Saturday, June 8, 2024

Meandering back to Maintenance Mode

Ahhh, it feels so good to have the "big" race in the rearview mirror, and a recovery week in the foreground.

This week was all about easy-peasy (but active!) recovery. The running was kept at the minimum, and there was a lot of muscle TLC and low-impact movement.

We also welcomed the "real feels" of summer with the arrival of consistent warmer temps and our first touch of humidity.

Before I get into the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week as I embraced all kinds of recovery: 

Sunday - active recovery, via the bike
With an invite for an early bike ride, I didn’t need to be asked twice. I met Jim at  the High Trestle Trailhead, in Ankeny, at 7:00.  The temps were cool (by biking standards), but the wind was nearly MIA. We set out for a possible 25-ish ride, but continued on to the Madrid stop before turning back (which would net us closer to 40 total miles). We did have increasing wind on the return trip, but the temps warmed up as the morning progressed. No harm, no foul and my post-half-marathon legs felt great. I even got out for a 1-mile walk later, but did succumb to some napping by late afternoon. 

Never miss a Monday
With a busy evening on the roster, time was of the essence for a morning run. Yikes, it was a warm & muggy 2-miler, but all was still feeling fine post-race. At work, Susan and I joined forces for a 1-mile walk mid-afternoon.

After work, I did a quick change into my biking gear and snagged a 5-mile ride in celebration of World Bike Day…before heading off to a much-anticipated (and needed) massage. 

Tuesday - a major TLC day
Although I wasn’t (yet) feeling any physical effects from the previous days of action, I knew some easy-peasy movement was in order. There was a 2-mile sunrise walk, some light upper-body strength work, and a 1-miler at work (mid-afternoon). Oh, and an accidental 2-hour nap, in front of the TV, Tuesday evening (#oops)

Wednesday- celebrating Global Running Day!
What better way to celebrate Global Running Day than by going for a run? I met Hannah and Kelly for our weekly 4:45AM 3-miler, and we had almost full daylight after the first mile. I also joined Michele for a 1-mile walk mid-morning, and knocked-out two more miles of walking over my lunch hour. Then, after work I had an appointment for an “assisted stretch” session and consultation at the Stretch Zone (yes, more post-race TLC).

Thankful Thursday 
As per usual, I met-up with  Deb (virtually), and we had a good catch-up chat as we power-walked four miles amidst our sunrises. Back home, I cued-up an upper-body workout before heading to work. Other Thursday highlights were a late-morning 1-mile walk at work and the weekly Altoona Running Club 3-mile run (with social time immediately following). 

A grandiose FriYAY
Never a dull moment…the day started with a 2-mile walk before work. The sun was bright, the temps were warm, and the wind was mild, so there was a 2-mile lunchtime walk as well. 

A sweet & saucy Saturday
I had seen there was a group run with the Capitol Striders (A Des Moines-based running club), so I decided to take advantage of (1) a new route to run, (2) a mid-sized distance and (3) meeting more new peeps. Mission accomplished! I ran the 5-mile route with Amy and Carol, and we caught up with Eric for the final last mile or so (whom I'd known for several years already). Afterwards, there were donuts waiting for us, which was ironic since it was World Wellness Day, LOL. When I got back home, I grabbed Krystal (my hybrid bike) for 15 miles on the Chichaqua Valley Trail, and later followed-up with four bonus miles (this time with Gustavas, my mountain bike) in the late afternoon (see additional deets below). Also, an evening 2-mile walk, just as the sun was setting, was a must-do. 

...and what about Sunday?
The day is looking lovely (warm and sunny, with minimal wind). I'm meeting-up with some peeps, mid-morning, for some Sunday Funday Biking Shenanigans. There'll probably be some walking, as well, later in the day and/or evening.

So yeah, it was quite a week! The running was kept at the minimum (13 miles) and walking took precedence with 21 miles. Biking had a nice surge in mileage, with 63 miles in the saddle. There were a couple of short upper-body strength sessions as well. As far as recovery from last weekend's half marathon, I felt great all week (BTW, the DAM to DSM recap is coming this week!). There weren't any weird DOMS or residual aches or pains. I attribute that to my general state of fitness and endurance. As mentioned in previous posts, my spring running wasn't anything grandiose (nor consistent), but the biking (and walking) has seen me through and kept my legs strong and my cardio in-check. There's much to be said about cross-training!

In case you missed out, here’s what went down on the blog this week:

In other news: 

Friday Fashion Flair. Suffice it to say I was feeling a lavender vibe. Hey, it’s a fun, light and fresh color for summer, so what’s not to love?

 Friday may have  been National Donut Day, but we celebrated with breakfast pizza at work. Kind of the lesser of two (unhealthy) evils, but at least there was a little bit of protein, courtesy of the eggs, LOL. 

