Thursday, July 25, 2024

Runfessions, Anyone?

Well, here we are again.

Back at the 'Fessional, with plenty of runfessions to share. I'm not sure how it's already that time of the month again. Seems like I was just doing the runfession yesterday.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Making do…

We’ve all had those weeks…

The energy is not at full capacity. The schedule is a bit busier than usual. The body feels a bit off.  Ugh. 

What’s a good coping strategy? For me, I prefer to forge through the challenges, while keeping a mindful eye on all necessary TLC that needs attention. Also, a willingness to enforce some flexibility with the schedule never hurt no one. 

Such was my week…

Monday, July 15, 2024

Midnight Madness 5K - Digging Deep in the Heat

Is there anything greater than returning to a fun race, after a 1-year sabbatical of sorts? 

I think not (but I may be biased as a runner). 

Saturday evening had me toeing the start line of the Midnight Madness 5K (Ames, IA). I had been  registered for the 10K, but Momma N blessed us with extreme heat and humidity, so the 10K was cut in half and merged with the 5K. 

So yeah…

Saturday, July 13, 2024


"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart."

Celia Thaxter knew what she was talking about. Yowza! The heat is on, and it’s most definitely on-point, but I'm grateful for whatever summer brings my way. 

After the previous week’s “cooler conditions” relapse, this week was all about sweat equity. Suffice it to say there was a lot of glistening & glowing going on and creative hot weather hair hacks happening on the daily. You do what you gotta do...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Looking Ahead…

Things that make me go “Hmmmm…”

 I’m not quite sure how we got  here so quickly, but yikes! The second half of 2024 is underway.

Shall we disclose a few (or five?) goals on the agenda, as we make our way through these remaining months?

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Kinda Sorta Chillin’

Well, well, well. 

Just when it was really starting to feel like summer, Momma N flipped the switch. Holy yikes, she dumped some crazy cold conditions on us this week! 

Typically, moderate temps in the 70F range are quite comfortable. Immediately following the recent tropical conditions we'd recently had, these “moderate temps” felt a bit frigid. We also had cold (as opposed to balmy) wind and more rain than necessary. 

At least it wasn’t snowing, LOL, and the grass is a beautiful bright shade of green as a result…

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shall We Chat?

It's really the simple things that bring the most joy, wouldn't you agree?

A monthly gathering of sorts. Among friends. Around a virtual table. Coffee mugs in hand. And lots of chatter to be had. 

I'm always up for getting together with my gal pals, virtual and otherwise. I also have a fondness for warm and cozy beverages, no matter how hot or cold the weather may be.

So, let's do this...

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Hello to Summer!

Summer, most definitely, is here!

I must say, though, this first full week of summer felt more like it was mid-season. The temps were especially high (as was the humidity) for late June. That said, you will never hear me complaining. If you were to ask my hair, however, you'd probably get a different answer.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The First (official) ‘Fession Session of Summer

Here we are, back in the swing of all things summer.

Likewise, we’re also back at the ‘Fessional. There’s  always a new array of things and tidbits for which we may (or may not) need to come clean on. This, our first trip to the Summer ‘Fessional, is no exception. 

Shall we get started?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Change in the Weather

Talk about your crazy weather!

It was almost as if Momma N was refereeing (or taunting?) the outgoing Spring and incoming Summer in a battle of seasonal weather. We had extreme heat (with sky-high humidity), plenty of rain and all kinds of psychotic wind. 

Remember, this is Iowa. Anything calm just wouldn’t be our norm. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Recapping the Baccoon Ride

I’m always up for an adventure. 

Likewise, I’m thankful for friends who are always willing to join me in my adventurous endeavors. Whether it involves a long-distance race (in a faraway place), a late-at-night run (under the full moon), or a day-long bacon-enhanced ride (with no guarantee on favorable weather), it’s great to have such friends. 

Alas, the Baccoon Ride caught my attention and I simply had to check it out!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Spring Segues Into Summer

It ain’t summer yet (according to the calendar), but it sure feels like it! 

Personally, I’m quite alright with that. As I’ve said numerous times, the summer season is far too short in the Midwest. I totally embrace the extended daylight, the warmth, and even the humidity (when it’s not too extreme). 

This week certainly blessed us (me?) with all those summer feels….

Monday, June 10, 2024

Back to the DAM - D2D 2024 recap

What can I say?

