Thursday, June 27, 2024

The First (official) ‘Fession Session of Summer

Here we are, back in the swing of all things summer.

Likewise, we’re also back at the ‘Fessional. There’s  always a new array of things and tidbits for which we may (or may not) need to come clean on. This, our first trip to the Summer ‘Fessional, is no exception. 

Shall we get started?
First off,‘tis the season! My favorite season, nonetheless. I recently came across an interesting piece of seasonal trivia, stating that Summer is actually the longest season (at least by count of days). It said Sumner typically has 94 days, Spring has 93, Fall has 90, and Winter has 89 (the dates of the solstices vary, each year, due to the astronomical year being 365.25 days long…hence, there’s a leap year occurring every fourth year). Can I summerfess, loud and clear, that I’m totally onboard with my favorite season being the longest? 

Speaking of summer, it’s been super #HotHotHot with this recent heatwave. Granted, it always gets hot in the summer, but not usually until later in the season. With the increased temps and off-the-charts humidity, I’ve had a few painful reminders of how much perspiration stings when it finds its way to my eyes. Holy Ouch! I sweatfess it is most unpleasant!

Last Sunday was a big day on the bike for me. I had already planned on going for an early morning ride with Jim when I got a text from Barb, asking if I wanted to go for a late-morning ride (15-20 miles) with her as well. I had it in my head that the Garmin's Weekend Ride badge was for a 20K, so when Jim and I finished (at 23.65 miles), I thought all was well. After he'd left, I realized the badge actually had a 40K distance in contention (#oops #FacePalm), so I Garminfess that I saddled-up and headed back out for a bonus ride (to get over the 40K mark)... and I edited the first ride to reflect the added distance and time. The irony in all this? Barb and I wound up riding over 25 miles as well, a few hours later, also surpassing the 40K mark. So, essentially, I did two 40K rides (but Garmin only gave me one badge). 

The two combined rides from the early morning (bottom center), both 40K rides (top left),
                                              and the badge in question (top right)

For the first time, in I don't know how many years, I'm not doing a 4th of July race. There were a few nearby options, as well as the long-standing one I'd done numerous times (near my previous town).  Truth be told, I was unsure of my Independence Day plans and just couldn't commit to anything, LOL. Then I saw an opportunity to join one of my running groups in a parade, walking and handing out American flags! Let me runfess, surprisingly, I have zero FOMO.   

Finally, after Sunday’s 50 miles, I hadn’t been back on the bike all week (I blame the heatwave and after-work busyness). I made an impromptu decision to go for a short 5-mile ride Thursday morning (after walking with Deb and before getting ready for work). It was a beautiful morning, but I bikefess those  61F temps felt shockingly cold after the recent heat we've had. Holy Brrr! I made it three miles and called it good. Garmin acknowledged my efforts, though, and rewarded me two more June there’s that, LOL

Ahhh, it's so cleansing to have all those 'fessions released! Now, with July right around the corner, I can welcome the new month with clean and clear "soles." 

How about you? Any 'fessions, running and otherwise, that need disclosing?

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. Nice job on those two rides! Isn't it crazy how challenges (and badges!) can motivate us?

    That sounds like a nice plan for the 4 July. Do people generally take the next day off, too? Or do most go to work?

    1. The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day, is a national holiday (celebrating our country's independence from Great Britain), so most "office" places of business are closed. There are usually parades and celebrations happening everywhere, and it's a popular day for races (usually with a patriotic theme).

  2. I bikefess I'd have probably done the same thing to get the badge LOL!

    1. I'm not OCD with the badges, but they do give me a lot of motivation ;-)

  3. Isn't it crazy what we'll do for a badge? Haha! Nice job on all the bike miles! I runfess your parade sounds a lot nicer than running a hot race!

    1. The badges do provide a little extra motivation, especially when I'm already doing most of the activities anyways.

  4. I runfess I never pay attention to Garmin badges and find them hard to find when I do earn them. I also runfess that cycling has not been a priority this summer as I am so happy to be back running pain-free. I would like to find a fun group ride to do though.

    1. Do you have the Garmin Connect app? That's where I see them. I'd never know they existed if it was just my watch, LOL.

  5. I'm probably going to skip a July 4th race as well. My husband is running one, and if my calf feels better I MIGHT join him... we'll see. Your plans sound fun!
    Cycling is a great hot weather activity (I mean... better than running.) 61 is cold on the bike though!
    Interesting trivia about the seasons! Good thing winter isn't the longest... that would be too cruel.

    1. Cycling is an awesome hot weather activity! I wasn't much of a cyclist until my stress fracture (August 2020) and I had to keep off my feet for a couple months. And the rest is history ;-)

  6. Way to go on the badges! I do them for Pelotin but not so much for Garmin. I’m traveling on the 4th this year for a change which seems odd not to do my usual DC run. You enjoy your summer heat as it is currently sucking my soul out of running

    1. Ha ha, I'll gladly enjoy the summer heat for the both of us ;-)

  7. I've also never paid to badges.

    Wow that a lot of riding. Doesn't your butt get sore?

    I am again running a racer on the 4th.

    1. My butt doesn't seem to mind the bike seat, fortunately. I don't wear the padded shorts unless I'm riding long (more than 30 miles or so) because I think they're so dorky, LOL!

  8. You're always so good about keeping track of those Garmin badges. Nice job with those rides!

    1. The badges seem to find me on the Garmin Connect app...I've never seen them on just the watch. They do give me a lot of extra motivation ;-)

  9. I think I would also walk with my running group in a parade and hand out American flags rather than running a race, especially since you'd be picking a new race, not running one you've run every year.

    1. I am a little sad to be missing the long-standing one I'd done for so many years, but I also want to get established in my new setting. Change is good!

  10. I am also skipping 4th of July racing this year. It's just too hot and I am doing a different July race in a few weeks. I do have FOMO, though. We are not really a parade town (we have a Christmas parade, a St. patrick's parade, and maybe an Easter parade). And we don't even have too many fireworks displays going on. we'll see what the holiday brings.

    1. Although I'm not pinning on a race bib, I'm looking forward to the 4th. It'll be fun to see what all is happening here in Des Moines, which has several 'burbs, all with stuff going on ;-)
