Saturday, June 29, 2024

Hello to Summer!

Summer, most definitely, is here!

I must say, though, this first full week of summer felt more like it was mid-season. The temps were especially high (as was the humidity) for late June. That said, you will never hear me complaining. If you were to ask my hair, however, you'd probably get a different answer.

Before I dive into the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Sunday? Let's ride!
I'd already made plans to do an early morning ride with Jim when a text came in from Barb, asking if I was interested in going for a ride with her. She wanted to meet around 11:00 and ride 15-20 miles, which was quite doable since I'd be done well before then from the earlier ride. There's a funny story that goes along with this (the details are in Friday's Runfession post HERE), but suffice it to say Krystal and I logged over 50 combined miles. After a short nap, I got out for a 2-mile "shakeout" walk in the late afternoon.

Monday? Let's deal with the weather!
Another hot and humid day on tap, with rain in the late afternoon/evening forecast, I got in a 2-mile run before heading to work. Talk about your crazy summer skies...the clouds were quite dramatic, with a hint of a double rainbow in the southwestern sky. Over lunch, the sky was clear and the wind was strong. Silly me, the 2-mile walk didn't feel that hot until after I stepped back inside the office. Yes, there may have been an overabundance of glistening and glowing once the cold air conditioning hit me.

Tuesday? Let's keep it low-impact...
Tuesday had rain in the forecast, all day, but it was dry upon wake-up. I decided to capitalize on the temporary "dryness" (that #OptOutside streak is still going strong, BTW), then hit the mat for some Barre and core work before getting ready for work. The afternoon rain was almost torrential in my "working" town, but I had clear skies and dry streets in my "living" town after returning from the workday. I was able to get out for a 3-mile walk and then cued-up another split strength program (via Peloton), this one featuring chest, shoulders and tri's.

Wednesday? Let's dance around the rain a bit more!
We had all kinds of heavy rain in the overnight forecast, but it had all moved-on by 4:45AM. I met Hannah and Bill for our weekly 3-mile gig, and then ran two bonus miles afterwards. Of course, there were no vehicles in sight for most of those miles...until I took the requisite selfie.

Thursday? Let's keep the outdoor momentum moving!
Did you know it was National Sunglasses Day? Well, rest assured, Deb and I did! After our 4-mile virtual walk together, and pics with favorite landmarks, I decided to ride a few miles on the bike. Holy Brrr, Batman! The 61F temps, which were pleasant for walking, felt downright freezing on the bike. Three miles in, I called it quits. It did warm up by mid-morning, though, so Michele and I got out for two different 1-mile walks at the office.

After work, I headed over to the 7:00 group run. The Mizuno rep was there, so I demo'd the Wave Riders for the 3-mile run. Wow, these were so comfy!!!.

Friday? A day out of the office...
I took a PTO day, and woke-up to rain. Heavy rain, ugh. I'd been hoping for a 10-mile outdoor ride, but the spin bike sufficed. Afterwards, I did another session of Callie's Split Program (this one worked the legs and glutes with numerous squats, RDL's, lunges and also snuck in some core moves). I also added a short arm/shoulder workout to the mix.

About that #OptOutside streak? My afternoon took me downtown for the annual Des Moines Art Festival with Sheri. We had a few (very light) sprinkles to navigate through, but all kinds of art to peruse and a lot of walking (maybe two miles or so?).

Saturday? Let's do another group run!
I had been planning on running only six miles, but was chatting with with another runner and totally spaced-off my turnaround at the 3-mile mark. I usually feel my Garmin buzz (and hear it beeping) at the mile splits, but not this time, LOL. I knew there would be water at the 4-mile stop, and I was already 3.61 miles in, so I continued on. It wasn't especially hot, but it was why not take advantage of the available water and Gatorade? I am always humbled and oh-so-grateful at what my body can do. I wound up running eight miles total, and it didn't feel like it took much extra effort (side note, I haven't run farther than five miles since DAM to DSM, on June 1st).

…and what's on tap for Sunday? 
As this goes to press, I have no formal plans, but the weather is looking warm and sunny. You can bet there will probably be some walking, possibly a short recovery run, and hopefully a long-ish bike ride. Stay tuned!

Overall, this week turned out better than expected. Running came in at 18 miles. Walking saw 17 miles. Biking tallied 63 miles. The strength workouts felt good, and there weren't any DOMS plaguing my Saturday run (though I could feel them Friday afternoon).

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog last week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. As mentioned, Friday was a a bit on the dreary side. My solution is always bright colors, especially on those somewhat dark and gloomy days. A little extra funky jewelry never hurt no one either, especially if you're frequenting an art festival.

