Thursday, February 6, 2025

Coffee? Chatting? Anyone???


Well, Momma N did it again.

First, she teased us with a sudden taste of Spring! Then, just as abruptly, she pulled the rug out from under us and catapulted us back to Winter. 

Yikes. I think this calls for a comforting hot beverage. It also warrants a gathering of friends…you know, misery loves company, LOL.

While we cannot change the weather, the wind, or the weirdness of this winter season, we can commiserate. We can also chat, and we can have coffee (or any beverage of choice).

I’m game, are you? Anyone?

Anyways, if we were commiserating and chatting over coffee, I’d start with my January stats. Historically, January is usually a pretty low-key month, and January 2025 was no exception. The running was at the minimum, as was walking. Biking was alright, but nothing grandiose. I did have some decent stair workouts, though, so there’s that.

If we were commiserating and chatting over coffee, I’d also bring up the weather. Seriously, we’ve had both extremes (wickedly cold and unseasonably warm), and still without hardly any snow. We did get some ice recently, though. The requisite wind has been a beast as well. Lucky us!

If we were commiserating and chatting over coffee, I’d tell you about my little jar of happiness. I’d seen this idea on Facebook…basically, every week, you’re supposed to write down something that made you happy. Then, at the end of the year, go back and read all the little notes and relive all those great memories. So, that’s what I’ve been doing! Truth be told, most of us have far more things, people, and events that bring us joy than those that invite sorrow. Why not celebrate that sentiment?

If we were commiserating and chatting over coffee, I’d share the progress of my latest hand-knit creation. After making my three kids “ugly” sweaters (in their respective colleges’ colors), I started making one for myself. I need to finish the shoulder/neck shaping, then go back and do the sleeves. I’m kind of winging it with the random stripes of color, LOL.

Finally, if we were commiserating and chatting over coffee, I’d have to admit to a bit of giddiness with my 2025 Week of Pi planning. As most know, I do 3.14-mile runs, daily, during the week leading up to my birthday (Pi Day, March 14th). This year, there’s not only a full moon, but also a Blood Moon happening! I’m not yet sure if I want to run 3.14 miles at 2:00AM, LOL, but I definitely want to witness the lunar eclipse in some capacity on my special day (or night). I have an entire month to decide, so stay tuned! What would you do?

Well, that’ll have to do for now. Besides, it’s still cold here and I need a refill on my beverage.

If we were commiserating and chatting over coffee, what would you share?

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. haha, I'm all for warm beverages right now too! :]

    I really like the jar of happiness idea! I have a "bright spots" page in my bullet journal that I try to keep for every month where I write something good that happened for each day of the month. <3

    You're making me want to learn to knit again! I learned(-ish) how to crochet last year and have been wanting to make all kinds of things, but need to settle down and finish even just one thing first, haha.

    1. I’m so glad I saw the jar of happiness idea! There have been a few weeks with multiple “happy” notes added ;-)

  2. I love your jar of happiness! Elisabeth over at Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist is doing a daily gratitude "challenge" for February, and I've been surprised at how much jotting down the random happy moments makes a difference.

    The thing that I would share if we met over coffee is that I got to meet Jenny this week!!!!! You know that's going in the happy jar!

    1. Focusing on the happy stuff is so much healthier than dwelling on the other. I totally believe we seek what what we dwell on, and if we concentrate on the good, that’s what we’re blessed with ;-)

  3. I also saw that FB idea of happiness and totally forgot to do it. We all have so much to be thankful for even if we are having a bad day or 2. I think I will start this week! Thanks for the reminder

    1. Awesome ;-) I’m glad you’re joining me with the happiness jar idea ;-)

  4. I love the idea of your little jar of happiness. That's so you as a glass half full kind of gal, focusing on the positives rather than the negatives. It's so healthy.

    Can't wait to see what you decide to do your your week of pi!

  5. You are a talented knitter. I've n ever attempted sweaters. I just started a cowl.

    You have a special birthday this year. I fly to DC that day.

    The jar is a great idea. I'm doing FIG shared by Jenny.

    1. I learned how to knit when I was a kid, and it’s been a fun creative outlet!

  6. Wow, you made that?! I don't know how to knit but it seems like a fun and useful skill. I love the happiness jar idea! It is a good way to remind ourselves of all the good that is happening now, even when life may be stressful, etc.

    1. Yes, the sweater is my own creation; I’m quite the art geek, LOL.

  7. Yes to the jar of happiness! We've done this foa number of years as a family - it's fun to look back on at the end of the year. As you said, we all have a lot more to be grateful for when we really stop to think about it.

    1. It WILL be fun to reread all these when 2026 is approaching ;-)

  8. I love the idea of the jar of happiness! Is it too late to start now? That is exciting about your birthday week! I can't wait to see what you decide to do.

    1. I don’t think it’s ever to late to start jotting down the happiness stuff ;-)

  9. I love your jar of happiness I've encouraged my kids to do this when times feel glum. There are always good things around us. We find what we look for. Wow a Blood Moon Pi-Day Eclipse is quite the birthday event! I'm sure you will find the perfect way to celebrate that!

    1. I’m really looking forward to the Blood Moon! I’m a bit of an astronomy gal too…

  10. I'm about burned out on happiness. I've always been so positive about all the things, but lately it's been hard. This might be my time to be a goblin in the closet, and that's ok. Getting warm here, except now we are experiencing so much gross fog. Sigh. There's no winning.
