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Saturday, January 11, 2025

One Week In…

How is time going SOOO fast?

Here we are, already more than a full week in and (already) the new year isn’t feeling so new. I’m always amazed how quickly the pre-season routine(s) return(s) once the metaphorical ball drops at 12:00 on January 1st. 

Before I dis on the first week deets of 2025, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here’s what went down this week in my little corner often universe…

Sunday was a bit low-key
Even though I’d done a 20-mile early morning ride just a day prior, I saw there was a 40K Biking badge up for grabs, courtesy of Garmin. So, why not go for it? Even better, summon a fellow fitness friend to join you (I’m looking at you, Deb). I also got out for a mid-afternoon 2-mile walk in the cold. My walking mileage has taken a big hit this winter, so why not layer-up and just go for a walk if I have ample daylight (and plenty of cold weather gear)? 

Another Never Miss a Monday
It was another “not-feeling-the-outdoor-scene” kind of (cold) morning, so I hit the elliptical for 20-ish minutes (3-ish miles) and added some core work It still was cold and breezy after work, but a tiny bit warmer (and a little less windy) for my 2-mile run. Yes, it was a #PrettyChill run (literally), but the tranquility is still pretty sweet in the crisp twilight air.

Taking things (kind of) easy on Tuesday
It’s been nine months since the last Fight for Air Climb, and the 2025 Climb is happening on March 30th…so it’s time to start training! Granted, I have snuck in a few mini stair workouts in recent weeks, but this 50-flight endeavor was a solid lower-body burner. I also got out, after work, for a 2-mile walk. It was a bit on the #Brrr side, but a worthwhile endeavor.  

Wow, it was cold on Wednesday!
Kelly, Hannah, and I were apprehensive about the forecasted sub-freezing temps, but we all agreed to layer-up and meet-up for the 4:45AM 3-miler anyways. After all, we hadn’t seen each other since a week before Christmas. Guess what? We ran the token three miles and decided to keep going and snag a bonus mile. There truly is strength in numbers! Or is that insanity?

A Triple-Threat Thankful Thursday
It was a busy day in my fitness world. The morning began with 12 miles on the bike (while chatting with Deb). Afterwards, I cued-up an intense upper-body burner (via Peloton, with my favorite gal Tunde) that had me glistening and glowing even more than the bike ride.

After work, I joined the Altoona Running Club for their weekly Thursday run. I’ve said this many times, but this 3-mile Thursday gig almost always turns into a pseudo tempo run. I’m not as fast as the much faster runners leading the way, but I guess they subconsciously pull me along at a good clip. This week’s run had one of my fastest “easy-paced” efforts. No regrets, and I slept like a rock that night.

Active recovery for the Friday win
Nothing much to brag about other than honoring (and rewarding) my tired body with a low-impact day. Just a quick 1-mile power walk, in the wee hours, because recovery doesn’t have to mean couch time. And that’s all she wrote.

Long(ish) Run Saturday
Kelly (one of my early bird Wednesday runner gals) and I decided to join the Capitol Striders club for their Saturday morning run. I mean, why not?  We opted for the 5-mile route, but got a little lost on the backend of the loop and ended with six miles. We had actually considered a bonus mile anyways, so all was good. The route got a little hilly, and our lead gal Chelley got a little speedy, LOL, so I had to take a brief walk break at the 4.5-mile mark. That said, I was able to finish with a respectable 9:30 average pace after I caught back up with everyone. The win of the day, though, was scoring a few new running friends after those six miles of chatter and laughs.

…and what’s happening on Sunday?
The forecast is looking cold (high 20F’s) and windy in the morning hours, but also bright and sunny. I’m thinking a (very) early bike ride is on deck, followed by an outdoor walk before the sunshine takes cover. I might hit up the weights as well. 

So, how did the week play-out? In a word: satisfactory. The running saw 15 miles, which is a good off-season number for me. Biking was mediocre with 37 miles. Walking was still in the single digits (seven miles), but I’m keeping busy with plenty of other cardio options so #NoWorries. Strength-training was pretty light this week, but #OhWell. I’ll be doing weekly stair-training for the next few months, so that will be my main lower-body stuff for the time being (especially if I sprinkle in some weighted climbs!). 