And, let's just say there were several Garmin badges earned this week! Monday was World Bike Day and Wednesday was Global Running Day. After my lunch walk, on Friday, the Step into June badge popped up (walking 100K before June 14th). Global Wellness Day caught me by surprise on Saturday. After getting back from my 15-mile ride (Saturday morning), I saw I needed just over three more miles to get the June Ride badge (biking 100K June 2nd-8th). I was on a time crunch and didn't have time to ride any I took Gustavas out for those extra miles later in the afternoon (call me crazy).  

Anyways, I'm enjoying all things summer and am looking forward to taking advantage of the long days, the warmth, and all the outdoor fitness options within my reach. Truly, this is my favorite time of year...the daylight is amazing and will continue to increase (at least for a couple more weeks).

How's our summer, thus far? Any Garmin badges earned this week, or at least the equivalent in terms of activity? Did you celebrate any of the world/global days mentioned above? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Nice job on maintenance mode - I love the variety of stuff you do. You know I love earning those Garmin badges. I got all of those this week, too, except for the World Bicycle Day badge.

    1. Yes, the badges are a great means of incentive (and they're kind of pretty to look at, LOL).

  2. Back when I was running Wednesday was my designated rest day, so I always missed out on Global Running Day. And this year I take my bike on vacation and it just so happened that Monday was a heavy travel day so it was the one day that I didn't ride! Oh well.

    I am loving my time on the bike this week, so I'm thinking that as soon as I get home there will be weekly long bike rides on the weekends. Biking on vacation is all very well, but I've got long biking trails at home to explore.

  3. You had quite a week! I'm wondering how you liked that assisted stretch session- I actually don't like someone else stretching me, but I know a lot of people like it.
    I love your "lavender vibe." Very summer-y. And congrats on all those badges!

    1. I liked the assisted stretching! It definitely helped get bigger/deeper stretches than had I just been doing it on my own.

  4. Nice on all those badges I tend to forget about them and focus on the Pelo ones. Nice week of workouts and recovery days. Glad to see you have some new running buddies

    1. I am having fun acquiring some new running buddies...I'm also looking at some different group rides a few of the bike shops there's potentially some new cycling buddies to meet as well ;-)

  5. You are more busy in maintenance mode than when I am training for a race. LOL

    It is nice to be able to relax and run short distances.

    1. I am really looking forward to doing some short races for the next few months!

  6. I bet that 2-hour nap felt good! I hope you could get back to sleep later on.
    Congrats on all the badges! I never get notified of any, I must have deactivated the notifications. When I ran on Global Running Day it took me a while to find the badge!
    I would have chosen a pizza over a donut, too!

    1. Unfortunately, that 2-hour nap really jacked-up my night sleep, LOL. No surprises there...since I don't need much sleep, getting it earlier than usual meant my body/mind thought it was time to stay awake afterwards.

  7. Nice work this week and hooray for no DOMS! I wish I could say the same, lol

    It's hard to pass up a donut. But I did.

    1. I was really surprised to have the DOMS no-show. I guess I ran the race just way I was supposed to, given my lack of training.

  8. Nice to be back in mantenance mode - but I'd argue it's still pretty active :) I always feel a little let down after a big race but I do enjoy just going for a run with no specific workout in mind or necessary. I have a sweet tooth but I'm not a big donut fan. Now if it had been to choose a cookie or pizza, i'd choose cookie! Or ice cream! But breakfast pizza sounds intriguing - at least there is protein!

    1. I like donuts, but only occasionally. The breakfast pizza is a nice alternative for once in awhile because it's very unique!

  9. Oh good - someone else did know about World Bicycle day. I had no idea until it popped up on Garmin. I guess I have way more running friends than cycling friends because no one on Facebook was talking about World Bike day!! The mornings have been chilly for riding around here, but would have been wonderful for running. Sigh!

    1. I haven't had a chance (yet) to get in any early morning cycling before work...hoping with the increasing daylight (earlier sunrises) I'll be able to change that soon. I agree, though, those early hours tend to be chilly on the bike.

  10. Global Biking Day and Global Running Day in one week. I have to admit, I didn't know about Global Biking Day but was pleasantly surprised that I earned the Garmin badge :)
    It must have been nice to have a low-key week.

    1. The low-key week was nice! I was able to stay active, but the low-impact activity (and low running mileage) was a nice break.

  11. Sounds like a great week. I missed donut day and don’t think I’ve ever had breakfast pizza!
    I never notice when I get a Garmin badge — I don’t usually check my post workout stats, I guess. I did hunt for the Global Running Day one since I saw people sharing theirs.

  12. Breakfast pizza actually sounds like it could be a pretty well rounded breakfast! Sign me up!

    Great week Kim and glad you’re feeling good post race!

  13. I will never skip a donut day, but that pizza looks great! Love all the badges and awards you earned this week. There were certainly a lot of events this week! Great week for you!
