Saturday, January 26, 2013

It's not just about me...

One of the most satisfying lessons learned in my almost 8 years of running is that it is NOT all about me.  Granted, the PR's are exciting, and the hardware makes me smile...but watching OTHERS learning to love it (almost) as much as I do is euphoric.  This group of gals gathered with me in the picture are troopers.  We all got together and ran recently.

We live in Iowa.  And it is January.  The white stuff you see on the ground and in the air is snow.  It also was a mere 12 degrees on this particular day.  Oh, and the wind was blowing, so the wind-chill temps were probably closer to zero degrees.

None of us really wanted to be there in those less-than-desirable conditions, but we were.  And we ran.  Not as far as we'd planned to go, but we ran none the less.

Some of these gals are "established" runners.  Some are "returning" runners, hoping to get back into the sport they really enjoyed a few years ago.  Some are "newbies," eager to start 2013 with a fitness plan.  ALL of us are runners, though.  And on that cold, miserable January afternoon all of us crossed the finish line.

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