Thursday, May 30, 2024

Some Pre-Summer 'Fessions

Well, here we are again.

Marcia has granted admission to the ‘Fessional, and there’s a few ‘fessions to be disclosed. Funny how these ‘fession-worthy things burden our minds, right? 

We all know the best solution is releasing the deets, and coming clean. So, here we go…

First off, I Garmin-fess that my Garmin really does not know me, LOL. Seriously, it scolds me for not resting when, in fact, it’s merely a misunderstanding (because I don’t sleep with it adorning my wrist). Recently, it praised me for a “recovery day,” despite the fact I had power-walked four miles only a few hours prior). It also mistakenly assumed I was “napping” while taking a few Hulu breaks, with Max, on the couch. 

Shhh, don’t tell…

Napping? Three times in one day? #IfOnly

Speaking of my ever-knowing Garmin…. 
 After last week’s full moon run, it surprised me with a badge I didn’t know existed. The “I am the Night” badge, awarded for doing a fitness activity after 10PM. I runfess, I didn’t see that coming, LOL!

I’ve been in my new house, in my new town, two months already.! I’ve done a fair share of running, walking, and biking, all while exploring my way through the city. A very vivid landmark is the cluster of grain elevators near the downtown area. These are visible from virtually everywhere, even a few miles out on the trail. I runfess that I’ve labeled this grouping the Bondurant Beacon. More than once, they’ve helped me get my bearings if I’ve made a wrong turn whilst not paying attention to my whereabouts.

The Bondurant Beacon

While getting settled, it’s been an interesting endeavor figuring out furniture placement. Just recently, I decided (as I was falling asleep one night) that the master bedroom needed a re-do. I was was able to rotate the (heavy!) bed, then intermittently shuffle it over to the wall (between the windows) until as I slowly scooted the dresser back to where the bed had been. I gotta decorate-fess, this looks and feels much more regal, and a better use of the space.  

New layout (big pic); old layout (small pic)

New layout (big pic); old layout (small pic)

With my new residence, I have the Chichaqua Valley Trail very close by. I’ve been doing a lot of biking, in recent weeks, on those rare occasions when the wind hasn’t been too treacherous. While I’m grateful to have access to this beautiful trail (and numerous other trails that connect with it), I have to bike-fess I am missing that hilly bike path back in Grinnell (and the weekly rides with Amy). Whodda thunk? 

16 miles of rolling hills have replaced the weekly 16 miles of steep hills…

Whew, and now I feel much better! Bring on June, my soles have been cleansed.

Anything you'd care to share in front of the 'Fessional? Ever done a spontaneous room-re-do, all on your own? Has Garmin surprised you with an unexpected (and unknown) badge? Does your Garmin know you better than mine does me? 

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. My Garmin is the biggest Smart Alec about my fitness and rest. I ended up turning off the body battery because it just wasn't useful info. I only wear it to bed on the days when I get up before the hubs and need the alarm, but it's always talking smack about my sleep.

    I bet you know your new town better after two months than people who have lived there for years! You never really see a place like you see it when you're out running/walking/biking.

    Yay for the furniture rearrange!

    1. I should turn the body battery off as well...I really don't pay much attention to it since I know it's misleading.

  2. I have this new Garmin 265s and I runfess that it has incredible power over me. I wear it 24/7 it's changing my life. This week, I went to bed early every night just to get a better sleep score (it measures the quality of your sleep).
    Now I'm on a mission to get a better HRV, which is a whole science of itself. I find it incredibly fascinating, although everyone else thinks I'm nuts!

    1. Ha ha! That's funny how you're so enthralled with all those stats ;-)

  3. LOL, my Garmin Venu SQ doesn’t boss me as much as my Fenix. It does think I go to bed at 8 since that’s when I usually start watching tv …

    Sounds like those silos are coming in handy. When I was in Austin I used a tall hotel as a landmark to figure where I was.

    1. Seriously, they're so tall! I can see them easily within a 5-mile distance!

  4. I ignore all comments from my Garmin!
    I've definitely surprised my family with spontaneous room re-dos. I like your new bedroom arrangement! And... I'll bet those steep hills gave you lots of endorphins, which you now appreciate in retrospect. But, I'm very envious that you have such easy access to a beautiful trail! I would definitely get out on my bike more (or, ever) if I had somewhere like that to ride.

    1. I do miss those hilly endorphins! The RAGBRAI route is even hillier this year (every day, that week, is crazy hilly). I'm going to feel very under-trained if I'm able to swing a day (or two) of the ride

  5. That is a cool badge! Oh wow relocating that bed could not have been fun. Kudos to you for getting it done! Sounds like you're settling in well to your new place!

    1. Once I got the idea to do the relocation, it would not rest. It took a few minutes to figure out that "simply" rotating the bed accomplished 90% of the feat, and it was euphoric ;-)

  6. I do t wear my Garmin if I am not running or walking so I do t get the full accurate readings. I do wear my Oura ring all the time and much more info from that on sleep and recovery. Love a good spontaneous redecorating so glad you are enjoying your new home

    1. I never used to be a daily Garmin wearer until the past year or so, but I take it off at bedtime. It's hard to not be interested in some of the stats, even if they're not 100% accurate.

  7. If it weren't for you I wouldn't know about half the badges on Garmin! That's a fun one! I also had no idea that Garmin attempts to track naps.

    Amzaing that you've already been in your new place 2 months! I like your redesign of your bedroom furniture - that couldn't have been easy to move! That trail near you place looks beautiful.

    1. The Garmin badge do make things interesting! I don't ICD over them, but they give me some incentive on occasion.

  8. I confess that I have not moved furniture since I moved in 25 years ago.

    I only use my Garmin for races so no badges. I wear my Apple watch but I rarely lock at any health stats. I'm sure I'd be disappointed.

    Glad you are settled in and enjoying your new home.

    1. I used to only wear my "older" Garmin for running or racing. I got this Forerunner 255 almost two years ago, though, and I do like seeing all the info on my steps and "active" hours, etc. (not that those stats influence anything, LOL).

  9. I redecorate and move furniture quite a bit. My bedroom furniture is a little heavy and scary, although I have taken it on from time to time. Looks great!

    1. I've moved the living room around a few times as well. I'm always trying to find ways to make it more functionable and pleasing to the eye.
