Saturday, May 11, 2024

No Time for Mayhem

Yikes, things were feeling a bit on the CrAzY side this week.

Somehow, I managed to keep things in-check, but there were a few shortened workouts (and maybe a few forgotten ones). Even with modifications, it's still my goal for daily fitness, and daily #OptOutside fun.

We do what we can, am I right?

Before I divulge the deets from last week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little corner of the fitness universe:

Shaking-it-out on Sunday
It had been awhile (a very l-o-n-g while) since I've done a shake-out run. Saturday's 8-miler had gone better than expected, but nothing like a good recovery run to work-out any remaining muscle kinks. Besides, the weather was totally on-par and far too nice to ignore. I got out for an easy-paced 2-miler (and may have misjudged a few sprinklers on their timing). Later, late afternoon, I headed back out for a 2-mile walk as well. 

Never miss a Monday
What happens when a north-south road has a very gradual curve (and eventually assumes an east-west direction, leaving you going in the wrong direction)? Well, if you're relatively new to the area, your 2-mile run just might morph into a 3-miler. Fortunately, this was a day of PTO so there wasn't the usual crunch of time to get back home. I also got out for a nice 2-mile walk in the evening, amidst the summer-like weather.

Topsy-Turvy Tuesday
My place of work was hosting an all-company event, all day Tuesday (day and evening) and Wednesday morning. All the sales reps, and most of the employees from our 4-state area, were in town. I didn't have much time in the morning, and the early morning weather was on the damp side, so I did a quick five miles on the indoor bike and some upper-body strength and core work before high-tailing it to the office. I managed to get in a 2-mile walk over lunch, though, before heading to the afternoon session. There may have been some bowling in the evening as well (I didn't do too terrible, with a score of 119).

What-to-do Wednesday
A busy morning on-tap, I only had time for a quick 1-mile walk and a (short and frustrating) lower-body session before getting to the office. All the company sessions concluded by lunch, so I got out for a 2-mile walk in the noontime sunshine, then another 1-miler mid-afternoon.

Then, with the weather still feeling warm (though suspiciously cloudy), I grabbed Krystal for a 10-mile ride after getting back home. It was an exciting ride, with a fox, a squirrel, three rabbits, a toad, and a black cat all crossing my path, and approximately 1,347,962 bugs pelting my face. Luckily, I was a block from my house when sprinkles started falling, so my timing was immaculate.

Thankful Thursday
Another day of PTO (and another day of "new household" stuff on the roster), I'd set my sights on a 4-mile run upon wake-up. The 53F temps reminded me of those fall races when you know you're gonna be just fine after the first mile, but the tank (with arm warmers) and shorts were feeling a bit chilly when I first hit the street. 

Feelin’ Fine Friday
There was nothing grandiose on the roster (due to the next day’s 77-mile relay). I did a fun stack of Barre, upper-body and core and called it good. The weather was pristine, so I got out for a very sunny 2-mile walk over my lunch break. There also was a quick 1-mile walk after dinner.

Saturday's 77-mile Market-to-Market Iowa Relay with the gals
This day was nearly14 hours of non-stop action. The team left town at 4:00AM (picking me up at 4:40), our start time was at 6:30 (in Jefferson, IA), and we crossed the finish line around 5:45 (in Des Moines, IA). The weather was perfect (cool morning temps, warm temps in the afternoon, minimal wind and ZERO humidity). I ran two legs, for a total of juts under 7-1/2 miles. Stay tuned, there's a recap coming!

...and how about Sunday?
Saturday's relay left me feeling pretty tired (the long day, the miles run, the nonstop action and the warm temps). I'm predicting a slight sleep-in and some low-key (and low impact) activity on the roster.

In case you missed out, there was only one post last week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Oh, was it a beautiful day! The glorious weather called for some spring attire...bright florals! And a skirt!

Remember the Grand Blue Mile, back on April 23rd (recap HERE)? My 3rd place AG award arrived in the mail this week - a gift card to Scheels. Hmmm, whatever will I buy with it? 

So, that's the latest! Although it feels like spring was a longtime coming, it definitely felt great this week! I'm grateful for getting outside to enjoy it, despite the busyness. 

Does it finally feel like spring in your area? Are you sometimes a victim of busyness, not necessarily in a fitness-focused way? Any racing this weekend? Ever done a team relay?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Happy Mother's Day!! Looks like a great week for you--nice to see you getting settled into your new home. Congrats on the relay! A gift card is definitely a nice reward for an AG win.

