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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Reunited With the Road

After a very long six (or has it been seven?) months, it feels like things are back on track.

Of course, I'm referencing the outdoor biking thing. Although I have a great spin bike, it just doesn't cut it in terms of biker's bliss. That said, this week felt like a bit of a combination of continued training mixed-in with recovery...and the bike came in ever-so-handy for my weary muscles.

Before I dis on the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little world of fitness and fun:

Sunday? M2M Recovery: 101
Fresh off of Saturday's Market-to-Market Relay Iowa, my body was ready for a low-key, low-impact day. I got out for a refreshing 2-mile morning walk, amidst the sunrise, and all was well. After a nice Mother's Day brunch with my parents, sister, and two older kids, I treated myself to a short mid-afternoon nap, and then got back out for a 3-mile walk.

Monday? Let's avoid the rain.
The forecast was looking rather damp and dreary, for the entire day (and evening). Somehow, upon wake-up, I saw a brief window of "dryness," so I laced-up and got out for a short 2-mile run. Wouldn't you know it? Momma N kept the rain away for most of the day, though the air was still very damp, chilly and (of course) windy. I tried to take a walk over lunch, but the non-stop wind (and intermittent mist) had me white-flagging that gig after only a mile.

Tuesday? Low-key TLC 
My left hamstring started feeling funky during the relay on Saturday. Truth be told, I've been noticing some crankiness with both hammies in recent months. I plead guilty to slacking-off with  Barre and PT work (honestly, I should know better). In an attempt to combat some of the muscle crankiness, I cued-up a Barre workout (Peloton) and also did some core and upper-body work before heading to work. The weather was nice, so I took advantage with a 2-mile lunch walk, and also a 1-mile mid-afternoon walk with  my co-worker, Michele.

Then, after getting home from work, the trail was beckoning. I saddled-up Krystal and we knocked out 10 miles of pure bliss in the early evening sunshine. (Have a I mentioned how much I'm loving being right near a trail?).

Wednesday? Let's make some new running friends!
A gal I'd met on Insta, Kelly, told me about a running group that met at 4:45 on Wednesday mornings, and I was game! Her, Hannah, and myself joined forces for three miles (obviously, I let them lead the way, LOL). We ran three miles and parted ways, but I continued on for another two miles after driving back home. Michele and I got out for two different 1-mile walks at work, and Krystal and I took another bike ride before dinner (just five miles this time). It was a busy day!

Thursday? Another early morning adventure...
As per usual, Deb and I met for our weekly (virtual) hour of cardio. We both got four miles of early morning walking done in the wee hours. Afterwards, I added an intense arms/shoulders strength workout (via Peloton). It was another beautiful sunny day, so Michele and I got out for a 1-mile walk before lunch.

Friday? Opting outside for the win! 
Sometimes you just gotta bail on the indoor stuff & head outside. I considered doing a Barre workout (and some lower-body stretching), but the morning temps were just too nice to shun. I even considered a sunrise ride, but low-60F temps would be a bit chilly for that. Instead, I opted for a 2-mile sunrise walk. And a 2-mile lunchtime walk. And I saved the 10-mile ride for after work. Call me crazy. 

Saturday? Long run (#CheckYes)
Admittedly, I was a little nervous how my grumpy hammy would do. With DAM to DSM only two weeks out, though, the miles need to happen. I ran eight miles two weeks ago, and had run just under 7-1/2 miles last weekend (at the M2M Relay), so a 9-miler was the logical choice in distance. The weather was ideal (in my opinion), albeit windy. I'd been up late, but had slept-in slightly, so I felt pretty well-rested. The first mile was gritty, running straight into the wind. The second and third were also challenging (this time with a nasty side wind), but after that things felt loosened-up and all went well. I did an out-and-back route for six miles, took a quick pitstop at the house, then finished with a 3-mile out-and-back (in a different direction). I even took my mountain bike, Gustavas (remember him?), for a 5-mile recovery ride afterwards. Then, it was party-prepping for the evening's house warming shindig at my new place.

…and what's on deck for Sunday?
The weather is looking like a repeat of Saturday (sunny and warm, but not as windy). Hmmm, it might be a good day for a long bike ride. At the very least there will be some walking, and possibly a short shake-out run in the early hours. Lots of possibilities!

Overall, I think the week played-out better than expected. All of this week's biking happened outdoors, which is just the way (uh huh, uh huh) I like it. Total biking miles came in at 30. Running was mediocre during the week, but Saturday's long run balanced out the numbers a bit (16 total miles). And, walking was totally on-point, with 21-ish miles. I'm totally loving those lunchtime walks! My strength work has been more focused on upper-body, because the lower-body mojo has been MIA...but I'm hoping that bringing more Barre back into my routine will reignite something. Stay tuned!

In case you missed out, here’s what went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Ahhh, when the spring temps finally feel like those of summer, there's all kinds of smiling going on. It definitely feels great to breakout the summer clothing and sandals!

Mother's Day! I met my parents, sister, and two oldest kids for brunch on Mother's Day, last Sunday. It's always nice getting together. I totally spaced-off on getting a pic with my kids, but did get one with my mother before they left for the day.