DAM to DSM is my favorite race, and it never disappoints. My finish times, however, have not always been what I’d hoped… but the event, itself, is pretty stellar. 

This was my 17th time taking part in all the DAM fun. Again, it gave me a taste of all things good…

Most know how much I look forward to this point-to-point race every summer. Most know, as well, that this spring wasn’t very conducive to long-distance training (at least not in comparison to what I usually have in terms of time and availability). 

Nonetheless, I wasn’t gonna sit this one out...

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Meandering back to Maintenance Mode

Ahhh, it feels so good to have the "big" race in the rearview mirror, and a recovery week in the foreground.

This week was all about easy-peasy (but active!) recovery. The running was kept at the minimum, and there was a lot of muscle TLC and low-impact movement.

We also welcomed the "real feels" of summer with the arrival of consistent warmer temps and our first touch of humidity.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chitchatting & Whatnotting (with a side of coffee)

I'm feeling like some chitchatting and whatnotting are in order. 

Anyone care to join me? We can gather around a virtual table. We can sip our virtual drinks of choice (my latest poison is a hazelnut cappuccino latte). And we can have some virtual conversation.  

I'm game, with mug in hand... 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Riding the DAM Taper

Wow! A week of taper!

Ironically, it felt strange to remember that I actually had a half marathon happening on Saturday, June 1st. Not only  did the date sneak up on me, but my mind and body just didn’t have the usual mojo to properly train.

Even with an erratic spring, in terms of stress and more than usual busyness, there was no way I’d sit this one out. Alas, the week of taper was upon me…

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Some Pre-Summer 'Fessions

Well, here we are again.

Marcia has granted admission to the ‘Fessional, and there’s a few ‘fessions to be disclosed. Funny how these ‘fession-worthy things burden our minds, right? 

We all know the best solution is releasing the deets, and coming clean. So, here we go…

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunrises & Shakeouts & Shenanigans

I love me some action-packed weeks, even if that means I'm craving a little extra sleep by week's end.

 This week had me doing a little bit (actually a “lot of bit,” LOL) of everything. Hey, it keeps me young!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Reunited With the Road

After a very long six (or has it been seven?) months, it feels like things are back on track.

Of course, I'm referencing the outdoor biking thing. Although I have a great spin bike, it just doesn't cut it in terms of biker's bliss. That said, this week felt like a bit of a combination of continued training mixed-in with recovery...and the bike came in ever-so-handy for my weary muscles.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Market-to-Market Relay - 2024 Recap

Oops, we did it again!

The odds are really good we’ll do it again next year as well. Yes, it’s that fun!

What can I say? Eight run-loving gals, a fully-loaded van, a 15-ish hour day, and 77-ish miles of running to be had. How could it be anything but a grand time? 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

No Time for Mayhem

Yikes, things were feeling a bit on the CrAzY side this week.

Somehow, I managed to keep things in-check, but there were a few shortened workouts (and maybe a few forgotten ones). Even with modifications, it's still my goal for daily fitness, and daily #OptOutside fun.

We do what we can, am I right?

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Feelin’ the HMMM…

It was one of those Things-That-Make-You-Go-HMMM kind of weeks. 

You know, when you’re just not quite “feeling it.” There has been some residual fatigue (from the previous week’s antics, perhaps?). Random achy muscles. A few days of blah weather. 

But there also was some end-of-week sunshine, an empowering Friday morning strength session (and an outdoor bike ride!), and a much-needed hair appointment. And, a visit from the North Carolina daughter, as well as a birthday celebration. 

In the end, I guess everything balanced out nicely. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

May we Chitchat?

Well hello there, May! So very glad to see you again! 

For what it’s worth, I find the month of April painfully frustrating. Instead of easing towards summer, it feels like we’re stuck in a winter purgatory of sorts. Once May hits, though, it feels like summer is within reach. 

Alas, as we enter the new month, it’s always a great time to gather for a chitchat session. I’m game, are you? 

Monday, April 29, 2024

About that Grand Blue Mile…

Call me crazy, but I like taking on challenges that lead me out of my comfort zone.

Enter the 2024 Grand Blue Mile

Downtown Des Moines. On a sunny (and windy) Tuesday evening. Two days following a speedy 10K. Why not? 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Because Downtime Is Overrated

Sometimes, there are just too many things to do.

Often times I’m guilty of doing it all, because why not? 

