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Sunday, December 17, 2017


It was another typically cold December week in Iowa, minus the typical snow.

I’m quite alright with that. Although, if it’s gonna be so buttocks-freezing cold, maybe having a little bit of snow to show for it would not be all bad. But, I digress. There were several significant things happening...

My #nevermissaMonday day. That's always a significant weekly event for me. My body apparently has acclimated to the cold weather...a short mile in the wee hours left me a sweaty mess...and that's even without my "regulation" puffer vest. This cold weather certainly keeps me humble....I guess that's significant, too.
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A quick post-run plank on the porch
Most of you know I have been doing the Runner's World winter streak, also called #40DaysOfAwesome. Well, Tuesday was Day 20 of streak! Woot woot! It's all downhill from here! Barb and I met up for a "feels-like ZERO temps" excursion for our #5at5 early morning adventure. We took an alternate route and stayed more in the city limits to seek a little shelter from the wind (our plan sorta worked). Despite the bone-chilling air and wind, the run went well.

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notice the frosty sweat marks on my headband?
Momma N blessed the day with some significantly crazy weather, to the tune of 32mph wind! These were not intermittent wind gusts...oh, no...this was constant nonstop wind. I decided to call her bluff and headed out in the afternoon for a couple miles anyways. Those two miles were not easy, but they were not impossible either. It's always a celebration when YOU win out over Momma N and don't let her dictate your badazz ability.
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That's right...32mph wind!
Dec 14th was a very significant day for me, as it marked the 3-month anniversary since my last follow-up appointment with the surgeon. September 14th (which also was a Thursday) was the date I was granted permission to return to running. It was another cold day, but I just wasn't "feeling the run," so I did some stair running instead to start my day. How does 60 flights (up AND down) sound?

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Stair climbing....a great alternative for early morning cardio!
Later, on my way home from work, I stopped by the lake and ran a quick mile on the trail. It had been a couple months since I'd been to the lake, and the beauty and serenity did not disappoint.
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Ahhhhh, isn't the lake beautiful?
How about a quick streak mile in some festive, holiday colors? Not many options for holiday-inspired races, but I can still don the colors and holiday socks for my own running pleasure, right?
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holiday socks for the win!
Barb and I met up for a few early morning miles, and had a significantly strong (and somewhat tough) run. My energy felt great, but my legs were not really in the game. We kept a good pace, but by the final mile I knew my form was shot. I could feel my feet shuffling and my legs simply did not want to go any further. We made it back to my driveway, and Barb suggested we go just a bit farther to get the mileage to a 10K mark...so I obliged. Whew! The things you do for (running) friends, right?

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Our own little festive 10K!
Day 25 of the Streak...isn't that a nice significant number? I allowed myself a sleep-in, and finally got out around 8:00 (I know...8:00 is not late for most people, but it's a good two hours later than I usually head outside LOL). Another cold, but pleasant morning in Iowa. It's amazing how warm 21F feels when there is NO wind whipping you in the face.

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two miles on Day 25
So, that's it for mileage and fitness for the past week. Total mileage (Monday-Sunday) came in just over 18 miles, nothing grandiose, but perfect for this off-season (still streaking) runner chick. I have been doing some ab work and hip/glute exercises most days as well (sorry, no pics...you can use your imagination on what those look like). I'm still doing the early morning (just outta bed) cardio thing. Some days that involves a streak run, other days it involves a short walk around the neighborhood (or stair work).

My run streak is going well. My current Streaking mileage is now at 64 miles. I have been streaking since Thanksgiving Day and this all will conclude on New Year's Day. Will I make it to 100? Stay tuned...I'm on track to definitely pass 79 (do the math...15 days remaining LOL), but there will be a few days in there with more than the minimum 1-mile run. Any wagers?

