Saturday, June 29, 2024

Hello to Summer!

Summer, most definitely, is here!

I must say, though, this first full week of summer felt more like it was mid-season. The temps were especially high (as was the humidity) for late June. That said, you will never hear me complaining. If you were to ask my hair, however, you'd probably get a different answer.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The First (official) ‘Fession Session of Summer

Here we are, back in the swing of all things summer.

Likewise, we’re also back at the ‘Fessional. There’s  always a new array of things and tidbits for which we may (or may not) need to come clean on. This, our first trip to the Summer ‘Fessional, is no exception. 

Shall we get started?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Change in the Weather

Talk about your crazy weather!

It was almost as if Momma N was refereeing (or taunting?) the outgoing Spring and incoming Summer in a battle of seasonal weather. We had extreme heat (with sky-high humidity), plenty of rain and all kinds of psychotic wind. 

Remember, this is Iowa. Anything calm just wouldn’t be our norm. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Recapping the Baccoon Ride

I’m always up for an adventure. 

Likewise, I’m thankful for friends who are always willing to join me in my adventurous endeavors. Whether it involves a long-distance race (in a faraway place), a late-at-night run (under the full moon), or a day-long bacon-enhanced ride (with no guarantee on favorable weather), it’s great to have such friends. 

Alas, the Baccoon Ride caught my attention and I simply had to check it out!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Spring Segues Into Summer

It ain’t summer yet (according to the calendar), but it sure feels like it! 

Personally, I’m quite alright with that. As I’ve said numerous times, the summer season is far too short in the Midwest. I totally embrace the extended daylight, the warmth, and even the humidity (when it’s not too extreme). 

This week certainly blessed us (me?) with all those summer feels….

Monday, June 10, 2024

Back to the DAM - D2D 2024 recap

What can I say?

DAM to DSM is my favorite race, and it never disappoints. My finish times, however, have not always been what I’d hoped… but the event, itself, is pretty stellar. 

This was my 17th time taking part in all the DAM fun. Again, it gave me a taste of all things good…

Most know how much I look forward to this point-to-point race every summer. Most know, as well, that this spring wasn’t very conducive to long-distance training (at least not in comparison to what I usually have in terms of time and availability). 

Nonetheless, I wasn’t gonna sit this one out...

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Meandering back to Maintenance Mode

Ahhh, it feels so good to have the "big" race in the rearview mirror, and a recovery week in the foreground.

This week was all about easy-peasy (but active!) recovery. The running was kept at the minimum, and there was a lot of muscle TLC and low-impact movement.

We also welcomed the "real feels" of summer with the arrival of consistent warmer temps and our first touch of humidity.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chitchatting & Whatnotting (with a side of coffee)

I'm feeling like some chitchatting and whatnotting are in order. 

Anyone care to join me? We can gather around a virtual table. We can sip our virtual drinks of choice (my latest poison is a hazelnut cappuccino latte). And we can have some virtual conversation.  

I'm game, with mug in hand... 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Riding the DAM Taper

Wow! A week of taper!

Ironically, it felt strange to remember that I actually had a half marathon happening on Saturday, June 1st. Not only  did the date sneak up on me, but my mind and body just didn’t have the usual mojo to properly train.

Even with an erratic spring, in terms of stress and more than usual busyness, there was no way I’d sit this one out. Alas, the week of taper was upon me…