Saturday, February 8, 2025

Back to our Regularly Scheduled Winter

Yes, the real winter has returned.

After a week of spring-preview temps, Momma N snapped us back to reality. After all, it’s not like we didn’t know it was coming, right? This is winter in the Midwest, and we’ve barely crossed into February.

That said, it’s been a weird winter with little-to-no snow all season. We’ve had plenty of cold temps, though, and an abundance of wind. This week saw a little bit of ice, so we’re keeping humble, LOL

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Coffee? Chatting? Anyone???


Well, Momma N did it again.

First, she teased us with a sudden taste of Spring! Then, just as abruptly, she pulled the rug out from under us and catapulted us back to Winter. 

Yikes. I think this calls for a comforting hot beverage. It also warrants a gathering of friends…you know, misery loves company, LOL.

While we cannot change the weather, the wind, or the weirdness of this winter season, we can commiserate. We can also chat, and we can have coffee (or any beverage of choice).

Saturday, February 1, 2025

It’s Just a (fake spring) Break From Winter

 Well, Momma N never ceases to keep us guessing!

After what felt like the coldest week on record (at least for this winter), she sprung almost an entire week of spring-like temps on us. The mornings were still quite winter-like (as they should be, LOL), but the afternoons were flirting with temps in the 50F’s most days. Can I say this is my kind of winter?

Although I know these “fake spring” conditions won’t stick around for long, they sure have been a nice break from the recent arctic chill.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

My First ‘Fessions of 2025


Well, here we are!

The new year isn’t so new anymore, and we are almost into February. Just like that!

It’s also (already) time for a few minutes at the ‘Fessional. We all have those things that just need released (and confessed among friends), and I’m no exception.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Weathering the BRRR!

 Have I ever mentioned that winter is my fourth favorite season?

If not, I’m saying it now. Ugh, this week was C-O-L-D! Thankfully, the precip has been at the minimum (thus far, #NoComplaints). But Holy Brrr, Batman, the sub-freezing temps (and sub-ZERO feels-like conditions) have been less than pleasant.

It’s a good thing I’ve got the #IowaTough thing going for me.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Whiplashed by the Weather


…and just like that, the weather is “whiplashing” us back to realty.

We still haven’t had much for precip in my area, and I’m totally good with that. This week did see some crazy cold conditions, though. Need I mention the wicked wind?

Next week’s forecast is showing those arctic temps continuing, so lucky us! It’s a good thing I’m #IowaTough and have the gear to show for it.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

One Week In…

How is time going SOOO fast?

Here we are, already more than a full week in and (already) the new year isn’t feeling so new. I’m always amazed how quickly the pre-season routine(s) return(s) once the metaphorical ball drops at 12:00 on January 1st.