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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Suddenly Summer!

Suddenly, it's Summer!!!!

That's right, Friends, the calendar proclaimed it to be summer (over a week ago), and it finally feels like it has officially arrived...in full steam, none the less.

But, first things first...

Welcome to the Weekly Run Down! I am so excited to host this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. Please share your weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well.

Here's what went down this past week:

Monday - #NeverMissAMonday
After a rather active weekend (involving a long run on Saturday, an afternoon of heavy-duty gardening, and an intense hilly 15-mile bike ride late Sunday afternoon), I had the grandiose idea of doing 2-miles of speed intervals (with a 1/2-mile warm-up/cool-down). Only, within a few minutes of running, it was pretty clear the legs were simply not having anything so grandiose happening. I didn't have any aches, pains or soreness, but things were definitely compromised on my lower half. So, I relented. I  did an easy-paced 2-mile run instead. Not a big deal, not defeating, and definitely not the worst case scenario. I have learned, over the course of 14+ years of lacing up, that not every run is going to leave you feeling like a #badass, and that's alright. Every run is a gift; end of story.
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grateful that I get to choose to run
Tuesday - #TakingItEasy
Tuesdays are usually an active recovery/rest day for me, and it was pretty obvious that I needed one. I got out for an early morning 2-mile walk before work, and walked a few more miles throughout the day...and that was all she wrote.
Image may contain: one or more people, shoes, shorts, tree, sky, outdoor and nature
Even a rest day warrants a little bit of walking
Wednesday - #5at5
As per usual, Barb and I rallied, and met up for our weekly 5-mile ritual at 05:00. The sunrise was absolute perfection (see below), the miles felt good, and the conversation was great! Anyone else have a running buddy? Aren't they the greatest?
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Those early morning runs are my coffee...
Thursday - #SunsOutGunsOut
I know, #cheesy title LOL. Anyways, it was a beautiful morning. I did an invigorating 2-mile walk, then hauled the mat outside and did some some upper-body strength work on the deck. I realize it's not a "real" gym setting, but I have windows (acting like mirrors) to monitor my form and all kinds of fresh air. I'm totally on board with that!
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, outdoor and nature
I #optoutside whenever possible

Friday - #GettingMyGlowOn
Yowza, temps were moderate (71F) at sunrise, but the humidity was heavy. After my 4-mile run, the heavens opened up and all kinds of rain broke loose for a couple hours, to the tune of almost two inches of rain and all kinds of wind.
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feeling the heat!
Saturday - #SweatTastic
Did I mention it finally feels like summer? Saturday's 9-miler went remarkably well, but the humidity was heavy. I think my clothes weighed five pounds when I threw them on the floor before I got in the shower. That said, I'm not complaining. I feel like I've waited 10 months for summer to return, so I'll take whatever it dishes out. Saturday, June 29th, was also the 2-year anniversary of my crazy emergency surgery (extensive details of that episode HERE). The fact that I was able to rally back, and can still run, has made me pretty grateful for all things, running and otherwise. By the way...does that distorted shadow make my bum look big?
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So. Incredibly. Grateful.
Sunday - #DoingTheDu
Wait! Stop the press...is that Kim? In a bike jersey? Stranger things have happened. How about a "mini duathlon" workout -->1-mile run, 15-mile ride with the hubby (on that hilly trail), 1-mile run. Holy Wow. The temps were already approaching 80F when we headed out, just before 7:00. None the less, we got it done. The final run may have been substantially slower than the first one...just saying. It does feel good to work different muscles, and (for myself) getting out of my comfort zone is never a bad thing.
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, outdoor

All in all, it was a pretty active week.Total running miles came in at 22 and walking miles were 18 (with more on tap for later in the day). I didn't get any HIIT or speedwork this week, but there was a lot of planking and some strength work. Sunday's hilly bike adventure was a significant workout as  well. Onward!

In case you missed out, here's what went down this week on the blog:
Welcome to...Summer (?)
Running is a Choice; My Choice
Runfessions for June

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! No matter how hot and humid the summer gets, I always need a sweater at the office, because the air conditioning makes it crazy cold. Sure, I could have grabbed a black cardi to go with the Aztec print dress...but why not red? I'm all about a punch of bright color, and red gets the job done. Anyways, as usual, I post these outfits every Friday on Instagram, and invite anyone to play along...post YOUR outfit, grab the hashtag(#fridayfashionflair) and tag me (@runningonthefly). Easy peasy.

