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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Against the Wind...on the daily

How do you like your wind? 

Myself? The wind is pretty much my biggest nemesis. It doesn't keep me inside, but it's definitely not my favorite dragon to slay.

That said, I can't exactly brag about slaying any dragons this week. I certainly did battle with plenty of them, though, both on bike and on foot. 

Before I dis on the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little corner of the universe this past week:

Never Miss a (double ride) Monday! In keeping with my #StressFractureRoutine, Monday saw two rides. There had been rain in the early morning forecast, but it was MIA upon wake-up. The 21mph wind was clear and present, though (and blessed us with 20-30mph gusts all day). Gustavas and I did five miles in the wee hours, then another 15 miles after work (10 of which were with Barb...who I haven't run with in forever).

Tiresome Tuesday. After rescuing the hubby from a car-breakdown (an hour away, very late in the evening), my body hadn't even had four hours of shut-eye. I opted for a 1-mile walk, complete with a token drive-by busting me in my selfie (some things never change LOL). After work, I crashed for 20 minutes, then went on a fast 4-mile ride. Not surprisingly, that 20-minute bike ride gave me more mojo than the 20-minute nap. As I have said, movement is medicinal, at least in my world.

Double Workout Wednesday. With my limited supply of at-home equipment, I have learned to get creative. Wednesday morning, I did a strength workout utilizing numerous static holds. These are a lot tougher than they appear, which is something I love about them...the burn kind of sneaks up on you. I did a second upper-body strength workout in the evening as well, focusing on different moves than I'd done in the morning.

After work, the wind was still blowing strong, but the temps were beautiful...how does 79F sound for mid-October? Even with the 30-50mph wind gusts (I kid you not), those 10 miles felt great...and were probably my last "summer" miles of the season. But, that sunset...

Easy-does-it Thursday.  Would you believe the wind was only 13mph? That's (almost) single digits! The temps were chilly (41F, with a 34F feels-like), but they felt ever so calm in comparison to the crazy wind of the previous days. Just an easy 5-miler on the bike, then a 2-mile walk after work.

Freaky Friday. We'd gotten our flu shots at work the previous day, and I woke up in a world of hurt Friday morning. I felt like I was coming down with a cold, too. But my arm (where I'd been stuck) felt crazy cranky. I'd thought of going for a short bike ride, but when I looked outside, the streets were wet. I had not heard any overnight rain, but the air was really damp and the temps were sitting at 33F (27F feels-like), so no thanks. I opted for 1.5-mile walk, instead, and postponed the ride until later. It wasn't until much later in the day that I felt better, both in terms of body aches and sinuses. Six biking miles after work and all was (finally) well. 

Long(ish) Ride Saturday. Momma N, somehow, thought we hadn't had enough wind, so she gifted Iowa with 24mph wind, bright and early in the day. Although we had a ride on tap for the afternoon, I'd hoped to get out for a few easy miles in the morning...but opted to take a 2-mile walk instead. Besides, my back was feeling cranky, so a walk was probably a better option than being stooped-over on the bike.

Later, the sun emerged, the wind "calmed down" (to a mere 15mph), and the temps climbed to 65F. The hubs and I ventured to Des Moines (an hour away), had lunch with the son, and then tried a new-to-us trail. Total perfection! Our ride was only 21 miles (kind of a short "long" distance, by biking standards), but we had some good hills and a bit of wind resistance, so a great workout. Also, we saw several beautiful pieces of artwork along the route, and had a fun pit stop for refueling.

...and a snowy surprise on Sunday. Seriously, Momma N needs an eval. I knew it was going to be cold, so I had planned on (maybe) walking a couple of miles with Milly anyways. But still. Seeing the white stuff on the grass was too much. Anyways, the two miles on the treadmill went well, but my foot is still feeling a bit stiff. This was the fastest I've walked in two months, but I could tell the running (even easy jogging) will need to wait a little longer. Nothing hurt, which is good, but my gut is telling me "not yet" on the running.

