Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chitchatting & Whatnotting (with a side of coffee)

I'm feeling like some chitchatting and whatnotting are in order. 

Anyone care to join me? We can gather around a virtual table. We can sip our virtual drinks of choice (my latest poison is a hazelnut cappuccino latte). And we can have some virtual conversation.  

I'm game, with mug in hand... 

If we were chitchatting and whatnotting, I'd start with sharing my May stats. May had me feeling like I was back in my groove. The running was more on track than it had been in recent months. Had the DAM to DSM Half Marathon happened a day prior, my May running would have been 87+ miles (just FYI). Walking was totally back in the game. And the biking had some significant mileage as well, and the bulk of those miles were via the great outdoors (and they would have had an extra 10 miles tacked on if May would have had a 32nd day, LOL).

If we were chitchatting and whatnotting, I'd ask how your weather has been behaving? As mentioned, more times than I care to count, the wind has been absolutely insane. It just will not stop blowing! Thankfully, at least now, it's more of a balmy breeze and not a freezing wind-chill-invoking piece of work. Also, since we're talking weather, the humidity made its grand entrance this past weekend (you know, when I had a 13.1-mile race to run, LOL). In all honestly, I can handle the humidity...but I do appreciate a bit of an acclimation and not just a sudden appearance without any warning.

If we were chitchatting and whatnotting, I'd gush a bit more about my biking. We all know Global Running Day was Wednesday, but did you know Monday was World Bike Day? I had to hustle home, after work, and change into the biking gear pronto quickly, but I was able to squeeze in a quick 5-mile ride before heading off to my 6:45PM massage. Yes, #priorities.

If we were chitchatting and whatnotting, I'd tell you what a good girl I’ve been this week with my D2D recovery. As mentioned, I had a massage Monday evening (Valentine's Day gift that finally got redeemed). There was plenty of walking (low-impact cardio for the win). I did some Barre and Theragunning. And an assisted-stretching session at a nearby studio on Wednesday. 

Lastly, if we were chitchatting and whatnotting, I'd share that the 2025 DAM to DSM registration opened already on Wednesday. Sure, it’s a whole year out, and a lot could happen or change in these next 52 weeks. The thing is, I already know I'll want to run it, so why not commit early and have my registration secured (at its lowest price)? 

$46 in honor of the 46th year...

Well, I think I've chatted (and whatnotted) enough, and my mug is ready for a refill. I'll step aside and give somebody else the floor. 

What would you share if we were having a chat session? Would you be drinking coffee, or another beverage of choice? Did your May treat you well? How's your weather? Have you done any biking recently? What's the earliest you've ever registered for a race?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. Registering early for a race that you know you will run is a no brainer! You save money, you have a guaranteed slot, and if something comes up later you can always sell your spot to someone else.

    I did not know that Monday was World Bike day! I didn't end up riding, but I'm on vacation with my bike right now so that counts for something right? In my defense it was a travel day and I did two bike rides the day before.

  2. Congrats on registering early for a race you know you want to run. Saving money is always a good thing!

    I'm envious of your World Bicycle Day badge. I need to put the day on my calendar for next year!

    1. I'd seen it at work on our media "calendar" a few days prior, so I had the heads-up on World Bicycle Day ;-)

  3. Good may stats! I had a pretty good month myself!
    Our weather is … not great. Typical Dutch weather. People still wearing coats. I refuse!
    I did not know there was a World Bike Day! In a country where biking is just normal every day behaviour it would surprise me if Dutch people knew this!
    I often enter races early! If you already know you want to do it, why not sign up? Right after I did my first marathon I signed up to do it again the next year - 2 days later when registration opened! So that’s probably the earliest!

    1. I almost register early for my races, but this one is pretty extreme...totally worth it!

  4. Wow, $46 for a race? That's cheap! I used to hate signing up for races early (after I had to DNS a couple times due to injury) but I'm getting better about that now, since the races I run definitely get sold out. I just signed up for a November race, which is very optimistic for me!
    Come down to Florida- we've got all the heat and humidity you could ever want. And no wind.
    I hope you enjoyed your massage! : )

    1. This race (in the old days, when it had the original Dam to Dam name, and was under different leadership) had to cap the registrants, and usually sold out within a week. They had tiered pricing, so there was a great incentive to register as soon as it was open.

  5. Nice to take advantage of the low registration fee - and why not, right?

    I'm starting to feel like the wind is a permanent fixture! Thankfully we've avoided the humidity so far.

    Congrats on a great May - definitely looks like you're back in your groove :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I'm definitely feeling my groove again ;-)

  6. Yay for saving money!! I like to book as early as possible if I know for-sure I'm gonna be doing something!

    We are in a heat wave and it's been in the mid-90's this week but word on the street is that it may cool off a bit again soon!

    1. Exactly, book early! The registration prices have gotten so high, and there's so many additional fees these days...

  7. Low registration fees for a fave race? Yes please! Glad you had a great recovery week and massage

    1. Yes, I'm all about saving a few dollars, especially when I know I'm gonna run this race anyways!

  8. Dang, how did I not know about world biking day? Wth?

  9. Glad you enjoyed some good rest and recovery post race. Hooray for signing up early for next year!

  10. I often register early but hen sometimes I regret it esp when I get injured.

    Glad you were smart and rested after your half.

    You just reminded that I have a gift certificate for a massage.

    1. I'm glad I finally had a chance to redeem the massage certificate! I honestly didn't have any free time prior (though I definitely could have benefited from it with all the spring stress I battled).

  11. I wish more races would offer a registration price like that. Reading your post reminded me of the Fargo Half Marathon for next year. It is $64. That is also a great deal, especially since traveling there won't be cheap.

    1. I have heard so many good things about the Fargo race!

  12. You know I would be drinking my iced coffee with cold foam! May went well, and June is also going well. It's hot. Like in the 100s with high humidity. The air is so very thick.
    Best Damn Race offers awesome discounts when their registration opens: the first people to register can get in for a crazy low price, and then there are incremental discounts from there. I love that.
