Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SMILE because it happened

It's been a rather interesting, racing-packed spring for me.

All told, there have been seven races run over the time-span of  9.5 weeks, 67 days to be exact.

I'm pretty happy with how each and every one of them played out...but now what???

Should I be sorrowful that a great season has come to an end? Anxious that the momentum may cease during this brief time of rebooting? Or, shall I simply smile, and be quite content that all went well?

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Destination: Downtime

I have been racing, racing, and racing....now what???

After a busy late winter/early spring of (almost) nonstop racing, I'm in the midst of a fog. Kind of a racing hangover, if you will. It's like that period right after a marathon (or a major race/event), when you feel a sense of numbness because there's nothing immediate on the calendar, but you're quite content with how things played out in getting there.

None the less, my mind, body and spirit are ready for a brief session of n.o.t.h.i.n.g. In other words,
Destination: Downtime.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Grand Blue Mile 2019

Ever heard the phrase "Double or Nothing?"

Although I'm not the one who authored it, I'm definitely a believer in the concept.

Such was the case with the Bulldog Double. Having just run the half marathon (recap) three days prior, The Grand Blue Mile was the finale of not only the 2019 Bulldog Double, but also my Spring 2019 racing roster.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Drake Road Races Half Marathon 2019

I can do hard things, and I'm quite grateful for the ability to do so.

Case in point - a tough, hilly 13.1-mile jaunt, that had most of my muscles aching (at least from the waist-down). Not only did my body ache, but my mouth was dry. And I was mucho tired at the end.

And I'd do it all over again.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Waiting ...it has its Rewards

Sometimes, the simple act of waiting has its advantages.

Case in point : this past week (at least in terms of weather, DOMS and running).

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spring Races...A Few Of My Iowa Favorites

Spring is in the air, and it's time to go racing!

Although I do not consider myself a competitive racer, it's no secret that I love pinning on a race bib.

After all, why not? Spring is a great time to test out the legs and the lungs, as well as one's endurance. After several months of cold weather running (or, in my case this year, indoor training), it's fun to see what my body can do in an outdoor setting among masses of other runners.

Even though I'm always on the search for new events to explore, there are a few nearby races that I usually do every year. Each of these has its own individual nuances, making each experience on the race course feel like a new adventure every year.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Recovery: Take 2!

Let's try this recovery thing again...

I have had three great weekends, with three awesome races, in three fun and fabulous locations. But my body and my brain are tired. Oh, and there was that cough that came from out of nowhere, and it morphed into a nasty head cold.

First world probs aside, it made for a much needed week on the down-low...

But first things first...

Welcome to the Weekly Run Down! I am so excited to host this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through Monday (noon). Please share your weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well.

So here's the latest Weekly Run Down....

Never miss a Monday

Another early morning wake-up (from my place of lodging in DC), and I was at the airport around 4:45 a.m. for check-in and TSA, and in the air by 6:15. My (connecting) flight touched down in Des Moines around 10:30, and I was back home (for a quick wardrobe change) and seated at my work desk around noon.  After work, the temps were ideal (at least in my world), so I headed out for a short (and very easy-paced) 2-mile run. Yes, I was a little fatigued from being awake and (mostly) alert for nearly 15 hours at that point, but that time spent running in warm temps totally recharged me.

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Another time-out Tuesday

Nothing grand on the schedule (fitness-wise),but I did get out for a short walk with Max. Gotta love this crazy Iowa weather...the temps dropped almost 40F overnight, so I was back in a fleece jacket. But, that sunrise? I definitely would not have seen that from my treadmill.

Image may contain: shoes and outdoor

Wind-down Wednesday

Another cold and rainy morning greeted me upon wake-up. I was still feeling icky from the cold and cough, and still quite fatigued from all the other stuff in previous weeks. I didn't think heading outdoors would do my body any favors, so I fired up the elliptical. Besides, I had not shown dear Ellie any love recently, so it was a win-win.

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Thrillsome Thursday

The cold and windy and rainy weather conditions continued in the morning. It seriously sounded like a blizzard was brewing outside (minus the snow). But.....good things come to those who wait. By the end of day, the temps had warmed significantly, the sun emerged from a 3-day hibernation, and the wind had subsided. After being pretty inactive most of the week, I was craving some fitness, so I got out for a couple post-workday miles. And guess what? There was a random $10 bill waiting for me along my route.

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Finally Friday

And, the weather roller coaster ride continued. Look closely, the green grass would indicate a warm season was at play (like, for example, Spring), but the winter coat and full-length tights (and fleece headband) certainly would tell a different story. Notice my hair is also blowing? Thankfully, it wasn't raining or snowing (like it was in much of the Midwest), so all was well. I'm just grateful that I can get outside, without risking frostbite, for power-walking before heading to work.