So, despite the cold mornings and crazy wind, the week played out decently. Sunday would have been the IMT Des Moines Marathon, and I don't think I've seen snow in the past 13 years that I've been participating (I deferred my Half Marathon registration to 2021). I've been carefully increasing my walking distance and pace...about 11 miles walked this week (not counting a few trips around the block with Max). My biking streak is still going strong (686 miles with Gustavas since August 22nd!), but I scaled back the mileage a bit this week...66 miles (with 5-10 more on tap for Sunday afternoon, after things dry off and the sun comes out). Two upper-body workouts. I'm good with everything.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

Let's Rally!

Speaking of Rest

Five Ways to Intensify Your Strength Workout

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair!  There was a lot happening in this pic ...(1) this actually was Thursday's outfit, (2) I wore pink (for breast cancer awareness month), (3) I love cheetah print, and (4) I was awarded a sparkly bandage after my flu shot. Is it any wonder I'm smiling? As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

PSA - Safety should always be a concern. Even though I'm not running, I'm still out and about on the daily, many times on my own. RoadiD is a great option for emergency contact info, should the need arise. I recently gifted a couple of these to my parents as well. In fact, I've gotten in the habit of wearing one daily, even when I'm not out walking or biking (I have acquired a few colorful options LOL). Currently, during October, there's a beautiful pink faceplate available, and $10 from the sale of each of them goes to the American Cancer Society. Stay tuned, there's a big sale coming up! Check out their site HERE.

Finally, since I'm back out walking, on Thursday after work, I took a short hike through the alley where this mirror is propped. Talk about a fun little treasure I'd forgotten about!

So, that's another week done! 

How are things in your world? Weather getting colder? Got any wind? Sunshine? Snow?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. ARGGGG TOO SOON FOR SNOW!!! Seriously Iowa, rest on your laurels with the never ending wind for a few minutes. We're in the middle of some autumn perfection right now, cool but not cold, and as far as I'm concerned these temps can stay around forever.

    1. While I can tolerate the cooler temps of Fall, this wind has been a nuisance. Maybe it's because I've been on the bike more than on foot, but UGH...Momma N, make it stop!

  2. I got my flu shot the week before and yeah, I felt pretty yucky the day after too. Some years it doesn't bother me at all.

    It's been windy here too--I just figure it's part of living in the Midwest. I plan my runs accordingly, running out into the wind and finishing with it at my back.

    1. I can't recall ever feeling so crappy after a flu shot (other than some brief achiness at the shot site). I do the same strategy with my runs, but the wind feels so much more intense on the bike, that it feels like a headwind no matter which direction I'm going LOL

  3. The wind is the reason why I don't bike outside in the fall and winter. Our bike trail is like a wind tunnel! Funny, I have never had any reaction to the flu shot at all. Way to get in some good cardio despite the wind and snow?! We won't see that around here anytime soon!

    1. Thankfully, the sun came out and the snow was gone by mid-afternoon. But, yeah, it's like two months too early for my liking ;-)

  4. We were not as warm as you were this week but I agree the wind was vicious. I heard there were snowflakes here but I did not see them. I can do without it just fine!

    1. I'm in no hurry for snow, mainly because once it arrives it sets up homestead for almost six months.

  5. Love your sparkly plaster and hope the flu jab is hurting less now. We can't get them here at the moment - they have run out of ones for high-risk folk and have said once they are all done it's over-50s, which we're not quite yet.

    I did a tiny running update and hello on my blog post today but don't feel it was enough to warrant linking, as the post was also about books (only one of them a running book). But I love reading all the updates still!

    1. Fortunately the post-flu discomfort was gone within 24 hours or so, but it totally blindsided me.

  6. October is too soon for snow. Sure, it was pretty, but very glad it didn't stick around. Interesting that you had such a strong reaction to the flu shot. Do you normally?

    1. This was the first time I had such a reaction to the shot, it kind of freaked me out! Oh, I didn't think our snow was pretty this morning LOL...it wasn't even in the forecast, so it totally caught me off guard.

