Saturday, January 6, 2024

...And Away We GO!

Let's suffice it to say, the new year is off and running...

The seasonal weather has returned (at least the temps and wind), the run streak has ended, and I'm eyeing all the adventure and excitement that awaits me. 

While I don't do much in regards to resolutions, I do try to assess all that happened (or didn't, LOL) in the previous year and realign my priorities. Although many of these "realignments" happen year-round, they seem to have a little more impact on January 1st. That's what works for me, anyways. 

Before I divulge the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in this first week of 2024...

The final Sunday...
I kept the fitness somewhat low-key with a quick 1-mile streak run and 15 miles on the bike. Garmin recognized my "finish strong" efforts, so go me, LOL. I had some afternoon shopping and errands, then back home for a fun and proper New Years Eve.

The First Never Miss a Monday of 2024
Barb and I met at the lake for three miles of wind avoidance, and showed up looking like Hawkeye twins. Afterwards, I hosted some friends for the Cheez-it Citrus Bowl game watch (and we won't be discussing the outcome #UGH).

A too-busy Tuesday
With a day of PTO on tap, I tried to sleep-in but I was still awake earlier than I'd hoped. After some time on the elliptical (5-ish miles), I cued up a quick 10-minute biceps workout. Oh my! I've said it before, these 10-minute workouts are deceptively tough! My arms had a major burn going on for the remainder of the day (which included taking down both Christmas trees and the subsequent  decorations). I did get out for an afternoon 2-mile walk, which was a nice break from all the household stuff.

Another What-Day-Is-It-Wednesday
These 3-day work weeks look SO great on paper, but they really mess with ones mind and workload.  The early morning was cold and windy (not to mention dark) outside, so I opted to stay in. I had the grandiose idea to do 50 flights of stairs and then maybe 30 minutes on the bike. Well, once I hit 50 (with not even 15 minutes in), I decided to continue the climbing until I reached 100 flights or 30 minutes. I paused a few times, for water, but finished the 100th flight with just over 27 minutes on the clock. And, I skipped the bike, LOL. The burning legs, the heavy breathing, and the all-over sweating left me with a sweet endorphin buzz. Later, I got in a 1-mile walk at work, and a 2-miler in the evening.

Thankful Thursday...
The forecast was looking to be cold and progressively windy as the day wore on, so I opted to run a couple miles with Deb, and then hop on the bike. Except, I took a different route than usual, and the Garmin was showing 2.33 miles when I returned to my 'hood. Well, I did what a lot of other runners would do - run an extra loop through the park to round-up the mileage to a pretty 3-mile distance. 

After returning to my house, I pedaled for seven miles (while still chatting with Deb), and did a short glutes/legs workout (Peloton app) after we'd said our good-byes. A bonus: making it to my dentist's office before my 7:30 appointment. 

A quiet Friday
For those who may not have heard, there was a shooting at a school in Perry, IA (about 90-minutes northwest from my town). The latest I've heard, there was only one casualty, but several wounded victims (including the principal). Flags were flown, statewide, at half-mast and many were encouraged to wear blue in support of the Perry community. Not much else to report, though I logged 13 miles on the bike in the early morning.
A surprisingly slippery Saturday
My afternoon plans got changed, so I opted to walk in the morning, and save the run for later. Smart choice! The dusting of snow had some slippery spots underneath, and I had several "balance checks" on that 2-mile walk. After lunch, Barb and I met for a 5-mile run. By then, the temps were warm enough so all the slick spots were no longer a concern.

... what's happening on Sunday? 
The forecast is showing sub-20F temps and wind. I'll probably hang in the basement, on the bike, in the wee hours and save any outdoor antics for later.

So, this week was all about a brief recovery from the run streak. Monday was the final day of the run streak. Just as in years past, I had ZERO interest in continuing on thereafter. In fact, I skipped running both on Tuesday and Wednesday. Total running this week came to 12 miles. Walking also had 12 miles, and biking had 35 miles. Just a couple of strength workouts, but both were intense (short and sweet; just the way I like it). My arms were still throbbing on Friday, following Tuesday's workout! Extra cardio included the elliptical and the stair workout.

In case you missed out, here's what went down this week on the blog:

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair. As mentioned, wearing blue was encouraged on Friday, as a tribute to the Perry community. I followed suit. 

In case you missed Friday's coffee post, I shared my 2023 stats. My December walking was pretty dismal, but it was enough to make the total 2023 walking a contender with the running mileage. With the bike crash (and my subsequent battered body), there were a couple lost weeks of running in June, and almost ZERO running the week of RAGBRAI (end of July), so that accounts for a good chunk of the deficit. No big whoop; it is what it is.

Well, there you have it! The first week of 2024 was a great mix of fitness and active recovery, which is just what my mind and body needed. BTW, the #OptOutside streak is still going strong...we're looking at a current count of 1,137 days now.