    1. The relay is always SO fun, but SO exhausting. I was nodding off by 9:00 last night (that's like two hours early for me, LOL).

  2. Ugh yes I've had those times when work has stolen my fitness time. Those big company events can make for a few days of punishing scheduled.

    Have fun spending the gift card!

    1. In my case, it was a double whammy due to my commute to/from work, but all went well. I'm tough and sleep is overrated...

  3. Well you had all the great weather this week we had rain everyday for 9 days. Congratulations on your relay can’t wait to read all about it. Happy Mother’s Day!!

    1. We did have some icky weather a few mornings (and Thursday was back & forth with sunshine and rain). Thankfully it wasn't daily, though!

  4. Glad you had fun on your relay! To answer your question, I've run in 3 road Ragnar relays and 2 trail Ragnar relays.

    Yay for the surprise gift card? I've not heard of Scheels. You'll have to tell me about it on Thursday.

    And yes, I did race this weekend! Let's just say that 100 miles on a bike on gravel is a lot!

    1. Scheels is a sporting goods super store, similar to Dick's. I'd gotten a gift card back in 2018 (I got a 3rd place AG that year as well), so it wasn't a big surprise in that regard. I just hadn't seen any press about AG awards for this year. I am so impressed with your 100 miles on gravel! Beast mode!

  5. You had quite a week, with both a marathon work event and an (almost) marathon day with the relay! At least you got a medal for one of them. ;-)

    Congrats again on the AG award!

    1. The relay makes for a long day, but it's always a great time with all the gals. I look forward to it every year, but it does feel good to climb into bed afterwards!

  6. Oh how fun!!! No, I've never done a relay but I would like to someday. And, it was 96 here the other day so I would say we've skipped right ahead to summer... sigh. I'm envious of those cooler morning running temps you had. Oh, and I love exploring new areas by running! I"ll never complain about a couple "accidental" miles here and there!

    1. My second leg running was in 77F temps. I had some intermittent shade, but it was hot! I'm glad there wasn't any humidity. I love the heat, but we haven't any opportunities to acclimate to it here yet.

  7. That relay sounds like a lot of fun!! 14 hours for 7.5 miles... the things we do!
    It's so nice when you can leave the desk at work to go out for a walk. You feel so much better when you get back. It should be mandatory for everyone!

    1. Oh yes! It feels great to leave the desk and get some fresh air! I glad it's been working out for me to do that with my work situation right now, it's a great break in the day!

  8. A girls relay sounds so fun. We have Ragnars here but they are several days... so not interested.

    I skipped quite a few workouts/runs this week. Ir was vacation and they weren't my priority.

    1. This relay is very similar to a Ragnar, but only a (long) day as opposed to an entire weekend, etc. I'd love to do a Ragnar someday, though!

  9. Ooh a relay sounds fun! I did one several years ago - 8 years ago actually, when I was pregnant with my oldest. Haven't done once since but always think about it! I had a busy work week too so my workouts were impacted. Mostly in that I would still run in the morning but cut my runs a little shorter and/or didn't get in any of my usual core work or any other fitness (cross training, weights, etc.). I needed to get in those runs to help with my anxiety/mental health! I also try to take a walk at lunch usually but this week it wasn't happening. hopefully the craziness of May will be over soon!

    1. I really need to get back to more focused work on the glutes/hamstrings (mobility, flexibility and strength). That area is my least favorite, so it's the first "thing" I skip if my time is limited.

  10. Frustrating when work gets in the way, but you still fit in plenty and a great mix! What a fun sounding relay, way to go Kim and team!

    1. Thanks, Jessie! Work is what it is, and it's not typically much of an all was well.

  11. That's a lovely outfit with the green and the black! Sounds like a nice fitness week despite the work stuff. The relay looks like a lot of fun!
    Here it's definitely spring, almost summer and we so deserve it! I'm definitely a victim of busyness, but in my case so far it's my own fault, my time management sucks and I need to get better at it. I never let it get in the way of my gym sessions but it happens that I cancel a walk - which I shouldn't, getting out of the house is helpful to get my focus back.

    1. Isn't it amazing how getting away brings us better clarity to what we're "escaping?"

  12. Such a great week! I am often a victim of busyness, but I do my best to get it all done. Soemtimes fitness has to take a backseat but that's ok. That relay sounds so fun! I always enjoy team efforts like that. I can't wait to read the recap!
