About Me

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Weather: Say WHAT?!?

Well, well, well, can you say weather whiplash? 

If there is such a thing as weather whiplash, I'd say we experienced it in all its glory (and then some). 

The weather "pendulum" swung from seasonal temps to extreme cold, then did an abrupt 180 to unseasonal warmth. Yikes! Trying to stay ahead of the game, in terms of what to wear and when/where to work-out was a challenge. As a result, the round-the-clock weather stalking took on a life of its own because there was my daily #OptOutside obligation and streak runs to be done.

It's a good thing we runners know how to make do in undesirable circumstances...

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Yes, a Final 'Fess for 2022

 Seriously, friends, how did we get to the final 'Fession of  '22?

Time seems to keep accelerating, and I cannot seem to keep up with it. Maybe that's a good thing, since I have ZERO time to sit idle and succumb to boredom. Yeah, that's the story I'll go with, LOL.

So, here we are again, knocking on the door of  the final 'Fession Session for 2022. As always, I have a few (or, in this case, five) 'fessions to disclose... 

Monday, December 26, 2022

2022: The Year in Pics

What a year 2022 was!

There were some struggles. The weather was challenging at times. And the running miles took a big hit.

But, there are were many beautiful sunrises to witness in person. Some decent age division awards came home with me. My love for biking took on a life of its own. And, there was a lot of fun along the way. 

Care to hear a little more about my 2022 experience? Or, at the very least, see a few pics? Read on...

Saturday, December 24, 2022

And just like that It's Winter

Just like that, Winter made its grand entrance...and it didn't do so quietly.

It also didn't come alone, bringing with it an ill-timed bomb cyclone. And, as most know by now, this bomb cyclone didn't just affect my stomping grounds (in the Midwest). It swept its way across the USA and messed up a lot of holiday travel plans and kept many locked-up inside to avoid the dangerous weather in its path. 

A big UGH. But, alas, the fitness still prevailed. We can't control the weather, but we can definitely control our attitudes...and we can still get it done inside.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Desperately Seeking Sunlight

Darkness falls across the land....

Well, at least it looked and felt like darkness most days this week. Ugh. We had precip (rain AND snow, thank you very much), almost daily cloud cover, and wind (LOTS of wind). I did continue my #OptOutside streak, as well as my #RWWinterRunStreak, so my #IowaTough grit was thoroughly put to the test. 

Alas, as I've said numerous times, I refuse to let Momma N win. Whatever she throws at me, I'll face it head-on and rise to the challenge. That doesn't mean I have to like it, though.

Monday, December 12, 2022

2022: The Year in Bling

I believe that every race has its own unique story.

Whether it's a challenge that was overcome, a reward for countless miles of grueling training, or a lesson learned about our own grit, determination and perseverance...every race is special. Even if it's a race you've run numerous times before, it's probably going to be a different experience each and every time you make your way to the finish line. 

While most of us don't need medals to validate our love for running, they do make for nice keepsakes. Each year brings more adventure to myself and my running shoes, and 2022 was no exception. 

Care to see the bling I brought home, this past year, and hear the stories behind the medals? Read on...  

Saturday, December 10, 2022



If we were talking busyness, this week was a doozy.

We're talking all kinds of work-related stuff, daily run streaking, and a host of pre-holiday to-do's that needed attention. Oh, and did I mention we have a college graduation happening soon (like next weekend!)?

I was especially thankful for each and every fitness fix (aka coping vice) that I had at my disposal this week....if you know what I mean. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Weathering Another Wild Ride

If we were to talk about this week's weather, I'd have to compare it to a wild roller coaster ride.

We had cold temps (no surprises there), and we had out-of-control wind (much more than usual, and we usually have a lot). Oh, and there were a couple days that had unseasonably warm temps, with oodles of intoxicating sunshine and barely even a slight breeze. Then, within hours, those very temps plummeted 60+ degrees, and the wind (again) took on a life of its own.

 Alas, such is the reality of Iowa. Thankfully, I'm #IowaTough so the #OptOutside streak lives on (now over two years strong).

Thursday, December 1, 2022

A Holiday Coffee Chat

Anyone else craving some chat time?

How about we each grab a mug (of our favorite hot beverage) and gather together for a bit. After all, it's a busy and crazy time of year, not to mention the weather is anything but delightful. It's always nice to share a few laughs (and maybe a few hugs) among friends. 

What say you?