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
More INSPIRATION for Advent

In other news:
My #FridayFashionFlair post (on Instagram) was a hit! As I have said many times, I'm a lover of all things color...and the holiday season's red and green have me feeling mucho festive. Lime green has been a favorite color of mine in recent years, and I love the contrast of it with bright red. Ironic that I have both long sleeved tops (tech and fashion) and puffer vests in both red and lime green, huh.  I'd love for you to join me on Fridays...post a favorite outfit from the week, use the hashtag #FridayFashionFlair, and drop me a tag (@runningonthefly). Show me what you're wearing when not in workout gear...I dare you!
Stay tuned...there will probably be more of the red and green in future posts
Our little guy, Max, got a much needed haircut this week. Seriously, he was looking like a woolly mammoth and really needed some fine-tuning on his fuzzy (and curly) doggy-fro.
All trimmed and prettied up
Saturday was our family get-together for Christmas. A lot of people dread family get-togethers, but I look forward to them every year. There are seven of us cousins (on my mom's side of the family) and we have always stayed pretty close to each other. Of the five of us who were at the gathering, four of us did a marathon relay together (Quad Cities Marathon, 2016), and had a blast!

Cousins for the win!
And, finally, have you done your #2017BestNine on Instagram? I was a little late to the party, but got mine generated recently. What's so great about mine is that most of my pics were from after my return to running this fall. My heart was totally warmed by all the support, encouragement, and love I received following my crazy summer. Thank you all for being a major part of my rally back!
My 2017 Best Nine from Instagram
***On a side note, I want to share a great opportunity with you! Laura, of Mommy Run Fast , is offering a great online  nutrition class in January that is geared towards runners. Care to join me?  Follow this link ---> Runner's Fit and Fueled  for more information. AND, I even have a promo code for you --->"ONTHEFLY.

SO, enough about me...tell me about you! How's your weather? Any family gatherings happening? Have you worn any crazy (obnoxious) holiday-themed gear this season?

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

I'm linking up with my gals, Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 


  1. I love your Santa socks in the first photo - so festive! Congrats on keeping your streak alive despite the cold temps!

    I love your best nine collage - I still need to do mine, lol. (I'm a little bit behind)

    1. It took me forever to figure out HOW to do the Best Nine collage...Deborah (Confessions of a Mother Runner) shared a link, and I was so thankful ;-)

  2. The wind is the worst. We haven't had it as bad as you, but around 15 mph winds and a real feel of 6 degrees on Wednesday was a struggle. I am with you that I feel like running at 8 am is late! I think I went out around 7:15 today and that felt late, but I wanted to make sure I could see any potential icy spots.

    1. The wind is always crazy in Iowa. Once it starts blowing (like, in November), it doesn't stop until June.

  3. You're so festive! Looks like you're enjoying the holidays so far!

    1. The holidays are usually more fun than stress...usually ;-)

  4. I will agree: The wind chills have been killer this week. grateful I've got trails that block some of it. We had 3 holiday parties this week with more to come. They're fun but wow some people are such boors when it comes to convo.

    1. ha ha ha....It sucks having to be the one to "carry" the convo, and that can be major work when people don't have anything interesting to share. And, I am not a political talker...so if that comes up, I'm the one politely "needing a drink of water." ((eye roll)) ;-)

  5. I love all of your festive running gear! I am always talked into going extra miles for friends. I actually think that's how I got my calf area so angry. Congrats on keeping up your run streak looking good!

    1. Well, this extra distance was about .1 of a mile, so it wasn't too dangerous LOL I need to dig out my other holiday socks...I have a few more pairs and they are totally buried in my sock drawer. I might as well use them, right?

  6. Yay for three months post recovery!! Look at how far you have come! I can't wait to see what 2018 has in store for you. And PS you are my hero for running outside in those temps! I totally went in to hibernation mode this week because I couldn't deal with the cold lol! Love your Christmas socks!

    1. Ha ha...well, I simply cannot stand (no pun intended) the treadmill, so I head outside as much as possible. Since we don't have any snow or ice yet, there's nothing too treacherous (other than wind) outside.

  7. Trust me, you don't want the snow to go along with the cold. Although you are NEVER going to find me out there as early as you during the winter. Or summer probably. I'm just not that into torturing myself. I think 8 is early, despite the fact that I'm up at 5 most days.

    I don't mind family gatherings at all. We all get along. It's just the work that goes into it that gets to me!

    1. Agreed...there is a lot of work that goes in to the family gatherings, but it's all worthwhile.

  8. I wore all my Christmas sweaters to work last week. Now, what am I going to wear this week?? I'm not gonna lie, I've been waiting for daybreak for my runs and while I miss seeing that first glimpse of the sun, the extra time under the covers is nice too!

