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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Falling Back Into a Routine

Ahhh, doesn't it feel good to be back in a routine?

After a couple weeks of marathon recovery, followed by some bitterly too-cold-to-be-outside weather, it feels like I'm back into a routine. Even though a routine can get stagnant, there's a definite element of comfort and familiarity to it as well.

But, before I get into the nitty gritty of everything, Welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, in my little corner of the fitness world.

Monday - Back outside!!!!
How does it feel when the temps are 34F...and there's NO wind? Pretty frickin' fantastic! I didn't feel like battling the hill on my street (yeah, it happens from time-to-time), so I drove to the college  and ran around the lighted "square." Two speedy miles for #nevermissaMonday, and I was awake and ready for whatever the day brought my way.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, shoes and outdoor

Tuesday -  active recovery on the elliptical
Even though Tuesdays are a rest/recovery day, that doesn't mean I can't sweat a little. Besides, a little bit of fasted cardio does my body good. Thirty minutes, while watching a couple episodes of Cheers, and all was good for the day.
Image may contain: one or more people and indoor

Wednesday - resurrecting the #5at5
With the recent cold blast of temps, and a few schedule conflicts, it had been a few weeks since Barb and I had run our ritual early morning 5-miler. It felt great to get back on the streets in the early hours. After we parted ways, I was kneeling (attempting a post-run selfie)...and just as the timer was snapping said selfie, another runner (and her two dogs) asked me if I was alright. I sheepishly laughed, and told her I was just taking my picture. Busted in a selfie!
Image may contain: 1 person, night and outdoor Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Thursday - returning to HIIT!
It was cold and rainy outside, so I stayed inside. Holy heart pumper, Batman, this Lower-Body Burner woke me up!

Total time: about 35 minutes (including warm-up/cool-down walking on treadmill)
**Incline set on 6
**treadmill speed set on 4.4mph

3 sets:
*5-minute inclined power walk
*10 burpees
*10 stairs (double-stepped)
*10 squats
*10 slow-motion push-ups

Image may contain: shoes

Friday - active rest/recovery inside
With Thursday's crazy inclined power walking, intense stairs, and squats, I was a little worried I'd be feeling the after affects Friday morning. Thankfully, there were no DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) cramping my style. Twenty minutes of fasted cardio, via the elliptical, and some upper-body strength work for breakfast, then on to the office.
Image may contain: one or more people

Saturday - long(ish) run 
I purposely didn't set my alarm, but still woke up before 6:00. Fortunately, I was able to doze back off for another hour or so. The temps were in the low 20's (with windchill), but that sunshine! I'll gladly take a little bit of cold (if it's not as extreme as in recent weeks) because my body and mind crave the great outdoors. So what if there was a pesky rock wedged in the inner depths of my shoe for the last two (of those seven) miles? I didn't have any music, either. Who am I?
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes, sky, tree, outdoor and nature

Sunday - keeping it simple
With a busy day on tap, I was up and out the door at 5:45 for a quick 2-mile power walk through the 'hood. My app said the temps were 31F (24F feels-like with wind). Well, the wind was MIA, at least in the confines of my neighborhood. So, yes, I was overdressed for "just" a walk in sub-freezing temps LOL. Maybe I've acclimated to the approaching winter season? Who knows...but that crescent moon was beautiful, and the frost sparkling, from the light of my Knuckle Lights, was pretty tranquil. If Winter could be like this on a daily basis, I'd embrace it much more. Just saying.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, hat, child and outdoor

So, as mentioned, it feels good to be back in a routine. It also feels great to have seasonal temps again. I know the real winter temps will return (duh, this is Iowa LOL), but I am no hurry for full-on frigid air. Total running came in at 14 miles. Walking was almost non-existent (only 7ish miles). There were 3-1/2 hours of intense Fall Foliage Fitness (also known as leaf/pine needle-raking/lifting/hauling). Thursday's HIIT was a total sweat fest. Also, 50 minutes of elliptical time. No complaints, no regrets.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:
Enter: Winter...ALREADY?
Winter Running - We Got This!
Off-Season doesn't mean On-Couch

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair on Instagram...Holy Brrr, Friday was chilly in Iowa! Thankfully, I had a cozy blanket shawl to keep me warm. By the way, I'm totally in love with red and black buffalo plaid anything. It adds a bright accent alongside my favorite white skinny jeans. Yes, I'm still wearing white, even though it's long past Labor Day (white is a color, too!). Anyways, you're always welcome to join the party on Fridays...post a pic of a featured outfit, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

Have you seen the Decade Challenge on Facebook and Instagram? It took me a few days, but I finally caved and played along. The top pic was taken a week before the hubby deployed to Kyrgyzstan (late August 2009), and the bottom pic was from a couple weeks ago (celebrating the youngest daughter's graduation and AA degree).