The sunrise on Wednesday morning was one of the most beautiful I've seen in awhile. I definitely would not have seen this had I waited until later in the morning to head out...

And, finally, to give you an idea just how hot it has gotten in Iowa.....this is what we were feeling on Saturday afternoon.

So, that's the latest Run Down from my world. How are things in your world?  Summer temps? Any races? Training?Seen any breath-taking sunrises lately?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. I love the summer. So far not too warm but that is my opinion. But when it does I may have getup early and run before work.

    Good for you on biking. Mine is still in the basement and probably will stay there.

    1. I love summer, too ;-) We've had some extreme temps the past few days, but I know they will not last forever. I'm not much of a cyclist, but I'm trying to make a better effort to saddle up and go LOL

  2. Another solid week of sport. I think that in summer the training is more difficult but i see you succeed in doing good workouts.
    You are right "every run is a gift" and just this morning I have accepted that gift: no scheduled plan, no pace to maintain and workout in early morning (06:30 a.m. this is unusual for me). Only the pleasure of running.
    No races at the moment and yes, every day a breath-taking sunrise over the breakwater of my city.

    1. I think training doesn't need to halt in the summer, but it often does need to be adjusted somewhat. The heat/humidity certainly is a factor that needs to be respected, but it can be bearable. I love those runs that have no specific purpose other than the sheer joy of the run itself ;-)

  3. Love your bike ride!

    It's almost always summer here, so.... We are looking at temps in the 90s this week and the humidity makes it brutal. I'll take your summer any day!

    I keep singing your blog title to the music of "suddenly seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors. I'm the nerdiest!

    1. And I keep thinking of that song from the 80's...Suddenly, Last Summer LOL I think the band was the Motels (?). Yes, we do get the extreme heat in Iowa, but it usually comes in phases, and isn't constant for weeks (months?) at a time like you get to enjoy ;-)

  4. Running after biking takes some getting used to for sure! I find it so much easier to bike than run in the summer heat. Nice week of workouts for you! We are on day 13 of 90 or above hope I make it through the week!

    1. Total agreement...running after biking is humbling LOL I did a real du a few years ago, and our final run was only 1.5 mile, but after 20 miles of hills, it was SO tough. We all looked like zombies because nothing from the waist-down wanted to move.

  5. Yes, it's definitely summer here, too.

    I can't believe it's been 2 years since your surgery! It seems like it was just yesterday. I'm sure you can't believe it too.

    Sometimes I like to take my yoga outside in the early morning. With all the rain it's been a little difficult but I do it now & again.

    Great week, Kim, especially tackling that duathalon.

    1. Well, the duathlon was just a workout I came up with to work in a short run and a bike ride, but it definitely was a challenge!

  6. Great job on the Du! Isn't it funny how the hot weather hits all at once? It's pretty toasty here too. It just reminds me how much I enjoy getting my workouts done in the early morning! After 8am, no thanks!

    1. I'm an early morning fitness gal anyways, but it really benefits me this time of year. Plus, there's all that daylight in the wee hours...for a little while longer anyways.

  7. As you know, I hate summer, lol. I literally have no use for it but I just suck it up and secretly wish for Fall to come in August hahaha. But seriously, I'm going to try hard to not complain this summer during marathon training since it really doesn't solve anything - it's still gonna be hot no matter what I say or do.

    Love that you tackled the Du!

    1. Tru dat...complaining doesn't solve anything, and (at least in my case) only magnifies the problem. The DU was a fun little challenge, but it was just a workout of my own...not an actual event with a finish line or anything LOL

  8. Hooray for getting out for a bike ride! I did the same finally and it felt great. The sunrises and sets have been amazing lately!

    1. I'm trying to get better about biking. The hubby is training for a week-long ride at the end of July, so he's riding almost every morning now....and if he asks me to come along, why not saddle up? I do not have all the gear though...still can't bring myself to buy padded shorts or clip-ins.

  9. Great week of workouts for you Kim! Love the sunrise..and the fun little duathlon :) I should break out my bike at least once this summer, ha!

    I'm not complaining about the heat either! We've waited too long for summer!

    So amazing that's it been two years since your emergency! What a comeback you've made- congrats!

    FYI, I was having technical difficulties commenting on your blog last week, don't want you to think I didn't read! I don't know what was going on, but hopefully it's fixed...

