Sunday, October 6, 2024

Somewhat Summer; Somewhat Fall


I think Momma N’s confused. 

I’m not complaining, but it has me amused. She’s been giving us fall-like mornings and summer-like afternoons. Any last morsel of summer she throws my way, I’ll gladly take (even if I have to layer-up in the wee hours). 

Let’s suffice it to say this week had me relishing the “PM” hours. There was plentiful sunshine and wonderful weather to behold. And I was there for it! 

Before I dis on the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here’s what went down this week in my little world of fitness and whatnot:

A low-key sunny Sunday
Wow, it was a beauty of a day! It was a bit on the chilly side for the early morning walk with Max, but was very pleasant for my afternoon 15-mile ride. No complaints!

Never miss a (warm) Monday!
I stayed inside in the o’dark hours, and rode a quick 5-miler than did some upper-body and core work. We got out for a mid-morning 1-mile walk (at the office) and I also walked another 2-miler over lunch in the bright sunshine. 

After getting home, I laced-up and hit the road, smiling, in the summer-like 84F temps! Yes, this is heaven in my world!

Take-It-Easy Tuesday 
Brrr, the windy 54F temps felt pretty chilly, a mere 12 hours following that 84F Monday evening run! Thankfully, it was warmer (but still quite windy) a few hours later, so Susan & I ventured out for a late morning walk. 

What-to-Wear Wednesday
After several weeks, all four of the 4:45AM crew were reunited! It was also one of those “transitional temps” mornings where one questions what to wear. I started with double layers, but tossed the vest after the first three miles.  Not pictured is the upper-body extravaganza that followed. I cued-up a light weights/high reps workout, but experimented with heavier weights for the arms’ moves (12-pounds) & shoulders moves (8-pounds). The result? A more significant burn, everywhere). 

An action-packed Thursday 
It doesn’t happen very often, but it happened on Thursday this week. After letting Max do his morning business, I pulled the covers back up and laid my head back on the pillow…and snoozed for almost an entire hour later than most Thursday mornings. Upon the “second” wake-up, I did a quick 5-mile ride before getting ready for the office. 

It truly was a beautiful day (sunny and low/mid 70F temps), so there were two different 1-mile walks, and a warm 3-mile group run in the evening. There may have been more tempo-pacing in that final mile.

(Finally) Friday!
The morning started with eight miles on the bike and some core work. It ended with another warm, sunny late afternoon walk (three miles).

Easy-run Saturday 
With the Rails to Ales 10K happening on Sunday, all I needed was a short, shakeout run. I was awake well before there was any daylight, so I knocked-out one wall of my bedroom painting project before getting outside for a 3-mile run. Wow, these Morning Glories were so pretty! 

…and what’s on Sunday’s agenda? 
As mentioned, the Rails to Ales 10K is the fitness du jour. It’s more of a group run than an actual race, and doesn’t start until 9:00, so I’ll probably get out for a short walk in the early hours (because I’ll probably be awake, LOL).

Overall, I think this week went well. I did find myself feeling some fatigue, so I tried to keep things low-key as much as possible (yes, much easier said than done). All of my runs felt good, and the 13 miles will have another seven added to it after Sunday’s 10K (plus a bonus 1-mile warm-up en route to the start line). Walking came in at 12 (plus a lot of bonus “tailgating” walking in the afternoon). Biking saw 37 miles, which is lower than typical, but oh well. 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Yes, I was back in black. After a “by” week, the Iowa Hawks were back on the field, this time playing the Ohio State Buckeyes in Columbus. Spoiler, it didn’t end well.

As mentioned in Friday’s coffee post, I’m gearing-up for some necessary color changes in my house! I’ve been here over six months, and the neutral walls just aren’t working for me. I bought some paint, and will soon be adding some excitement to the dreary walls. I managed getting most of the master bedroom painted Saturday morning (before my full day of tailgating and football). Stay tuned for some “makeover” pics soon!

As mentioned, Saturday had a full afternoon of tailgating and then an evening game. It wasn’t the Iowa game though. Jim and I (again) went rogue and were in Ames for the Iowa State vs. Baylor game. It was an exciting game, and the ISU Cyclones came out victorious over the Bears, 43-21. What’s exciting is the Cyclones are now 5-0 on the season! It’s been a few decades since that’s happened!

So, that’s the latest! Thus far, I’m enjoying Fall 2024 and all the sunshine and warmth that has come with it. The forecast is showing much of the same this coming week, so I’m totally good with that! 

How did your week play-out as we welcomed October to the party? Is it still feeling like summer in your world? Any races this weekend, or on the horizon? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I'm really enjoying this warmer than normal fall because I know what's around the corner. It looks like it's going to be a warm one next weekend for the marathoners!

  2. I don’t mind the warmer afternoon temps as long as we can have cooler run temps in the morning. I am motivated by your painting and think I might take on a powder room. Way out of my comfort zone! Send any tips along. Have fun at your race today!

    1. I love painting (rooms & actual canvases)! It’s such an inexpensive quick fix in terms of decorating. . I have a pretty steady hand, so it goes pretty quickly because I don’t need to do much taping.

  3. How fun that you are doing some redecorating! Painting counts as a workout too I think :) Fun week of football and fitness!

    1. I’ve certainly gotten sone good exercise out of the up & down ladder climbing!

  4. Rails to Ales sounds like my kinda race! Have fun!

    It looks like today is going to be our last "summer" day for a while...sigh. I'm hoping to fit a bike ride in to take advantage of the good weather while it's still here.

    1. I would have loved a bike ride yesterday, after the run, but it was too windy.

  5. same here... fall in the am (in the 40s today) but then it warms up.. I love the foliage but not the temps.

    I have a half next weekend but it's just a training run for the big one.

  6. We finally have nice fall weather this weekend. It’s amazing!
    Sometimes you need more rest and it’s great to give that gift to your body.
    Have fun with the 10K today!

    1. Yes, obviously my body was needing some rest, and it did feel geeat’

  7. I see you wore your white shirts for the "white out!" Yes, I was watching that game. No, I don't want to talk about it.
    I'm envying your chilly morning temps! For me, that would be perfect for running.
    I'm looking forward to the makeover pics! And- I hope your race went well : )

    1. I’m not really much of a “white dresser” for football games because there are so many other more colorful options, LOL. But we went with it and had a blast.

  8. Oh fun, I hope your race is going well this morning!

    I can't wait to see your after pictures from your painting projects. Happy painting!

    1. The painting is going well, and I’m on a roll now. I’m determined to get the three bathrooms done this week, and possibly an accent wall in the dining room. Stay tuned!

  9. Hope Rails to Ales is going well and weather was great!! Love the paint - can't wait to see what it looks like!

    1. The Railes to Ales went well, but the 14mph wind was challenging !

  10. Exciting on the painting! We're liking our dark blue bathroom walls and I've been decorating vicariously through my best friend as she adjusts her new house to her taste.

    1. My downstairs bathroom will be a darkish blue color in a few days ;-)