This week saw a lot of fast-paced action. Admittedly, my body parts (I’m looking at you, legs) were feeling pretty wasted by weeks end, but it was a fun ride! 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Time for some Runfessions

...and, just like that, we're back 'fessing our transgressions, running and otherwise.

Are you ready?

Let's get this Runfession session underway. Let me begin...

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Drake Road Races - the 10K Game-Changer

 There’s much to be said about going with your gut (and not your ego). 

Such was the case last weekend’s Drake Road Races. I made the decision to scale-down to the 10K, foregoing my 9-year half marathon streak. And I did so, surprisingly, with zero regrets or guilt. 

I registered for the half marathon back in October, well before I knew there would a house (finally) selling, another one purchased, and a stressful timeline of all things moving/relocating. In other words, my typical pre-spring training took an unexpected backseat and the probability of running 13.1 miles became unlikely. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

So This Is Spring

Spring in Iowa. 

Hmmm. It doesn’t feel like one specific “season.” It’s more like a random grab bag of all-season weather, where you don’t really know what each new day will bring. It’s definitely not boring, but it does keep us guessing on what to wear (for fitness and otherwise). 

Monday, April 15, 2024

A Race I Run Every Year

Hands down, my favorite race, every year, is DAM to DSM.

I've been trekking to Des Moines, the first weekend after Memorial Day, every year since 2008 to run this iconic race. 

Formerly known as Dam to Dam, this race was my first-ever long distance endeavor. Like a lot of distance runners, once I got a taste of that long distance finish line, I was hooked. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Eclipsed by the Wind


Can you say WIND???

It's always windy in Iowa this time of year, but this past week was unbelievably gusty. As much as I love the great outdoors, even I struggled with getting my buttocks outside on the daily. Don't worry, the #OptOutside streak is still going strong...but there were a few bare minimums with my efforts due to this week's circumstances.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Fight for Air Climb - 2024 recap

When they named this event the Fight for Air Climb, they weren’t kidding!

Hot stairwells. Heavy breathing. Trashed leg muscles. But a finish line like none other. 

There’s much to love and respect about fighting for that air, all for the sake of those who need it most. Many struggle with lung health, and it’s for them that I (and numerous others) return to the stairwells every year. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Let's Get Settled

It's all fun and games, settling into a new place, until the weather gives you attitude.

Although the week started off kind of winter-like (with the requisite cold temps, nasty precip, and blowing wind), things did turn-around by the weekend (except for said blowing wind). Oh, did I mention the wind was rather beastly and downright inappropriate?

Nonetheless, what can we do but persevere, hopefully with a smile. A sense of humor never hurts either.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Time for a Chatty Gathering

 So, shall we chat? 

It doesn’t need to be about running, or even fitness…but who am I kidding? There’s always plenty of that with which to chat. 

Shall we get this chatty gathering started? 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Grooving & Moving (not necessarily in that order)

Well, it’s been a week! 

There was lots of moving & grooving, with a good mix of stress & insomnia added in for good measure. But, it’s (mostly) all in the rear view mirror and we’re still in one piece, still standing, and still smiling. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

My StressFessions Overfloweth...

Let's just cut right to the chase - this month's 'fessions are full-on stress-induced.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, but there's plenty on my plate that needs released. Are you ready? Buckle-up, this may be a bumpy ride to the 'fessional...

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Oh, the Irony!

Isn't it ironic?

The weather, that is. I mean, we all knew the pre-summer fun of recent wasn't going to last. This week's drastic temperature plummet (and accompanying precip), though, was a bit much. 

But, it is what it is. We certainly don't have the power to change the weather (if only, LOL!), but we do have 100% control of how we deal with it.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Another Week of Pi - 2024 recap

Just like that, I was closing in on another trip around the sun. Time flies!

We all know what that means...another Week of Pi to commemorate the occasion. A week of daily lacing-up, weather stalking, and logging 3.14 miles every time I hit the street.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Running on the Pi

Talk about your action-packed weeks...

This one had a lot going on with the almost daily Pi running, weather stalking, and miscellaneous comings and goings. It's a mighty good thing we all have our fitness fixes to keep us (somewhat) sane, am I right?

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Pre-Spring, Anyone?

Let's just say spring fever has hit me hard, even if the weather isn't quite there just yet.

Although we've had some cold conditions in the AM's, we've also had some pleasant PM's. The sun has been shining, almost on the daily. We haven't seen any of winter's "white stuff" in quite some time. And, the days just keep getting longer.