  7. Wow, back to 1,5 mile walks? That's great. We had some wind on our ride today -- it was definitely giving us some resistance work. I did an arms workout with static holds this week -- the burn is REAL!

    1. I'm trying to get in at least one walk a day (1-2 miles, if time allows). I think walking is the best way to get my foot "re-habbed" before I ease back into a running routine.

  8. 79.. and then snow. Banana crackers.
    Love the bandaid. Fun ones make things much more bearable.
    Hope your husband and his car are OK

    1. The hubby was fine; the clutch died and he and the son had to get out and push the truck a couple blocks LOL Thankfully, it was around 9:30p.m., so traffic was at the minimum...but a hassle for me to get there (almost two hours later) and then getting back home so late. Oh, and then arranging for broken-down truck to get towed back to town. Fun times, and a great story...

    2. Glad they're both OK/low traffic.

  9. Well it seems like Winter has mad an early appearance in Iowa! I'm all for cold weather but snow in mid-October? Not so much!

    1. Ugh, I hope this is just a preview and the real Winter waits a good while before settling in.

  10. Snow? Noooooo! We have not been blessed yet. Thank God. It's not unusual for us in October. I did hear the other day we might have a warmer than usual Winter -- sorry to say they didn't say the same about your area. But they've been known to be wrong. Often.

    Sounds like a tough start to your week! Also sounds like it (mostly) got better as it went along. Here's hoping for a much smoother (and less windy) week next week. The wind was so fierce when we visited the pond I didn't wear a hat & I always wear a hat! It was a good call.

    1. We usually have some wind, but not usually for so many consecutive days, and definitely not so intense on all those days. I just hope it's not an indication of what our winter season may have in store...

  11. It was windy one day - Thursday I think. It wasn't today when hiking and then drove someone and it was...bizarre.

    Love all your pink outfits!!!

    1. The wind died down to 5mph late this afternoon (Sunday). When I got out for my bike ride, I almost didn't know how to act LOL

  12. We did have a windy day -- actually today was pretty windy! It used to be windy all the time when I ran downtown, but I got so used to no wind when we moved. Now I'm a baby when I run in the wind - I can't handle it!
    And NO I'm not ready for snow. We've had it in Oct. before but THANK GOODNESS not yet!

    1. Our snow was all melted and history by mid-afternoon...and I hope that's the last I see of it for awhile.

  13. Wow, you went from 79 to snow in a few days! Thats something that would happen here lol. We haven't had much wind lately. I'm definitely not ready for snow!

    1. Today's snow was a total surprise. I don't think we even had a frost advisory last night (?), so the white splattering on the grass was a pretty nasty joke on Momma N's part LOL

  14. I have to give you big kudos on all of the windy rides! I said, Nope, on a ride this week due to general blah windy weather. Your weather has been crazy. We did get frost, but no sight of snow yet (yeah!).

    1. Well, what's scary is that I have gotten to where I don't really notice the wind (that much); it's just been such a constant. I'm hoping to continue my biking streak for a bit longer, at least until I get back to running. Hoping the temps don't get too cold for awhile yet...

  15. Oh just a big no to the snow...not in mid-October! I swear the wind is stalking you LOL!

    1. A huge NO to the snow! I agree, the wind seems to be stalking me...it's especially annoying on the bike.

  16. I am not ready for the snow at all. I am not a fan of the wind either. It makes a difference between a bad and good run in 30s weather during the Winter.

    Thanks for Facebook memories I saw that I ran the half marathon 6 years ago. I remember it being chilly in the morning but still sunny and pleasant.

  17. The thing I've learned about the wind and biking is that it seems that no matter what direction I'm riding, I'm riding into a headwind. LOL It's going to be interesting to see how cold I can go and stick it out on the bike. Last year my last ride of the winter was in late October. This year I'm buying cold weather gear with the hopes of riding longer.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

  18. I just got my pink on black Road ID! I love it!

    No wind over here. Looks like hurricane season has passed us by this year, with only a few breezy day to mark the passing.

    I would love to know more about your static holds! I bet that hurts so good!