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A Sunshiny Saturday

After three weekends spent elsewhere (Florida for Spring Break, Iowa City for Mom's Weekend, and DC for the Cherry Blossom), it felt so grand to not have an alarm to answer to. I did need to log some miles, though. After all, I had been rather inactive most of the week and there is an upcoming half marathon (Drake Relays, this next weekend). I didn't get out until after 9:00, but it was progressively warming up the longer I waited. I had to fight the wind for most of those eight miles, but there was so much sunshine! I could tell my body was still somewhat tired, but the miles didn't take too much effort and it felt so good to be back outside....even if it warranted winter-like running gear.

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...and a simple Sunday

Our High School's prom was Saturday evening, and for the first time (in the past 10 years), I didn't work the after-prom festivities. I did help a bit with some of the planning and set-up for the Promenade (since it had been "my baby" for all those years prior), but that was it. I actually got a full night's sleep on prom night! Sunday morning was very low-key for me. It's been a long time since I have NOT done a short shake-out run (following a previous day's long run), but my body said NO. I did get out for a brisk 2-mile power walk, though, in the winter-like temps. I had to gear up in winter-like attire, but look at that sunrise! My frosty glass is still half full.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes, sky, outdoor and nature

All in all, it was a major week of recovery. I had spent the previous week in recovery mode as well, but I definitely needed this extra week. My mileage was low (12 miles running, 10+/- walking), and there wasn't much else happening (one elliptical session, but ZERO anything else). My cough has (finally) all but left the confines of my body and the head cold is clearing up. UGH. For someone who seldom ever gets sick, this recent cold/cough did a serious number on me. 

In case you missed out, here's what was posted last week on the blog:

Recovery. Adventure. Fun. Mix and Repeat!

Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Mile Run

Rainy Race Day RunningTips

In other news:

Friday. Fashion. Flair. Yes, it was a cold week, so my featured outfit came from earlier in the week before the temps had plummeted too much. What do you think of black and brown? They are a tricky color combo to pull off, but if you go with a "lighter shade" of brown, it can work. Throw in some cheetah print, and you have an outfit, right? This fashion party happens every Friday, and you're invited to play along....post a pic of an outfit, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and tag me (@runningonthefly). 

I'm a huge advocate for listening to one's gut instinct. We all have a gut instinct, after all, and it's usually spot-on. With the past three weekends (and ALL the activity, travel, and races), it's probably no surprise this cough/cold crap hung around so long. I don't think it affected my racing ((much)), but after I got home from DC, I could tell I needed some major down time. I try to get in some form of fitness very morning, but there were a few mornings that I took things very easy. And, I had ZERO guilt in doing so (again, proof that I really needed to rest and recover more than I had been doing). I can't help but wonder if Fate (or, Momma N???) was intervening by giving me such nasty weather? I certainly didn't feel bad staying inside for a few of those cold, rainy mornings.

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 And finally, even though this winter-rewind (as of late) has not been pleasant, I know it will not last forever. We ARE journeying towards summer (my favorite season), so all is well.

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So, there you have it! Another Run Down on another week.

How are things in your world? Are you experiencing a winter-rewind in terms of weather? Ever had a cough/cold that took up residence in your body and was stubborn about leaving? Ever done three back-to-back weekends of traveling and racing?

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Rainy Race Day Running Tips

Rain. It happens, even on race day.

For most of us, this is probably not our favorite scenario. Especially if it's a goal race or one we've trained especially hard for, rain on race day can be a real buzz kill. Now that Spring is officially here, the likelihood of rain in the forecast is a possibility.

What's a runner to do? Stay home and declare a DNS? Or, lace up (anyways), dress up (in appropriate rainy weather gear) and show up at that start line? 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Mile recap

Do you believe in Fate? Good fortune? Karma?

I'm not really sure where I stand on any of those, but I do know a lot of things worked in my favor to make my dream of running the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Mile Run a reality.

It all started, several years ago, when I first heard of the event. The 10-mile distance is not a very common race distance, but it's one I like. I am also enthralled with the city of Washington, DC (and all the historic sights and memorials that live there). Marry these two and you have a race that speaks to my heart.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Recovery. Adventure. Fun. Mix and Repeat!

Well, it's been quite the week.

Recovery. Adventure. Fun. Mix and repeat.

There was a lot of stuff going down this week, and my body may be tired, but my spirits are oh-so-happy!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Can we talk? Over coffee?

Shall we gather for chatter? You and I? Over coffee (or any beverage of your choosing)?

March kind of left me in a bit of a tailspin. There was a lot of racing, plenty of fun times with family, and some cathartic moments as well.

Care to hear more? There's plenty I'd share with you....

Monday, April 1, 2019