Yes, it's a pre-spring situation, and I'm eager and excited for what's yet to come.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Leprechaun Chase 10K - 2024 recap

The luck o' the Irish? The luck o' the Chase?

Maybe it was a little o' both, but this past weekend had me donning o' the green and me running shoes and pinning on a race bib. This was my 10th time taking part and I was eager for a good time...

Now in its 14 year, the Leprechaun Chase is a race like none other. It's a friendly competition between lads and lasses (in other words, guys and gals) all on a quest for a first place finish and a celebratory free green beer for their comrades.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

A Multiple Leap Week

There was a whole lotta leapin' going on this week.

Leap Day. Summer weather. Winter temps. Nonstop wind. Need I go on? 

Never a dull moment, and that's usually a good thing...

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Post-Leap Day coffee chatting

Coffee, coffee, who's got the coffee?

And, equally important, who is needing some chatter amongst friends? Anyone?

It's time for the monthly coffee chat, where we talk all things (not just fitness). We can drink whatever we choose (hot or cold, mild or strong, day-appropriate or not so much). And we leave feeling all warm and fuzzy. Sound good?

Shall we get this coffee chatting started?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I See The LIGHT!

This time of year can be tricky and temperamental.

The temps are all over the map (currently, they're flirting with spring in Iowa), the wind is unrelenting, and the threat of snow is far from over. But, the daylight is increasing! My early morning outdoor antics are seeing signs of the sunrise and my post-workday activities are not shrouded in darkness anymore.

In a nut shell, things are looking brighter as we work our way through the final weeks of winter.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

5 'Fessions 4 February

Well, well, well. It's time, once again, for a trip to the 'Fessional.

Even with a bonus day, February seems to have (almost) flown by at record speed. As per usual, the month hasn't been without incident. It only seems fitting that I share a few bits and pieces and 'fess up the deets.

So here goes...

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Just Chillin' (but not too much)

There was a tad bit of chillin' going on this week.

It's still (somewhat) the off-season, so I'm keeping the mileage steady (as opposed to excessive). The late-winter weather continues to be unseasonably mild, so I'm getting outside without excess layers. And, I am gearing-up for my first race of 2024 (Leprechaun Chase 10K, March 2nd, Omaha NE), so I'm not excessively keeping a low profile.

All in all, I'm keeping things in a desirable balance...I think...

Monday, February 12, 2024

Things I've learned to LOVE about RUNNING

It's been said that love doesn't come easy.

Let's be honest... that's not only true with life in general, but it's especially true with running (at least in my experience).Thankfully, there have been far more good times than bad, and there have been many lessons learned along the way.  

Would you care to hear a few of the "tough love" things I've learned about running? Read on...

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Going With The (off season) Flow

Ah, the off-season!

I totally embrace my off-season, and this one has been no exception...though it has been most unique. Let's just say all of January's "cross-training," via the snow shovel, has left me going "hmmm," LOL.

I've been staying active and keeping busy, but my strength-training has been a bit compromised in recent weeks. This has not been a game-changer, by any means, though I can't help feeling somewhat out of sorts... 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

We Have Sunshine!

Hello, Sunshine, my old friend!

After a somewhat warm week (with dreary skies), we were treated to an even warmer week with a return of (almost) daily sunshine! Suffice it to say, it was quite grand getting back outside in all the spring-like weather.

 It also was equal parts grand getting back to a routine of more consistent walking and running. The strength training...well, that's another story. Not a deal-breaker, though, because it felt like winter had vacated the premises (at least for the time being).

Thursday, February 1, 2024

A Coffee Chat Thaw-Out

Wow, is this ever a great time for a coffee chat!

Actually, anytime is a great time for gathering over coffee (or any beverage-of-choice) and chatting with friends. This particular coffee chat, though comes after a doozy of a January.

All I can say is, "Whew, we made it to February!" That's certainly cause for celebrating!

What ya say? Are you game for some coffee chatting, as the snowy remains of January thaws and melts away?

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Smile...We've Turned the Corner

There was a lot to smile about this week.

After almost two weeks of endless cold, wind and snow (not necessarily in that order), we got a much-appreciated winter thaw. Case in point, the daily snow shoveling didn't have to happen on the daily anymore. I was able to get outside for more than just driveway boot camp. And, the excess layers of gear were no longer necessary.

Granted, winter is still far from over. Just having this nice reprieve, though, makes it feel like we've turned the corner on my least favorite season. That's worthy of a lot of smiling!