    1. Yes, the two years seem surreal since the surgery and everything that followed. About the bike...ugh. I'm such a novice....it takes a lot of effort to just saddle up and go. It's definitely not my preferred form of fitness, but I know it's a great cross-training option.

  10. My run buddy has been out of the country for the last 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing her when she returns this week! I considered going for a bike ride today, but I have had some hard workouts this week and wanted to give my body a rest. Plus there was yard work on tap...

    1. I have yard work still waiting for me...but it's too hot to be planting more high-maintenance flowers (that would require extra TLC until the heat breaks). That's my excuse ;-)

  11. I love your approach to running - each run is definitely a gift! With the new training group, I've had to have the conversation of "you're not supposed to race the workouts" a few times. That's a fun idea to do a duathlon - especially if you get to spend time with your husband instead of just more solo running miles.

    1. Well, the Du was just my own thing...no other participants (except for the hubby riding) and no finish lines, etc. I have to do stuff like that to make biking fun for me LOL

  12. Has it been 2 years since your surgery? Wow! Another great week for you! We've had some warmer days but along with that we've had rain. I know we've mentioned this before but this weather is just insane.

    1. We had crazy rain on Friday morning, but there hasn't been much other than that. We actually could use a little more moisture....I think we have some in the forecast off/on all this week, though.

  13. Are you going to write a recap on your duathlon? I'm interested in the details. I'm thinking about one in October - it's a 1.9-mile run, 10-mile bike, 3.1-mile run. I haven't really looked at my fall calendar so I don't know for sure if the date will work. I think it would be fun, though!

    As always, thanks for the linkup!

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. Actually, the "duathlon" was more of a workout than an actual event. I wanted to do a short run, and the hubby wanted to go for a ride, so I decided to split up my two miles and put the ride in the middle. I did do a du (August 2015), there's a recap of that if you look through the archives on the right. I'd love to do another!!!

  14. I agree - running buddies are THE best! It was a soupy week here in NH. Summer is definitely here and I agree once again - bring it!

    1. Our humidity really hit Wednesday. It was mucky for my #5at5, but REALLY yucky after work LOL

  15. Another great week of workouts! Love that you threw in a Du to keep things interesting.

    Amazing to think it's already been 2 years since your surgery! Your rally back has truly been inspiring :)

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) It's very surreal to think it's been two years!

  16. Wow! Busy week for you and yep, the heat is ON! I absolutely love you doing the DU!! The second run is always hardest but you did it and it's a great workout. Also - love the helmet - so colorful and fun. Hope you can find some cooler temps this week but, if not, the sunrises make it sorta worth the early wake up, right?

    1. Well, this DU was just a workout of sorts (not an actual event LOL). I did a "real" Du a few years ago, though. The final run was only 1.5 mile but after 20 hilly miles in the wind, it felt like a death march because nothing wanted to move from the waist-down.

  17. That's a beautiful sunrise photo! Great job dealing with the heat and even doing some strength training outside. We're up in the 90s too and it definitely feels like Summer is here now.

    1. Summer come overnight in Iowa. I love the summer heat, but it's tough when there's no easing-in to it.

  18. Nice job with the mini-duathlon workout. I desperately need to get out on my bike!

    1. This was only my second ride in almost a year...so don't think I'm a great example LOL

  19. I keep missing the link party ;-) Bummer lol

    1. Total bummer!!!! We open the link at 1:00 EST on Sunday, and it closes the next day (Monday) at noon. Short but sweet ;-) I hope you can join us!

  20. Looks like a pretty active week. Strong work getting out there in the heat. I really need to get out early, I rarely see the sunrise.
    Love your colorful helmet!

    1. For me, the early mornings are ideal. I have to be to work by 8:00, but I also want a little computer/blogging time...so getting the workouts done early (usually done before 6:00) gives me a little time to cool down and blog before hitting the shower. It is what it is ;-)

  21. A good week and love your bright pictures too, as usual! No WW for me last weekend as very little running and a lot of going to Cornwall for the weekend happened!

  22. Oops missed this one last week. LOL at shadow fat
    Can't believe your temps already. I ran with a friend of a friend last Saturday and she made the decision to cancel her Iowa marathon in August as June in NYC was bad enough - she knew she wouldn't enjoy that weather and why run it if you know you'll be miserable. Love your Friday dress . And yes, AC frost bite
