrats to your Hawkeyes! Ahem... let us not speak about certain "other" college teams (sob.)
    Good luck with your streak!

    1. I would gladly swap weather with you, hands-down, with NO regrets, LOL!

  8. Not a fan of the cold weather but it will not keep me indoors.

    Good luck with your streak.

    1. I agree...I hate the cold, but not enough to stay cooped-up inside.

  9. That cold weather is starting to creep in here too - I'm just not ready to see snow yet!
    I was wondering if you were going to do the RW streak again - good luck!

    1. Ugh, the snow! It does look pretty (like, on Day-1), but it quickly wears out its welcome...

  10. Ugh, sorry to hear about winter’s arrival. And the threat of white stuff… eeew.
    Sounds like you had a good week and a good Thanksgiving anyway. Wall sits are savage!! I did a lot of them during my injury. Lots of mental training there!
    The weather has been quite decent here this week. Wind but ok-ish temps and even some sunshine now and then. Enjoy your streak!

  11. Sounds like a wonderful week, in spite of the winter weather! we had dinner reservations, so no cooking here. But we absolutely did the turkey trot, which was a huge win!

    I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  12. Love all the colors, especially as mama nature turns shades of grey and white. Congratulations on solid workouts and a fun Thanksgiivng.


  13. what a fun filled Thanksgiving week! I love your turkey troy hat. Good luck on the streak!

  14. Bummer, it seems Google ate my comment when I deleted my old account...
    Looks like you had a good week despite the arrival of winter. As you know I'm not a fan of cold weather either. We've had quite good temperatures here but now, mother N decided to changed her mind about that... it was good for a walk today though as there was also a nice sunshine.