In case you missed out, here’s what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday. Fashion. Flair. Don’t you love finding a long-lost treasure of a puffer vest in the closet? I’ve had this colorful number for several years, and had forgotten about it until it magically reappeared when I was looking for something else. 

And, that’s the latest and greatest! Knock wood, it’s been cold (and windy, of course), but the snow has been at the bare minimum thus far. We all know that won’t last, LOL, but I’m enjoying the status quo at the moment.

Enough about me, how was the first full week of 2025 for you? Have you had much snow yet? Is the fitness still going strong, even with the cold temps outside?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Glad you had fun with the Capitol Striders this morning! It's always great to meet new running friends.

    We've had two snowfalls with about eight inches total between the two. We've also had a couple of other days where we had several snow squalls past through without leaving much on the ground. I've gotten my snow fix for the year and I'm ready for spring!

    1. Ha! I’ve already had my snow fix, and it’s been pretty minimal here. I want my summer back!

  2. Nice job putting yourself out there with a new running group! It sounds like it was a lot of fun!

    1. Well, full disclosure, I’ve been to a few other runs with this group (back in the summer), but it there were a lot of new faces this time. It was a lot of fun despite the hills and chilly temps!

  3. Well done putting yourself out there for a new running group! It can definitely be intimidating. You did great and hopefully will be back again!

    1. This was actually my third (or fourth?) time going to one of their big Saturday runs, but it was my first time doing so in the winter. Kelly and I plan on going back and being more consistent with the group on their Saturday runs for sure.

  4. I need to get on the stair training as well since I did follow through and sign up for the climb! I've been debating whether I should do some specific stair training or if my normal routine of treadmill incline walking plus the steep hikes on weekends is good enough. Now that I've written this out, I think that some stair work can't hurt anything. I'm really looking forward to the climb!

    1. YAY!!!!! Look out, stairs, there’s another gal gonna tackle you!! Yes, I would recommend doing some training on an actual stairway since that’s what you’ll be climbing on at the event. It’ll give you a chance to practice double-stepping (which goes much faster with less effort) and using the handrails (which will give you a means of stability). Good luck, and keep me posted on how the training goes!

  5. It is always fun to run with new people! Nice job putting yourself out there. We had lots of snow this week here too

    1. There were a lot of familiar faces there (from my other run club), so I totally didn’t feel out of place. As you know, we can never have too many running in friends!

  6. It's been very cold and windy. Not much snow just enough to make it messy.
    I've adopted the run walk and my pace could be 13-15min/mi but it's all good.

    Good for you joining a new group... it's fun to run with others.

    1. It was horribly cold and windy on my walk earlier. The January wind is NOT runner/walker friendly at all!

  7. Brrr! We got down to the 40s this week and that felt cold to me! I think my blood is too thin to ever live up north again. Good thing you have all the layers (and lots of indoor options.)
    Sounds like all your running groups are keeping you speedy! And, you'll get in plenty of lower body work with your stair workouts for the next couple months.

    1. Ha! These running groups are definitely upping the speed work, by default, LOL.

  8. So early, and so cold on your run! Good for you getting out there and all of you keeping each other accountable. Time to get back into the routine!

    1. That Wednesday morning run was crazy cold! Amazingly, the only thing that felt cold was my face…and I was a major sweaty mess under all the layers.

  9. Yay for a new running group!! How fun. We've had snow after snow after snow so that even though we just get an inch or so each day, each morning it seems the roads are a mess and icy bc it's so cold! I've stayed inside but can't wait to run outside again!

    1. It’s crazy how little snow we’ve had so far…and that’s NOT a complaint!

  10. Yay to scoring new running friends! I’m glad getting “lost” just helped you get the extra mile you wanted.
    How does Max fare in the snow? Scooby doesn’t mind it if it’s not icy.

    1. Max does okay in the snow, but I don’t usually walk him in it (he gets full access to the backyard, but is in and out really quick). He’s currently “vacationing” in Florida with his dad for another week, so it’ll be a shock to his system when returns to the Iowa cold!

  11. So glad you got to head out with some new running friends! I love that for you! Brrr... it looks cold and windy, there! I'm all about the snow and cooler weather, but you are going through it! The start of the new year could be better, but we are making it happen!

  12. Glad you scored some new friends on Saturday! So happy to see you keeping active as always even with the cold temperatures!
