Thursday, July 11, 2024

Looking Ahead…

Things that make me go “Hmmmm…”

 I’m not quite sure how we got  here so quickly, but yikes! The second half of 2024 is underway.

Shall we disclose a few (or five?) goals on the agenda, as we make our way through these remaining months?

Let me emphasize  that I am in no hurry, whatsoever, for 2024 to wind down. Heck, I’m not even the least bit eager for summer to come to a close. 

There are some things that need my attention and focus, though, the first one being my general well-being. Ahem, I fully admit to my hurriedness with getting to work (since my move), so I have not been very diligent (nor dedicated) to the essential necessities of stretching, PT or general physical TLC. While I’d love to proclaim, here and now, to add these to my daily regimen, I’m hoping to start with an every-other day approach. Wish me luck (please and thank you).

bring on the increased stretching

Along that theme, I will be primarily maintaining my running base for the time-being. After Saturday evening’s Midnight Madness race, my next race is the IMT Des Moines 13.1 in mid-October (unless, and until, I find any other races to add to the mix). I won’t need to amp-up the mileage until September, but I’d like to sprinkle in some long-ish runs intermittently through the summer. 

summer running

And, since I won’t be following any specific training plan, why not throw in some sporadic speedwork? Speedwork; that long lost (running) friend who has ghosted me…or have I been the “ghoster” (instead of the “ghostee?”). I just need to find a suitable place to make said speedwork happen.

returning to speedwork?

I wouldn’t be completely honest with you (or myself) if I didn’t acknowledge that elusive sub-2:00 half marathon finish time. I came so close at the 2023 IMT 13.1. Maybe 2024 is an opportune chance for redemption? 

 2:00:43 finish time....

Finally, a few friends and I have thrown around the idea of doing another century ride. You know, a 100-mile bike ride. After all, the 2022 century ride (RECAP) was a blast! The ideal time is upon us with the warm temps still hovering in the early-early morning daylight. We just need to pin-down a date, and we need to commit to it soon. 

with Barb, Mike and Amy, at the 77.65 mile mark (July 2022)

So, those are some thoughts on goals, quests, and endeavors to see me through 2024. Stay tuned, and I’ll keep you posted on my progress. I have the inspiration, the eagerness, and the drive; now I just need a few stars, moons, and planets to align, LOL. 

How about you? Do you have any unfinished business to knock-out before years end? 

I'm linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. These are all great! Knowing you I know you will make it happen.

  2. 100 miles on a bike is so impressive tome!

    Keeping a base is so important and if you want to run a longer race, you can just add a few miles and you're ready.

    1. I agree...once the fitness base has been established, it's much easier to maintain it than to slack-off and have to start over.
