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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Brrrrring on the Biking!

Suffice it say Momma N had some winter wrath to dispel this week, and she did not hold back.

I know, I know...she has spared us plenty of crazy weather, thus far, this typically cold season. We all knew the real winter would eventually be making its arrival, but this grand entrance was quite  unnecessary (and, dare I say, ridiculous).

Although things were a bit precarious with (outdoor) running this week, this gave me ample opportunity to embrace all things biking (indoor, that is). Oh, and there were oodles (upon oodles) of hours of shovel time...

Before I share the deets of the crazy week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!     

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, amidst the less-than-stellar circumstances:

Sunday's kickstart to the week:
It had been awhile since I'd done a long ride inside, so I remedied that situation with a mid-morning 20-miler. I also got out for a 2-mile walk after lunch.

Never miss a Monday (especially when there's a nasty forecast)
There was all kinds of chatter of an impending storm, with all kinds of the white stuff (that shall not be named). I didn't feel like chancing anything (with the weather or road conditions), so I drove over to the college campus and ran two miles on the safe (well-lit, dry and non-slick) sidewalks. After work, I did some upper-body strength and core work as the white stuff made its first major appearance of the season. Later, in the evening, I opted to get a head start on shoveling (30 minutes).

Tuesday - the unofficial First Day of Winter
First thing, out of bed, I layered up and hit the driveway for 45 minutes of shoveling action. Oh, did I mention my arms and shoulders? Major DOMS (from Monday's shoveling? or that evening's strength workout? or both?), combined with 20 minutes on the elliptical, had me seriously questioning my Tuesday morning decisions. I also added 30 more minutes of shoveling over my lunch hour, and 45 "bonus" minutes after work. Doing the math, that's 2-1/2 hours of shoveling in less than 24 hours (including Monday's 30 minutes). Let me add, this wasn't the pretty, fluffy kind of snow; it was the wet and heavy species.

It was estimated we got over 12 inches of snow. Ugh. Too risky to run in the dark early hours, so I hopped on the bike for 15 miles and did some arms/shoulders strength (as if they hadn't already seen enough action, LOL). Driving to work was a nightmare with all the refrozen slush and piles of snow everywhere.

By end-of-day, most of the streets were in much better condition. There was another big storm due to hit sometime Thursday evening (seriously???). I had ample daylight after work, so I thought it best to capitalize on the temporary mild weather conditions and run a couple miles. Then I spent another 45 minutes shoveling (trust me, there was still plenty of snow to be dealt with).

Thankful Thursday...
With all the heavy (snow) lifting I'd done, I just wasn't "feeling" any additional strength work (plus, I knew there would be more shoveling after this next storm hit). Instead, I spent 30-ish minutes on the elliptical (in the early morning), and got out for a quick 1-mile walk over lunch.

A no-frills Friday
Thursday evening's snow was a few hours late arriving, but it showed up with a vengeance. In anticipation of the storm, I'd brought all my work gear home with me (as did most of my co-workers). I started the day on the bike (six miles, title pic), but felt obligated to to snag an outdoor selfie in the blustery wind (and already drifting snow) before logging-on for work. 

Friday's shoveling included:
*60 minutes, over lunch
*15 minutes, over my mid-afternoon break
*90 minutes, after logging-off for the day
*15 cumulative minutes, intermittent shoveling/re-shoveling Max's business loop (see below)

Sort of a Stuck Inside Saturday
The winter fun continued, with 45ish minutes of shoveling "boot camp," followed by 20 miles on the bike. Ironically, the biking served both as a cool-down (from the shoveling antics) AND also a warm-up (from the cold weather conditions). After a quick trip for groceries, I was pretty much in for the day.
...and what's happening on Sunday?
The forecast is showing very similar weather, but with some sunshine. I'm thinking I'm due for a good stair workout in the morning (and maybe a little more biking). There will probably be some continued shoveling, but I'm also hopeful I can bundle-up and go for a walk. Staying inside, no matter how cold, is just not my gig.

So, about this week... obviously, running was a low-priority thing (four miles, thank you very much). The extreme weather didn't make for safe conditions, and I needed to focus on snow removal. Walking was a bit dismal as well (three miles). Biking, though, came through and served me well with 61 miles in the saddle. As for all the shoveling? How do 7+ cumulative hours sound? Some major upper-body strength was knocked-out in the process, and some pretty good cardio as well (can you say snow removal DOMS?). Sure, I could have hired it out, but it's rather empowering doing hard things all on your own. No regrets!

In case you missed out, all that went down on the blog was last week's WRD:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. My go-to accessory for Friday's fashion post? The shovel! I also utilized the concepts of layering, bright colors, and eye protection. Honestly, you gotta have a sense of humor or this insane weather will drive you crazy. We were probably already at 14 inches of the white stuff before all the new "fluff" arrived on the scene, and I'm guessing that amount was easily doubled by the weekend.

This week's weather was so CrAzY! I measured the snow depth on the deck, around noon on Tuesday, and we were just under 10 inches at that point. By end of day, we were over the 12-nch mark. Ugh, and it just didn't end there...

Every winter, I shovel a "business loop" for Max, in the backyard. It's a path through the snow on the deck, and then a small circle on the ground. His short legs just can't navigate the deep snow, LOL. This pic is from Tuesday evening, and now the snow is higher than him.

