About Me

Monday, May 31, 2021

Global Running Day - Let's RUN!

We are runners, and runners run.

We have the gear, and we have the gadgets. We even have our own special day, Global Running Day!

Since its inception in 2009 (when it was first called National Running Day), this special day is celebrated, annually, on the first Wednesday of June. In 2016, its name was officially changed to Global Running Day (source). 

Shall we celebrate? I'm game, are you? 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Can We Just Pick A Lane?

Well, well, well. Momma N seems to have been going through a state of confusion.

Warm and humid one day, windy the next. Followed by pleasant temps, without any wind! Oh, and just for good measure, let's drop the temps (by 30+ degrees) and threaten a late-season frost advisory!

Bless her dear erratic heart, at least she didn't throw any snow in my direction. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

5 Mayfessions for Friday

While the mayham was at the minimum, the month's fly-by-fast momentum was at the max.

Crazy how the (almost) 31 days of May seemed to have gone much faster than the 30 of April. But who am I to complain? May ushered us away from all the cold crap of Winter, and now we are approaching the official start of Summer. 

Before I cue the warm weather bliss, allow me to share a few Mayfessions...

Monday, May 24, 2021

Long Run, here I come

The long run ain't easy.

Rightly so, it should have some level of difficulty to it. After all, the long run commands a long distance, often times a longer distance than previously (recently) run.

It can be both exciting and stressful. It can be downright defeating. It also can be ever-so-empowering.

More often than not, one doesn't know how a long run will play out...until it's actually happening. The best we can do is to prepare for it...

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Rockin' the Rain Dance

Well, it wasn't a total washout.

But, it did come close (at times). After several weeks with little-to-no precip, the rain gods felt it was due time to send some of their love to Iowa... like, on the daily. Momma N also contributed summer-like temps, complete with summer-like humidity levels...also on the daily. Lucky us!

I'm not exactly sure how I managed to dance around all the rain, but I was able to get all of my runs done (outside) this week. Thankfully, on the occasions when I was able to sneak out for said runs, my energy level(s) and pace worked in my favor. No complaints, and no regrets. That's just the way I like it.

Before I share the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Stepping Out, Literally - 2021 Fight for Air Climb

Every step counts. And, this year, those steps happened outside.

The 2021 Iowa Fight for Air Climb, took to the steps at Principal Park in Des Moines. The date was May 15th. The new outdoor venue was perfect, the climbers were ready, and all the necessary COVID protocols were in place. 

So we came, we climbed, and we conquered.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Just A Jugglin'

It was an interesting week, in  more ways than one.

There were plenty of switcheroos happening, changes of routine, and juggling of workouts. Most everything got done, but there were a few instances of unplanned rest as well. Oh, and there was a new venue to an old favorite event. 

Best of all?  I'm still standing, and I'm smiling as I do so.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Reunited with the Road

Oh, has this been a long time coming!

I don't think it's a secret how much I love biking. Although I had Sebbe, my indoor bike, to entertain me over the winter, my first (biking) love is the outdoor scene. 

Unfortunately, Momma N has been more than generous with unseasonably cold temps (complete with wicked wind), so my 2021 rides have been pretty sparse...thus far. But that hasn't made them any less exhilarating.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Welcome to my Battlefield

If there was ever a week of battle strife, this would be it.

The warrior: Myself.

The opponents: Wind, Cold, and DOMS (not necessarily in that order).

Seriously. This was a very productive week, but it was hard-fought. It felt like each day brought a different challenge to the fore front. I'm not one to shy away from tough workouts or discomforts, but this week gave me a run for my mental (and physical) mojo.

...and that's not all bad.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Got Coffee? Let's Talk!


Here we are again....gathered virtually over coffee (or a favorite beverage), and chatting. 

Seems like we were just here because April flew by rather quickly, at least in my world it did. We had warmer weather, and we had a few revert-to-winter days (actually, a good consecutive 10 days...but who's counting).

A lot went down... Plenty of sunshine! Some outdoor biking! My longest run (a 10-miler)! And my first half marathon, post-stress fracture! The days have gotten substantially longer and there's the scent of blossoming trees and blooming flowers everywhere. Things have been pretty nice.

So, whatever shall we talk about?

Monday, May 3, 2021

Crafting the Perfect Running Outfit

It's been said before...running is SO very personal.

We all have differing preferences when it comes to a favorite distance, a desired speed, or time of day for logging the miles. Some of us run daily; some less frequent. Many of us participate in races, and some chose to run just for the joy of it.

It's all good. We're lucky such a sport exists that allows for such individuality.

I'd bet a new pair of shoes that most of us LOVE our running gear, though. How we go about piecing together running/workout outfits, though, is where it gets interesting. What works like a charm for one runner, may not be comfortable for others.  That's all good, too.

Here's my take on crafting the perfect running outfit...

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Rising & Shining, Running & Smiling

"Lest there be sunshine, to combat all the crazy wind."

I don't remember who penned that quote... maybe it was me?

After the mini polar-freeze-like conditions of recent, this past week put us back on track for some seasonal weather. Thank you, Momma N! Only, I gotta say she was a bit too generous with the wind, and most of the forecast precip missed us. But, oh well. I love all the sunshine, as well as the warmer temps, so I'm not going to complain.