Saturday, October 19, 2024

Let’s Taper, Shall We?

…and just like that, it was Taper Week!

It’s crazy how fast a race can sneak up on you when you really haven’t properly trained for it. I know, my bad.

It’s a Catch-22 situation being  a seasoned half marathoner. I know the desired mileage for the optimal training, but I also know that (somewhat) consistent  long-ish runs (most weekends) will get me to the start line. 

Alas, here I am…

Before I disclose the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here’s what went down this week in my little world of tapering:

Sunday - Let there be wind!
For the first time, in a few months (?), I allowed a true sheep-in. For myself, that meant no alarm and a 6:30-ish wake-up. By the time I got outside, around 7:00, I had plenty of sunshine and an excess of wind (17mph, thank you very much). After three miles of walking, and I was content to get back inside. Next on the agenda was painting my kitchen/living room area. Check and check. 

Monday - Blast me with winter temps!
Although the threatened frost was a no-show, the cold temps kept me inside. I started with eight miles on the bike and followed with a solid upper-body workout.  

The noontime temps were more enticing, so I walked a couple miles. Later, I took it to the streets (and part of a trail) for three miles of post-workday bliss. The unintentional “ladder”  splits were a surprise! Yes, there was more painting that evening…after another trip to the hardware store for more paint. 

Tuesday - Let’s meet a couple days early
With Deb’s busy travel schedule, we opted for a Tuesday session instead of the usual Thursday meet-up. She walked while I biked 17 miles. 

Wednesday- Knocking-out the full moon run early
It was just Hannah and myself this week. Although she hasn’t yet joined me for an evening full moon run, the morning run was a great fit. It was a brisk 34F, but the lack of wind made the cold temps bearable. After we finished the 3-mile route, she headed home and I stuck around for two bonus miles…because why not?

Thursday  - Throw me some thankfulness 
With a busy day on-tap, I was thankful to have the indoor bike handy for a quick 5-mile ride. I also found another short, but powerful, upper/body workout (via Peloton) before hopping in the car for the morning commute. I was also thankful for the post-workday walk with Max. After finally getting home around 9:15, I was especially thankful I didn’t have any remaining painting to do! It’s the little things, LOL!

Friday - Let’s enjoy the beautiful day!
It was another day of PTO, and I had some errands on the agenda as well as a bit of a sleep-in. I postponed the morning run a few hours (for sunlight, since I had the option), and dusted off the elliptical. This was my first elliptical workout in the “new basement” of the new dwelling, and it was every bit as warm as it was at the other place. No surprises there.

A few hours later, I got out for an easy-peasy 3-mile shakeout run. Of course, I over-dressed…these cold mornings/warm afternoons are tricky to nail with the layers. I love these late summer temps, though, so no complaints.

Saturday - the final day of taper
With another slight sleep-in (WHAT is happening to me?), I was awake & ready for action. I was on the bike just before 7;00, and drafted  Saturday’s to-do list during my 14-mile ride. That was followed by another intense upper-body strength session and core workout. 
Max also took me for a nice walk after lunch. 

and Sunday
I’ll be hitting the downtown streets of Des Moines for the half marathon. As this goes to press, the day is looking beautiful! Temps in the mid-50’s at the start, will a clear sky and all kinds of sunshine. Thank you, Momma N! 

So, that’s a wrap on the week as well as my last training cycle for 2024. I do have a couple of short races on the calendar, but there’s no special training needed for them. This week was pretty low-key in terms of mileage and intensity - 11 miles of running, 9 miles of  walking, and 44 miles on the bike. I’m still going strong with daily core work, and sprinkled in a little bit of upper-body work. I’m feeling good! 

In case you missed out, here’s what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. A favorite clothing combo for running, in these cold mornings/warm afternoon, is pairing shorts with a long-sleeved top. Well, that works for street clothes also. It got up to the mid-70’s by the afternoon, so the sweater was borderline warm. Had it not been so windy, I would have been roasting. 

Finally, I finished all of my household painting on Wednesday evening! After daily manicure touch-ups, it was nice to do my nails knowing they’d be fine for several days with no fear of paint messing with them. First world probs, anyone? 

So, that’s the latest! 

The summer-ish weather keeps sticking around, and I’m overjoyed. The leaves have just recently started turning here. I suspect we’ll get a true seasonal cold spell, though, and the colors will be brown overnight and on the ground within a few days following. At least it’s not snowing! 

How was your week? Any training breakthroughs? New training cycles on the roster? Weekend racing

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Looks like you are ready for a fast half! Enjoy the perfect conditions and good luck!

  2. I think you are more than ready! Have a great time today out there

  3. Yes, at least it's not snowing like it is in other parts of the country! The weather for your race today sound perfect- by the time you're reading this, it will be over. I hope it went well and I can't wait for the recap.

  4. I bet all those “sleep-ins” paid off today — rest is an essential part of training!
    It sounds like you had perfect weather — I hope everything else went too for you too.

  5. Good luck today though I know you'll do great.

    I'm approaching my full in 2 weeks and then a rest from training... I think.

  6. Yay for no frost! 34F sounds really... unpleasant though, haha. We're back to warmer weather here, but with a storm for some extra spice.
    I hope you're enjoying and crushing that half marathon today. It sounds you're all preppred for it!

  7. Oof I'm not ready for 30s yet! I just got back into running after a month off-- when I was running in August it was still it's 40s in the morning!