Lastly, the Winter Solstice is less than a month away! For me, just making it to the Solstice feels like such a milestone in dealing with all the cold and darkness of winter. Knowing there are brighter days ahead, quite literally, helps make the frigid temps a little more bearable.
Image may contain: 1 person, text and outdoor

Enough about me...tell me something about YOUR week! Any great workouts? Racing over the weekend? Are you ready for winter temps, or are you still hanging on to the last of fall?

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Never ready for winter but if it is at least sunny, I feel better about getting outside. Have a half in January so let the training begin...if you can call it that. But it gets me out the door a few times a week.

    1. I agree, the sunshine makes a huge difference! Of course, a lack of wind is pretty legit, too :-)

  2. After our cold snap, the seasonal temps feel downright balmy! I do wish we had more of a fall though. Enjoy the week with everybody home together!

    1. You said it! Even though it was cold for my run yesterday, it really wasn't bad. Today, the temps are 51F (currently, at 2:00), and it feel like Spring!

  3. Nice workouts! I admire you for doing the burpees! I hate them and do anything to avoid them. By the way, I failed at the 2.30min plank test - I'm at 90 seconds. You inspired me to keep on trying!

    1. Well, I have been planking a long time...and I did not just start at 2:30. Just keep working at it...adding even just 5-second increments will make them easier to go longer.

  4. I am such a creature of habit so it's been hard for me to be off of my regular schedule the past month. Looks like a solid week for you. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I have the same issue with routine...26.2 recovery (almost) drove me bonkers because I took things really easy and it felt so odd. Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family :-)

  5. Sounds like a nice active week. Seems as though you had some at least ok weather. We had 2 nice days -- luckily both were run days for me. Because we had a lot of disgusting weather this week too.

    I was late to FB, so I'm not finding any 2009 photos on it. I'll have to dig deeper. Mostly it's probably just more gray hair (although I did lose almost 10 lbs in that decade, actually).

    1. Losing 10 pounds is substantial, congrats!! Yes, our weather was much more bearable this past week than the week prior. I know it's not gonna stay that way, though...

  6. I'm hanging onto the last of fall too. I'm hoping to stay running outside as long as possible and thankfully the snow melted and this week I was back outside too. I love that red plaid scarf!!

    1. I don't mind snow, but it can wait until closer to Christmas Day, thank you very much. I was glad to see our snow melt, too!

  7. I do much better when I have a routine to follow. Even though this is technically my "off season" I still want to try to get in a certain number of runs and strength workouts per week.

    1. Ditto...I like to stay somewhat active, even if I'm not cranking all the miles in my running shoes.

  8. It sounds like you had a great workout week, and yes, 34° without any wind sounds pretty delightful to me, too!

    I do love your red and black buffalo plaid. You look great in those colors!

    As always, thanks for the linkup!

    1. I can tolerate most any temps, no matter how cold, if the wind is MIA. I was almost giddy this past week ;-)

  9. It does feel more normal to be in a routine. While rest week's are much needed and feel good on the body after some hard effort races, I enjoy the consistency of daily miles.

    1. I agree. My body (and mind LOL) craves the daily endorphins!

  10. I'm very happy to be back to my usual routine, except it will be mixed up this week with the holiday! I'm looking forward to the winter solstice because that means more daylight!

    1. It's only in recent years that I've had that revelation with the Solstice...it does get dark leading up to it, but it's gets brighter and brighter EVERY day afterwards ;-)

  11. It's been pretty decent here, weather wise, this week! No complaints.

    1. Yes, this past week was nice. I'll gladly take the cold temps, though seasonal, any day over the crazy extreme stuff we had.

  12. I made it outside for three runs this week. Crazy!! :) Besides the gloominess, it's been ok weather. I wouldn't mind the snow again because it makes it look so bright outside! Do you have a list of workouts like the one you did on Thursday? I really need to come up with some sort of collection of those. I'm clueless when it comes to doing something other than running/walking or weight lifting!

