Thursday, October 3, 2024

If We Were Meeting for Coffee

Hello, October! 

Thus far, you’ve brought some cold mornings, but also warm (borderline hot) afternoons. While the diminishing daylight is a total buzzkill, I’m making do by cherishing every last morsel of what remains of Summer 2024. 

With this new month off and running, it’s time to meet with friends, over coffee, for our monthly chat. My hazelnut cappuccino is ready to go…shall we get this party started?

Okay, here goes…

If we were meeting for coffee
I’d start by discussing my stats from September. Overall, it was a decent month! The running mileage picked up a bit, due to long Saturday runs (as I prep for the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon (Oct. 20th). Walking was legit. Biking held its own, and included a few indoor rides on a few dark rainy mornings.

If we were meeting for coffee
I’d introduce you to my recent acquisition, a new treadmill. Technically, it’s a new-to-me treadmill (and is still without a name, LOL), One of my neighbors was giving it away because they couldn’t get it through their door (without disassembling it), but it supposedly works great. I haven’t yet had a crew to help me move it inside, but if it won’t squeeze through any of my doors either,  it can set-up homestead in the garage for now. I know I won’t be using it much, and the cold garage air may feel nice, come winter, should I need to climb aboard for any running or walking. 

If we were meeting for coffee
I’d tell you about the drastic decrease, in my summer biking mileage, f compared to last year. In all honesty, these numbers took me by surprise given my new locale (ahem, right near a bike trail). The summer of 2023 had a total of 1,557 miles in the saddle (May -September), while 2024 had 1,056. That’s a deficit of 501 miles! But, here’s the facts: My early morning commute doesn’t allow for early morning biking (unless I’m on the spin bike), I didn’t ride any of RAGBRAI this year (I rode three days last year), nor did I do any weekly hilly bike trail rides (as I’d done in years past). Oh woe is me (LOL)! But, I did get a lot of quality miles in, both solo and via numerous rides with friends…so I’m not crying (much) over it. 

If we were meeting for coffee
I’d share my love for the lunchtime walks that have become a consistent part of my workday. While I don’t have time to drive home for lunch anymore, I do have time to head out for a quick 2-mile walk over my lunch break. How’s that for a glass half full situation!

Lastly, if we were meeting for coffee
I’d  show you what’s happening with my house. I’ve lived here for six months, and am ready to add some color! The neutral walls just aren’t my gig, so I bought some paint this week (before I could change my mind) and will be sprucing up the color scheme in the very near future. First on-deck will be the master bedroom (and bath), and the two other bathrooms. Stay tuned!

Well, I’ve had the floor long enough (and my cappuccino has run out). 

What would you bring to the table, if we were meeting for coffee? What would you be drinking? How did your September play-out? Are you a DIY painter, or do you save that for the professionals?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. Congrats on your new treadmill!
    It's good to have neighbours like that! Your spot in the garage looks perfect, I'm sure you will find the cooler temps very agreeable for running.
    My inner frugal person is struggling with the fact that your neighbours didn't measure their doorway before buying the treadmill. But I'm glad you could benefit!

    1. I think they brought the treadmill along with them when they moved, and didn’t realize it wouldn’t fit until move-in day. Oops!

  2. Ooh, painting! So exciting! You’ll have to show pics when you’re done!

    LOL on the tread not fitting through any doorways. I know your winters get really cold, but having it in the garage could be a good option when its icy out.

    We didn’t do much biking this year. I’m kind of bored with our usual routes and — gasp — often opted for a Peloton class instead.

    1. We shall see on how much action the treadmill sees, LOL. Maybe a cold garage will be the ticket to me actually using it…

  3. Yay for the tready! It's fitness insurance for bad weather. And hey maybe it will be a mild winter and you won't have to use it very much.

    Have fun with the painting. I think you'll love having the fresh color. Life is too short for boring neutrals.

    1. I have one room done, and am already loving the change. It looks much more “lived-in.

  4. Ooh! I am a DIY painter. There are so many things I'm NOT qualified to do (carpentry, plumbing, etc.) but I figure I can at least paint. You'll have to show us your finished walls!
    I know you prefer to run outside, but that treadmill could come in handy this winter. Hopefully you can get it inside, but the garage would work too.
    Didn't you use to only drink chai tea? Is the cappuccino a new thing for you? It sounds delicious.

    1. I drank chai lattes for so many years, I think I just got burnt-out on them. I’ve been sipping & savoring the hazelnut cappuccino K-cups for awhile now, and they’re a keeper :-)

  5. I am kind of afraid to paint a whole room myself. Curious to hear how it goes. Yay for a new tread! You are going to love those hiking classes

    1. I’m an art geek, don’t forget, so having a paintbrush in hand feels natural. I painted every room in my previous house :-)

  6. Yup, my house needs sprucing up...the bedrooms haven't been painted in 25 years...

    I really should go for a walk at lunch. I wind up reading emails and going on FB.

    My monthly miles have tanked this year... I'm not worried as long as I am not hurt.

    1. The lunch walks have been a great way to get some movement & cardio… not to mention breaking up a long day!

  7. We just got fake fall last week, so we're on to second summer right now, haha.

    I've been thinking of getting some kind of cardio equipment for the garage but haven't bitten the bullet yet. I need to be more consistent with the things I already have first, hehehe.

    I've painted my friend's backyard fence before, but never a room in the house. Maybe someday though...

  8. Oooh I hope you love the new mill! I did a lot of painting in our first house but never in this one. That said, our master bathroom has some reno coming up in the near future.

    1. I painted every wall in my previous house, so I’ve been itching to get some color going in this place.

  9. Yay for a new treadmill! But won't it be cold in the garage in the winter?!
    Painting isn't my favourite activity, but it sure is nice when it's done! I love those colours you've chosen!

    1. It will be cold on the garage, o doubt, but my lady treadmill was situated directly under a heat vent…and that was miserable (says the gal who loved the heat). We’ll see, I’m not much of a treadmill runner anyways, but it will be nice to have it as an option on the extremely cold days.

  10. Congrats on the treadmill. I look forward to you picking out a name for it.

    You need to show us how your place looks after you paint it. Those are beautiful colors you chose to use.

  11. Yay for the new treadmill acquisition! It might feel good running on it out in the garage during the winter, so if you can't get it through the doorways... #glasshalffull

    I can't wait to see your painting "after pictures." In recent years I've hired professionals to paint the walls/ceilings, but I used to do it myself. You know I'm not afraid of painting, though, and painted two built-ins and our kitchen table and chairs recently.