    1. Hey, the Solstice is coming!! I always look forward to that big day!

  9. We had snow on Thursday, but it's all melted now. We're supposed to get more before Christmas, which I'm OK with. If it's going to get cold, I would like to see some reason why. Everything looks so pretty in the snow.

    1. The snow is a paradox for me. I do think it's pretty (for like a day or so LOL). It is a nuisance to drive through, and (sometimes) to run on. That said, when it's cold and there is no snow, it always appears warmer than it actually is and then the cold feels SOOO cold when you step outside.

  10. Lime green and red is my favorite Christmas combo. I wore my ugliest sweater to work on Friday, along with my coworkers. Congrats on the three month anniversary! Thanks for linking.

    1. Lime green and red...where was this color combo years ago? It's only in recent years I've really noticed it, but I'm SO glad I discovered it ;-)

  11. And here I am complaining about how cold it is at 50 degrees!! haha ;) We are off to pick up kid #1 from the airport who will be visiting for her whole winter break! I'm so excited!!

  12. Ok, my spoiled Texan self cannot do "feels like 0"!! You're a beast for braving that kind of weather!

    1. ha ha...well, as the saying goes, "you're only cold if you're standing still." LOL

  13. You sure have come a long way since your knee incident! We too, are into COLD running season. It's all about how to dress for it.

    1. The layering is key, isn't it? I can tell my body has already acclimated...today it was in the high 40's/low 50's this afternoon, and I almost didn't need a top layer...

  14. I really need more festive running gear. I'm lucky if I can find some red socks! You are so tough to keep it up in the really cold weather. I'm not sure if I'd be a runner if I lived in the cold. Heat, yes, but cold? Just brrrr.

    1. I know it sounds crazy, but one does get used to the extreme cold...like the extreme heat, also ;-)

  15. Wow, that's some serious wind you had on Wednesday! That's impressive that you battled through :)

    1. We have had so much wind! Last week, though, it was completely insane

  16. Your running streak is seriously admirable. Good for you! Your collage looks good. I like all your colorful outfits!

    1. The streak is fun (at least, I try to make it fun and not an "obligation"). I will be glad when it's done, though!

  17. Love all of your holiday inspired running clothes! I remember that cold weather well from living in Kansas... I don't miss it!

    1. Well, I certainly don't love the cold weather, but it is what it is...I know if I can run through that, I can do (almost) anything

  18. You've been doing such a great job with the streak despite what Momma N throws at you! Your best of 9 is a good one - I still haven't done mine yet

    1. Momma N had really had some attitude recently...she likes it windy....

  19. Your outfits are a riot! Love the Never Miss a Monday drive as well. No keeping you down!

    1. You will not me see me wearing solid black very often...I got to have some color to spice it up a notch

  20. You are doing so great! I hope you know how awesome you are, coming back from your surgery the way you have. Your recovery has been beautiful!

    Love the lime and red combo! I don't have anything quite as fun as that.

    We will be seeing my parents for Christmas, this year. I need some low key holidays, and this will be perfect.

    1. It's gonna be a low key Christmas for us as well...the oldest daughter won't be coming home, so it's just the four of us (well, and Max). We'll have my parents and sister over for most of the day...but we may do a Star Wars marathon...

  21. Max is adorbs. And your holiday workout attire is totally on point. Makes me sad I can't be out there running with you!

  22. Wind is my absolute most hated running weather, so I'm impressed with your Wednesday miles! I'd prefer the feels like 0 any day. I have no festive running gear, so I'll just admire yours from afar.

    1. ha ha...well, the hubby (sometimes) and the teen daughter (most of the time) roll their eyes at me when I get dressed for a run...

  23. Looks like you definitely had a 'significant' week! Great job on the streaking miles ...I have no doubt you'll more than surpass 100 miles. :)

    1. We shall see ;-) I need to tally up my 2017 miles...maybe I"m closer to 1000 than I realize (?)

  24. I love all your festive outfits. Way to get out there no matter the weather!

    1. Well, I need to "get out there" because the treadmill has ZERO appeal to me #sorryMilly ;-)
