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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Because Downtime Is Overrated

Sometimes, there are just too many things to do.

Often times I’m guilty of doing it all, because why not? 

This week saw a lot of fast-paced action. Admittedly, my body parts (I’m looking at you, legs) were feeling pretty wasted by weeks end, but it was a fun ride! 

Before I dis on all the deets from the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in terms of fitness and fun:

Sunday - Let’s race a 10K!
With a 7:30 start time, I was out the door and on the road around 6:40 (ahh, the perks of living close to the Des Moines metro!). The Drake Road Races 10K race recap is below, but suffice it to say all went incredibly well. While not an “actual” 10K PR, it was a substantial “Drake 10K” PR....54:44, and a 5th place AG finish. After returning home, there was some much-needed stretching, and some (also much-needed) TV shopping. 

Monday - Let’s fight that wind (again)
After taking Max around the block, I fought the wind for a 2-mile walk before suiting-up and heading to work. I fought the wind (again) with a 2-mile plogging walk over lunch. And, I fought the wind, yet again, with a 2-mile run after work (is it obvious which mile was against the headwind, and which one had the tailwind?).

Tuesday - Let’s do a little bit of everything
The morning began with some upper-body strength work. I also got out for a very windy 1-mile walk, mid-afternoon.

Then, I headed to downtown Des Moines for the Grand Blue Mile. This was my third time running this race, but it had been five years since my last time. Holy burning legs & lungs, Batman! I’d forgotten just how exhausting a short 1-miler can be. I’ll be sharing a few more details with a recap (next week), but this race went much better than expected, and my 7:50 finish got me a 3rd place AG. A couple hours later, I ran another mile (much slower) under the full moon (see below). 

Wednesday - Let’s keep things low-key and low-impact
Although the 1-mile moon run felt good (kind of a post-race flush-out), I was feeling pretty achy upon wake-up Wednesday morning. My solution? Get on the bike (10 miles)! I also did some walking (two different 1-milers at work and a 2-miler after work), and things were feeling much better by bedtime. Movement is magic.

Thursday - Let’s get back in action
As per usual, Deb and I got together (virtually) for our weekly hour of cardio power. She walked & I pedaled for 18 miles. We selfie’d under our full moons (but one of us had to allow a streetlight to do the honors, LOL). 

Afterwards, I hit the weights for some more upper-body work. Have I ever said how much I love working my arms & shoulders? Ever? 

…and there was a breezy & speedy group run with the Altoona Running Club in the evening. Yeah, another fast endeavor in the running shoes, but it felt good to just let loose and go with it.

Friday - Let’s dial it back for some recovery time 
Would you believe my legs were feeling pretty trashed by Friday morning? After Sunday’s speedy 10K, Tuesday’s even faster 1-miler and Thursday’s tempo-ish 5K, I thought it wise to keep things low-key. I slept-in slightly, then did a lower-body stretch class (Peloton) before heading to work. The weather was icky, but I was able to sneak in a quick 1-mile walk after work.

Saturday - Let's run long...
There is that little half marathon happening on June 1st (DAM to DSM), so the long run mileage needs some attention. Having just run the 10K at Drake, seven miles were on tap for Saturday morning. The 61F temps were pleasant, and the bright sunshine felt incredible on my face. That lingering 17mph wind, though? Not so much, LOL. At least it wasn't snowing (#GlassHalfFull). Anyways, these seven miles felt more like nine. It may have been the rolling hills. The wind was probably a factor. Most likely, though, my legs (and body) were still feeling the affects from all those speedy antics in the running shoes this week. Nonetheless, I was able to persevere and get the miles done. End of story.

…and what's on deck for Sunday?
The weather is looking especially damp in the morning. I'm thinking a bike ride (obviously indoors) is my best option. Hopefully, I can find a window of dryness in the afternoon to get out for some walking.

In summary, this week was a bit intense in comparison to the previous few months, but it was very productive. The running saw its highest mileage in a long time (possibly for 2024?), and ended with 20 miles. Walking wasn't quite as stellar, but no big deal (10 miles). Biking was a bit meh, but not a big deal either (28 miles). Not every week needs high mileage in every category.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Friday It was a damp & dreary day here (and also chilly & windy). My solution? Bright colors & an extra layer. 

Earth Day 2024. For the past few years, I’ve made it a point to tackle some trash clean-up on Earth Day. I got out for a very windy walk, over lunch, and did my part. Ugh. 

My first full moon run in my new town! Even though my legs were wasted after the Grand Blue Mile, there was a beautiful full moon and clear sky. It may have been my shortest full moon run ever (just a 1-miler), and it was one of my slower-paced ones as well (10:15), but it made for a great post-race shakeout. 

So, yeah! There was a lot of action this week, but that’s the way I like it. I don’t typically do this much for “fast” miles, but it’s good to mix things up once in awhile. No regrets! 

How did your week play-out? Any races? Ever done a 1-mile race two days following a weekend race? Did you catch the full moon? Any Earth Day activities? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Wow looks like quite a week! Congrats on all of those speedy miles and achievements this week. Way to go!

  2. Wow, what a speedy week! Congrats on 2 races and the AG placing in the mile! My legs feel like jelly just thinking about your workouts.

  3. Congrats on your 10k Drake PR! I'm sure that felt good!

  4. Oooh, I love your Friday top — so cute!

    Congrats on your PR and AG award. You are on a roll!

    1. Thanks ;-) It was a fun week, but I'm ready for a little less action this week.

  5. Congrats on your Drake course PR and AG third place in the Grand Blue Mile! That's a very productive week!

    I did not get a chance to do anything for Earth Day, but I plog regularly by picking up all the trash/recycling that falls out of the totters on their way to the garbage truck.

    1. That's very commendable!! Mother Earth need all of us to take care of her ;-)

  6. If there was ever a distance that deserves respect, it is the one miler. I just remember how long it took to get my breathing back to normal after the one that I did two years ago.

    Congrats on getting your week of fitness in spite of no downtime from the wind. #iowastrong!

  7. 1 mile races are soo hard! And that's coming from someone who has run 44 marathons. 1 mile is so much harder, ha! Great job on a full and fun week Kim!

    1. Honestly, I don't know how anyone can maintain that kind of speed for sooo long. It's certainly not my specialty!

  8. I think i might have a heart attack if I tried to run a one mile race right now. It seems like there's always SOMETHING that keeps me from doing speedwork, but I'm planning to do some workouts this summer.
    Sounds like you had a GREAT week! Yes, it's fun to run fast sometimes. And yay for the first full moon run in the new town! You are truly settling in.

    1. The first full moon here was a neat thing! I'm glad we had a clear sky ;-)

  9. That's a very intense week! And a one-miler, that sounds tough! Well done getting it all in with races and all. I also really enjoy shoulder work!

  10. That one miler pace was awesome! I've never done a mile race. Why yes, I did have a race today :) Glad you are getting settled in with the new TV and a first full moon run! I bet it's a nice change to be close to a bigger town!

  11. You rocked your races! We have a few mile races here and I hate them. Sprinting is just not my favorite thing and I'm not great at it. You seem to be right at home and all settled into your routines, which is amazing. How is Max doing? Did he find a new favorite spot in the new place?

    1. Sprinting is NOT my gig, but a great challenge to take on once in awhile. Max is doing alright...he does miss his loveseat perch from the other place, though.

  12. Congrats on the awards you are racking up.

    What is downtime??

    Mine lately is occupied with work.

    So I definitely don't feel prepared for my next half on May 18.

    Instead, I'll just run a few shot races.. LOL