So, what's up with the left hamstring? After some thought and consideration, I think the nagging nuisance with my hammy is actually the piriformis acting up. It was (almost) a relief coming to that diagnosis (all on my own, LOL), but it feels much like the piriformis stuff from several years ago (although back then it was the right side affected). I have the DAM to DSM 13.1 happening on June 1st, with no major long-distance stuff until mid-October. That leaves me the entire summer (and then some) to show it some TLC since the running mileage won't need to be crazy. Besides, I have a trail nearby that is going to keep me busy on the bike. No worries!

Anyways, that's my week in review. Although we've continued to have incessant wind, there were a few days where it wasn't in the double digits. Let's hope that trend continues! Nonetheless, the temps are warming, and the days long. Two out of three ain't bad.

Drop a comment and tell me about YOUR week! Warmer temps? Is it looking and feeling like summer in your area? Any races happening, or any coming up soon?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. How fun to have a new group to run with! Will you be meeting up with them again?

    I'm having left hamstring/glute issues too-not pain, but lack of doing it's job! My right hammy/glute is doing double duty and reminding me that I need to get back to some PT exercises as well. It's always something, isn't it?

    1. Oh yes, I plan to make this Wednesday morning runner-meet-up a weekly thing. I've gone to a few Thursday evening runs, as well, but have had to miss the past few weeks. They're a lot of fun! I've never had access to so many group run opportunities, so I plan to take advantage. Thankfully, my piriformis thing is feeling much better...not anything painful, but annoying at times.

  2. I am so glad that you are making new friends to run with. That darn Piraformis just pops up sometimes. I feel like once you’ve had it, it just never really goes away. Sounds like you are on top of it early! Enjoy being back outside on the bike

    1. When it was my right side, with the Piriformis, it seemed like it was a good 2-3 year on-going issue. It never got worse, just never seemed to completely heal. This left side, though, really took me by surprise.

  3. Yay for a new early morning group of running friends to join! Here's hoping the left hamstring/piriformis issue clears up with a little TLC and home PT.

    I hope you had fun last night at your open house. Can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. The open house went well! It was a little bit of work and party-prep, but I love hosting get-togethers like that ;-)

  4. Grr. I don't want to talk about the weather here! Anyway... sounds like you're settling into your new place really well! A new running group, cycling outside on the trail- it all sounds great. I hope the hamstring/piriformis issue improves, but if it needs a break (after D to D of course) you can focus on the bike, and I'm pretty sure you'd be happy with that.

    1. I'm more than happy to throw some focus to the bike, especially since I have so many trails (practically) ride outside my backyard. I have my eye on a few shorter races for the summer (some 5K and 10K's), but those won't require excessive mileage.

  5. Yay on making new running friends — that’s fantastic! Boo on your hammy/piriformis — it is so hard to pinpoint what is acting up, but it seems like you have a handle on it.

    Our rainy weekends have my bike staying in the garage.

  6. Yay for bike season! I need to get Bikie out to celebrate. We've been mostly in summer mode over here, with the occasional punch of chill and rain to remind us not to take the good weather for granted.

    1. Agreed, we cannot take any good weather for granted! I'm eager to hear about your adventures with Bikie!

  7. Looks like a fun week of workouts and social time! Glad you had a nice Mother's Day and hooray for new running friends! It is definitely feeling like summer here and I am totally here for it!

    1. Oh gosh, say no more! I've been ready for summer since last fall!

  8. Another great and fun week for you! Glad Mother's Day was nice. I wish I had some running friends to run with! When I was younger I did but now I just do solo runs. I do have some fellow Cleveland marathon ambassadors that I see at those races, but that's about it.

    1. I don't mind running solo, since I did that a lot in my other town, but it is nice to have other peeps to run with, as well as running groups. The group camaraderie is awesome!

  9. How nice with new running friends! What a bummer about the hamstring/piriformis. Certainly some summer TLC will do it good. I hope it gets better soon!
    Here it definitely feels like summer! After a mixed weather week, today we had close to 75F and sunshine! Absolutely glorious!

    1. I'm not worried ((yet)) about the piriformis, and it's already feeling better. I'm just gonna take things easy, and run my half marathon with caution. It's my favorite race, every year, so I have ZERO issue with just enjoying the morning on my favorite race course (with no finish time goals in mind).

  10. Look at you being a social butterfly! :) So great to hear you've met some like minded fitness friends. I mean, that 4:45 meet up time?? Yay on the biking too!

    1. The 4:45 meet-up isn't a big deal for me since I'm usually awake at that time anyways. Ironically, on those early-early mornings, my brain seems to just wake-up naturally...usually before my alarm.

  11. So glad you had a lovely Mother's Day brunch with family after your relay... and an active, but not-too-active recovery week.
    How's your hammy doing?

    Love your turquoise jewelry!

    1. Thanks!! Knock wood, the hammy is feeling good. It's not "healed," by any means, but feels pretty manageable. Knowing I just have to get through the 13.1 miles on June 1st, with nothing grandiose for several months after, is a relief. I will have the summer to chill on the bike, while running as I see fit. No worries!

  12. I've been lazy... I need to force myself to go for a walk at lunch.

    Yes it's getting warmer... love it but not so much when I race. For everything else.

    Just ran a half and now I'm relaxing... Shorter races until fall.

  13. How nice to meet some new friends via social media! It can be a good thing! Looks like a great week Kim, I hope the housewarming party was fun!