Finally, Saturday (June 29th) was Voldemort's 7th birthday! Remember him, the nasty scar on my right knee? Some may find it morbid to celebrate such an occasion, but it was a substantial turning point in not only my fitness, but my overall well-being (you can read more about my experience HERE). I've always been a glass-half-full person, but this ordeal really had me digging deep and drawing on my strength, my perseverance, and my faith. It further validated the importance of cross-training and having other cardio options in ones arsenal. The summer of 2017 reignited my love of walking, and I was grateful my3-month recovery was but a temporary bump in the road. 

So, that'll do for this past week. The weather had really been a piece of work, and not just in recent weeks. All we can do is take what we're given and make the best of it, am I right?

How did your summer start -off this past week? Lots of outdoor time, or did you need to retreat indoors? Any races this weekend, or any coming up?

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  1. Nice job on your workouts. I've been guilty of running/walking farther than planned when caught up in good conversation, too.

    Oh wow, it's been seven years already since Voldemort made his unwelcome appearance? That's amazing. I hope you had fun at the art festival with your friend. Did you buy anything for your new place?

    1. I bought ZERO artwork, but it's always fun seeing what's out there. Being artsy myself (as is Sheri), we have a great appreciation for all the artwork, but we also know we could duplicate a lot of it for a fraction of what they're, we came away with a lot of inspiration for future projects!

  2. This was a tough week for outdoor activities, weather-wise! Glad to see you were able to get it done! I woke up to 62 degrees this morning and I can't wait to lace up!

    1. It was 57F here this morning. That would have been fine and dandy for running, but it was chilly on my walk..

  3. Can’t believe it’s been 7 years!! Time flies! It was another tough week here for outdoor exercise w our heat and humidity off the charts. Looks like you took advantage!

    1. Our humidity has been crazy as well (but probably not quite s intense as yours). It's not too friendly for my flat hair...

  4. The 7-year mark for voldemort really hit me — it’s amazing how those years add up and pass by and what a much better place you are in now!

    Bummer that it rained on your day off, but fun on being able to try out new Brooks!

    1. Yes the Voldemort thing is so surreal! I really am in a much better place, on so many levels. All the tough challenges strengthen us!

  5. Your weather kind of reminds me of ours- hot, humid, with unpredictable thunderstorms. We won't be seeing temps in the 60s until November, though!
    Happy, um, Birthday to Voldemort! I agree- all our setbacks have something to teach us. It would be nice if we just sailed through life with no bumps in the road, but that would be boring. And we would be boring people. So give Voldemort a nice piece of cake, ha ha.

    1. Right? How boring to never have obstacles to overcome or lessons to learn. We wouldn't have as many great stories to tell ;-)

  6. Great week of workouts! You mentioned Voldemort in a comment on my blog a while back... thanks for sharing the link to all your posts about it. What a horrible thing to go through! Well done keeping your attitude. But I guess there's no other option!
    Sorry to hear about the unstable weather! It's the same here... after being spoiled with real summer weather, it's now between showers, wind, too-low-for-summer-temps, and decent weather. But we have to play with what we have and make the best of it, I guess!

    1. No, we cannot change the weather. Might as well make the best of it!

  7. Crazy summer weather! Great job, Kim. I am impressed with your running and walking mileage.

    1. Thanks! I love being outside, even in the heat. I'd rather be moving (running, walking, or cycling) than sitting idle...

  8. What crazy weather but yes, great job with getting in your workout! We had some good summer (Yes warm) temps this week but today and tomorrow it's going to be cold! I don't mind the up and down as long as summer stays a little while longer :) Nice job with your 8 miler! How did you feel afterwards, especially i you haven't run that long in some time?

    1. Amazingly, I felt really good after the 8-miler. My base is still pretty solid, even without the extra miles. All the biking and walking really helps with my endurance, as well as the strength training.

  9. Seven years? Crikey! We had summer last week but it's gone away again, though the allergies have remained. Well done on your hard work this week, as always.

  10. so hard to be consistent with this crazy weather - hot, rain, wind... UGH.
    You are one of the most active persons I know.
    Isn't it easier when you have a running buddy?

  11. oh, Voldemort. I do remember those awful days. You really came through all of that, beautifully. And look at you now!

    Bummer that it rained on your PTO day! I hate that for you! I know that you made the most of it, because you always do, but it wasn't ideal, for sure. Great week of fitness for you! You are making it work!

  12. Wow, 7 years already! You are even stronger now due to all of those other fitness options you have for sure. Gotta love when you don't even mind going longer on your run. Good job!

  13. I love how you always navigate your runs with the crazy changes in weather! What a solid, active, and varied week! Even sunglasses get a day?! Love it!!