Ironically, the 100K Step Badge popped up during Tuesday's evening shovel shift. I guess if I'm not getting my steps in from running or walking, at least all the shoveling is counting for something.

So, yeah. Although the running and walking were lacking this week, the daily #OptOutside streak continued, and has been well documented, via my driveway.  

Enough about me...how was your week? Did any crazy weather hit your area? Any outdoor fitness action, or did it get too treacherous? 

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  1. We were twinning with our weather last week! Now it's the cold and the wind. I keep telling myself to just suck it up and go, but that wind is holding me back (literally and figuratively). Stay safe!

    1. The wind is insane! Those sub-ZERO temps are brutal on their own, they don't need the wind magnifying their impact. At least we have lots of sunshine today, so that's a nice change.

  2. You definitely got hit with winter this week! We will never get snow like that here but the wind has been in full force. Shoveling is so hard and yes, quite a workout. Good thing you have lots of indoor options too

    1. I could not believe how sore I was from shoveling! My arms and shoulders were so trashed, it hurt to hold my toothbrush, let alone actually lift it and move it, LOL.

  3. That is a LOT of shoveling, and heavy wet snow is the worst ( our storm was much less, and fluffy). It's most definitely a workout and I've been there, done that and am not at all sorry it bypassed us.

    Yup, that's plenty of exercise for one week!

    1. Thankfully, the heavy wet snow was just on Tuesday...but it was plentiful!

  4. You did some long indoor rides! I think did a 60 min ride once. ;-)
    They said we might see snow this morning, but I see blue skies. It’s windy and cold (for us) though.

    1. The long indoor rides are manageable, but (no surprise) I'd much rather be outside. Nonetheless, I'm grateful to have the spin bike as an option this time of year.

  5. Oh no, not the S word! So far we have cold and ice with just a dusting of the white stuff. I got one hike from my winter hiking challenge before it got bad and that's going to be all she wrote until the temperature gets back to double digits.

    Weather like this is perfect...for working up a sweat indoors and then going out to take a selfie! Plus shoveling is always a great workout!

    1. Well, we all know I have the patent for outdoor selfies-following-indoor-workouts ;-) There's probably going to be several more of them this week...

  6. Happy that our snow melted quickly and that y hubby uses the snow blower.

    The weather hasn't impacted me yet since I was injured. Hope to start running consistently outdoors soon ad I'll be swearing.

    1. Our snow will be here for awhile. Although it looks like we'll be approaching the above-freezing mark, it won't be for long. At least we'll be above ZERO ;-)

  7. Well, you've cured me of any desire to move out of Florida. I remember shoveling snow and I don't miss it one bit. In spite of it all you had an active week! We were staying at a hotel this week and I frequently took the stairs (because the elevator was so slow.) Every time I climbed the stairs I thought of you- except the hotel stairway smelled really bad, ha ha, so I was glad I wasn't trying to do a workout!

    1. Way to go on the stairway! Believe me, it's weather like this that has me questioning my living here, LOL!

  8. Whoa, some crazy weather!!! It's been cold here but we're not even close to having anything like that - thank goodness! Good to hear you're getting at least some sunshine. And you found lots of good ways to be active indoors (and functional training with the shovel). The only real outdoor activity I've done this week myself was the Saturday walk.

    1. My outdoor activity (shoveling, LOL) was over-the-top excessive this last week. I'm glad I'm in decent physical shape, but still. Enough already!

  9. Goodness that's a lot of shovelling. Glad again we live somewhere mild. Well done for keeping so active.

    1. I think that was more shoveling, in six days, than I've done my entire lifetime. I don't mind the activity itself, but it was a bit excessive (not to mention the crazy temps and the wind).

  10. You really got hit with winter weather - that's a lot of shoveling! Our snow came and went thanks to the driving rain we had, but of course as I type this, it has started snowing again!

    1. I think we're done with snow/precip for awhile (fingers crossed!), but the cold temps are here for the week. At least there are some sunny days in the forecast (fingers crossed for those as well!).

  11. Good grief, that is a lot of snow! you rock, shoveling it all! so impressive!

    1. I have even been shoveling left-handed, you know, just to "even" things out, LOL. My sense of humor has really been tested with this insane weather...

  12. Although we didn't get snow, we did have some wild weather! Ugh. And it's really been cold here for a long time. I'm not mad about it. It's a nice break from the heat and humididty. And as long as it's sunny, it's all good by me.

    We used to have to shovel out a path for my dog Barney, when I lived in NJ. He was a little bit, like Max, and couldn't do the deep snow. The pugs would be a mess in snow. Luna would flat out refuse, and Leonidas would probably try to eat it.

    1. It sounds like we all got hit with wild weather last week!

  13. Business loop. I love that.
    Your face in the pic sitting on the exercise ball just says it all about winter's grand entrance. Well done on the simultaneous warm up/cool down. Glad you're staying safe and upbeat.

    1. We all know how much I detest this season...staying upbeat is my best coping vice ;-)

  14. So much snow! You had a lot of snow shoveling workouts this week. Eek.

  15. I mis-read your title and thought it said, "Brrrrr on the Biking." I was like, Kim rode outside in that feels like sub-zero snow-covered-roads mess? Wow!
