About Me

Thursday, March 30, 2023

How 'bout some Stress 'Fessions

Yowza, things have been crazy in my little corner of the universe.

Wouldn't you know? It's that time of the month for baring one's soles (and souls, if you will) and disclosing a few 'fessions amongst friends. I'm certainly in need of some cleansing...shall we get right to it?

Care to join me?

Monday, March 27, 2023

Fight for Air Climb - 2023 recap

Oops, I did it again...and for the 10th time in Des Moines!

I'm talking about the Fight for Air Climb.  Affiliated with the American Lung Association, the Des Moines Fight for Air Climb is now in its 20th year. This is an event like none other, where its participants "race" up stairwells as they raise funding (and awareness) to benefit those afflicted with lung disease.  

Not only is this a physically demanding endeavor, but it's also pretty emotionally challenging. That said, its also quite an empowering conquest...

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Ready for Spring

Spring 2023 arrived this week, and not a moment too soon.

After the previous week's winter grand finale antics, this week's milder weather, increased sunshine and much more desirable temps were welcomed with open arms. 

'Nuff said.

Monday, March 20, 2023

A Very Windy Week of Pi

It's been said "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I've been doing the Week of Pi Challenge, every year, since 2020. I look forward to it every year because it's a quirky way to celebrate a quirky day (in more ways than one).

Well, this year I had to make a slight exception. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Almost Blown Away

Apparently, Winter is refusing to leave the party.

Not only did it gift my area with three (count 'em, THREE!) nasty snow storms the previous week, this week it dropped the temps back to January-like conditions. Oh, and let's not forget about the ever-constant wind.

Let's just say I was not amused. After all, there were several Week of Pi runs on the agenda, and they all needed to happen outdoors...

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Returning to the Sunrise

I have often said that I've never met a sunrise I didn't love.

Recently, thanks to the increasing daylight, I've been able to return to my (almost) daily sunrise exploits. Of course, those consistent exploits are currently suffering a brief setback due to the time change. Within a few weeks, though, that "lost" hour will be reinstated (mostly, LOL) and all will be well.

None the less, I'm eager and ecstatic to be experiencing the sunrise again...

Monday, March 13, 2023

Leprechaun Chase 10K - 2023 recap

Lacing o' the running shoes. Wearing o' the green. Chasing and racing o' the lads and lasses.

Check, check, and check.

Such were the variables of the 2023 Leprechaun Chase. Let's just say I was jolly-good glad to be partaking in the fun.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Laughing at Winter

We all need a good laugh now and then.

Living in the Midwest, Iowa in particular, I can always count on the weather for entertainment (and a fair number of eye rolls). It's cold (FREEZING cold). It's hot (with lots of humidity) It's (almost) always windy. And, it's rather unpredictable and temperamental. 

This week saw very limited sunshine, oodles of cloud cover, wind, and more precipitation than I'd prefer. Yeah, ugh. Fortunately, I've learned to laugh at that which I cannot control... 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Feelin' the (spring) Fever!

While the calendar still says "Winter," I dare say we got a substantial taste of Spring this week.

In addition to the mostly mild temps, we also had the requisite wind (pretty much on the daily). You know, Momma N wouldn't want it any other way. Thankfully, she was generous with the sunshine and very stingy with the rain (no complaints on that!).

 As for all things on the fitness front, I front-loaded the week in preparation for my first race of 2023...

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Coffee Talk? Spring it on me!

Shall we gather? Over coffee? And have a chat session?

While I may not actually be drinking the real stuff (I prefer the foo-foo "poser" coffees, teas and lattes,  LOL), I'm always game for a get together. It's no secret I LOVE the aroma of coffee, though, and chatting with friends is a definite yes. Even if we have to do this virtually, I'm fine with that as well.

So, shall we? Grab your mug and let's talk...