How did your first week of the new year play-out? Any big goals on tap for 2024? Did you celebrate the January 1st arrival?


  1. Looks like another busy week for you! That school shooting was so sad. Unfortunately, these events seem to be happening more often. Breaks my heart.

    1. I agree...the shootings are heartbreaking, and a tough reality.

  2. It sounds like your new year is off to a good start. I started the year with some of the Pelotn’s New Year classes — they were fun!

    I thought of you when I heard about the shooting — and I’m mad it wasn’t even breaking news. ~sigh~

    1. I need to hit up Peloton for a New Year class! I haven't had much time to scan all the options recently, so thanks for the reminder!

  3. I read about the school shooting and wondered if it was close to where you live. How tragic. Each one of these is still so shocking even though they are sadly becoming so much more common.

    Be careful on those slippery spots! A light dusting of snow can be tricky.

    1. I was really surprised how slippery the light snow was! I'm glad it was gone a few hours later...though there's more snow in the forecast for Monday night/Tuesday.

  4. Nice first week! Just reading about those flights of stairs are making my legs tired.
    I read about the school shooting- such a sad way to start off 2024.

    1. Yes, the school shooting was that school's first day back from their winter break ;-(

  5. I did hear about the shooting, unfortunately, and I am sorry. Otherwise a nice solid week for you Kim.

    I'm more cautious around snows these days. These bones aren't getting younger!

    1. I'm much more paranoid about slipping and falling now as well. Those bruised ribs and wonky shoulder, from the bike crash, took a long time to heal.

  6. Congrats on another successful run streak! And wow, that's a lot of walking miles for the year. I bet it felt "good" to get back to stair climbing. Have a great week!

  7. What-Day-is-it-Wednesday!!!! I'm dying laughing because THAT IS THE TRUTH. Happy New Year!

    1. Seriously! These past two weeks have had me so mixed-up as to what day was what, LOL. This week is going to seem especially long...I haven't had a 5-day work week in awhile.

  8. Sounds like a good post-streak week! I spent New Year's Eve reading on the couch, which I felt was the perfect way to ring in the New Year. And, I feel your pain on the bowl games- i was rooting for FSU in the Orange Bowl and that was a fiasco.
    Anyway... onward! I can't wait to see what adventures you have in store for 2024.

    1. I didn't see too many bowl games, but ugh. The one "main" one I did watch was a doozy.

  9. That shooting was awful, as they all are. When will it stop?
    Your year started out well! I kept up my miles, but we were on vacation in the Keys (and it was cold), so I didn't get in quite everything I wanted. That's ok, though. It was still fun and I still upheld my daily streak.

    1. Great job on the daily streak! They keep us accountable, don't they!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about the school shooting so near you. But sadly I barely notice US shootings when they appear on the news anymore, they've become so common although it's devastating every time.
    You certainly had a good start of the year, well done with the stair climbing! Climbing stairs isn't to be underrated. Before moving to Ireland I worked as a nurse in a ward on the 14th floor. I had worked one night when a window on the floor below ours was hit by lightning which switched off the power in the entire building. All the day staff were on their way to work and of course the lifts weren't working so they had to walk all those 14 floors up and arrived absolutely exhausted! Surely a good morning workout!
    Great mileage for all your activities and I'm impressed you go for opt outside this time of the year.

    1. Stair climbing is such a great workout! It utilizes pretty much everything from the waist-down, as well as all the cardio. I started the opt outside streak a few years ago, and it's just my routine now. On the really cold days, it's not a super long endeavor, though.

  11. I've been having a hard time figuring out what day of week it was for sure! "Routine" hasn't set back in quite yet. Both of our favorite teams (Ohio and Toledo) both lost their bowl games. Ouch.
    I think every year I just hope for an injury free year. Maybe 2024 will be the year!!
    Great workouts for you, way to start the year strong!

  12. You're off to a good start for the new year! And way to go with that OptOutside streak!

    The news of the shooting was just awful - how this keeps happening is just heartbreaking.

    1. It is SO heartbreaking! It's so sad and and such a tough reality...

  13. Great start to your year! I'm not surprised that you're done with the streak. Congrats on sticking it out.

    My year is starting slowly... hopefully it will end with a bang...

    1. I hope your year goes well...once you get past the recovery. I hope all continues to go well as things heal.

  14. I love your Thursday runs and cycles together. SO much fun to see. I didn't realize how close Perry was to you. This world is broken.
    Congrats on another solid week

    1. Thank you, Cari! I'm really glad Deb and I have this weekly routine; it is always so fun to look forward to!

  15. I love the Garmin badges... I am sorry, but the little girl in me likes to collect badges :) Way to start the year off strong! :)

    Also, I am with you on the 10-minute burn. I used to scoff at the 10 min classes a little bit, but boy can they be effective!

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