    1. If you're interested in more of my workouts, there's a tab across the top that says #notjustarunner workouts...there's a bunch of my stair and HIIT workouts there. Some are linked to actual posts, but many are just images with the workouts on them as well. Thanks and enjoy!!

  13. I think I'm going to have to steal your 5 minute incline power walks to add to my weight lifting routine. I've added burpees to my routine and really started focusing on keeping my abs and engaged and WOWZA it's quite the workout. Here's to another week of workouts in the books!

    1. The inclined power walk was a spontaneous idea...but, holy hamstrings, it was so much tougher than I'd bargained for LOL I'm going to play around with that and up the incline and/or the speed to make it more intense...

  14. Ha - busted indeed! I'm not doing an update this week as shhhh I'm on holiday and don't want to announce that directly to the world. I have been running, although haven't got any big miles in ...

  15. I would love for these 40 degree sunny November days to last forever...Not looking forward to the icy mornings!

    Glad you're back in a strong routine, that always feels great! Do you have any marathons planned for next year? Thanks for hosting the link-up!

    1. Right? If winter could remain in the 40's for the next four months or so....oh what a perfect world! I'm strongly considering Air Force Marathon in 2020. I'd wanted to do it this year, but it was about 6 weeks before MCM and I couldn't swing the logistics.

  16. I also like the routine because then I feel "lost". I think that is one of the reasons I look forward to going back to school. Ha, but then that only lasts so long before I am ready for summer break. :-) I am working with a new coach and got some great runs this past week. Excited about the next one.

    1. It's exciting to work with a new coach! I'll be curious to see what direction your training takes ;-)

  17. Love your 2009 color palette.
    Been there on a busted selfie and checking on others to see if they were OK when they were crouching for one
    I'm with yuo on a routine. They help so much. I'm OK with the cold, it's the rain that gets me.

    1. The busted selfie was so funny (but a little embarrassing LOL). The, after I'd told the gal I was taking my pic, she offered to take the pic for me, but I politely declined.

  18. I love how consistent you are!

    If there's no wind and plenty of sunshine then the cold temps are much more tolerable. We've had a couple of icy mornings here which are no bueno!

    Great family photos! :)

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) I agree...the wind is such a buzzkill. I'd totally embrace winter a lot more if wind never played into the equation.

  19. I'm dying laughing over your busted selfie. I've so been there! It's always so awkward. At least you were under the cover of darkness. I was busted doing a run-fie in a cemetery at sunrise. So weird. Even more weird when I met the woman who busted me a week later at a party. She recognized me and said, "oh you were the person taking a running picture in the cemetery!" Not awkward at all. :)

    1. ha ha ha!!!! Totally awkward LOL I mean, what are the odds a random person will catch you at a random moment...for me, in the dark in the very early hours? But, it doesn't stop us from continuing the quest for that perfect pic, right?

  20. yay for a good week! and some non-killing cold outdoor workouts! I don't mind the cold, it's the wind here that is so awful. I am preparing myself in my head to be outside in the morning soon. Thank goodness the solstice is nearly here!!

    I love your blanket shawl. I have a pretty thick/wide scarf Ron brought back from India for me that I absolutely love. I may just take that to work with me today! It's always freezing in the office!

    Loving the family photo too <3

    I did have my RPM Sprint + RPM "normal" evening on Thursday that made me feel pretty bada$$! But no racing. Just getting the green light was good enough for me!

  21. I love the feeling of having a routine. Glad the temps were milder this week! It always feels so weird to be seen taking a selfie. But you gotta do whatcha gotta do, right?

  22. Great photos of the family! And I agree about the solstice. Once I make it there, I begin to feel like at least it's on the upswing and the light starts coming back :)

  23. I'm going to have to find a new routine. As of right now, I am hard core sidelined. Full stop.

    I have a feeling it's not going to go well.

    I love your family photos!

  24. I'm not sure I'm ready for winter temps yet! I think that getting back into running and now swimming is helping me tolerate the cold a little better, but I still don't trust my wimpy skin when the real cold sets in!

  25. Routine is always good for the soul. Glad you have found your groove again!

  26. Busted in a selfie!! LOL! You should see me try to get a secret selfie in especially when there are people around, like at a parkrun. I love getting back to my normal routine too. Well done on getting so much done. You continue to be my role model :-)
