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Monday, January 6, 2020

Five Fun Features from my recent Run Streak

Have you heard? The Streak has ended.

The 2019 Winter Run Streak, that is. This was my seventh year taking part in the annual Runner's World-promoted event, this one encompassing 35 days of continuous daily runs.

There were morning runs, after-work runs, runches and even a couple races. There was no time for boredom to set in or burnout to take over.

Care to hear a few highlights?

First of all, let me emphasize that I am not a year-round run-streaker. My body does not like daily running, nor does my mind. But, I enjoy doing the Winter Run Streak each year because it's a break from my normal routine. Besides, I have nothing else going on (training-wise) this time of year.

The 2019 Winter Run Streak was actually my ninth time streaking. It was my seventh time winter-streaking, but I also did an April streak and a summer streak (Memorial Day through July 4th) many years ago. Going in, I had some goals for 2019 HERE. I first winter-streaked in 2013, and have continued every winter since (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018).

This Streak happens from Thanksgiving through New Year's Day; a time of year when I am done with all the busy-ness of fall races, and have not even thought of spring events (much). As a result, my mileage is usually on the conservative spectrum anyways. The majority of these streak runs are done at an easy pace, and many of them are simple 1-milers...requiring less than 10 minutes of running time.

Another nuance I LOVE about the Winter Streak is that it gets me through the final days and weeks leading up to the Winter Solstice.  I much prefer the long days of summer, but the short days of winter are much more bearable after I have made it past the Solstice. I guess the Streak kind of acts like distraction as I make my way through the shortest (and, therefore, darkest) days of the year.

Alas, here are my Five Favorite Features of this Streak:

One of my goals this year was to make every run unique in some aspect. Many of the runs were only the 1-mile minimum distance. Some of them were run in the early hours of morning, some after work, and a handful of them over my lunch break. The bulk of them were run solo, but some were run with my running friend, Barb ( and a couple were run with the hubby). I also utilized many different routes (running them as out & backs, or clock-wise/counter-clockwise loops, and/or a combination of everything). Basically, no two runs were the same.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, tree, sky, outdoor, nature and closeup Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, shoes, tree, outdoor and nature Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, hat, child and outdoor Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor and closeup

Two of these streak runs were done on race courses. On December 7th, I ran a new-to-me race in a nearby town (Jingle for the Cure 5K). Then, nearing the end of the month, I ran a bowl-game affiliated race (Holiday Bowl National Funding 5K) while in San Diego for the aforementioned game.

    Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, sunglasses, hat and outdoor

Due to the unseasonably warm December temps, I was able to do several streak runs in shorts! Trust me, it's not very common to be running in shorts in Iowa, especially in mid-December. If the weather is going to treat me to warm temps, I'm gonna take full advantage!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, tree, outdoor and nature  Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

Since it was the holiday season and all, it was only appropriate to do the bulk of my runs in holiday attire. I have a lot of red and green running gear. I also have some obnoxious Christmas-patterned leggings...and I wasn't afraid to wear them.

Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses, shoes and outdoor Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and closeup Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, shoes and indoor Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

I was able to do every streak run outside. I started this "tradition" (of outdoor streaking) back with the 2015 Streak...and it's stuck. Thankfully, there were only a handful of runs that were crazy cold...but, as I've often said, I can tolerate most anything for one mile.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor   Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sky, shoes, cloud, outdoor and nature

Will I do the Winter Run Streak again? Barring any freaky injuries, YES! Since I have done this Streak for the past 8 years now, it's just a normal December thing for me. Honestly, it's a perfect transition to the real winter weather that usually follows in January. Once I make it to the Solstice, I feel liberated...like I'll be able to face Winter because I know the days will be getting longer thereafter.

A few final comments:
**While run-streaking may not appeal to every runner, I do think every runner can find a way to do it... should they ever have an inkling to give it a try. I was once a big skeptic myself until I took a chance and tried it for that first time. The rest is history.

**With several of the runs being just 1-milers, it often takes longer to get dressed in the running gear than it does to do the actual run itself. Although that may seem kind of crazy, it's all part of the streaking gig. After all, it's only for a few weeks.

**Since the 1-mile runs are over and done so quickly, there really isn't much time to work up a good sweat. Streaking, for me at least, isn't really about daily fitness, but more about discipline and focus. Anyone worried about excess laundry can be reassured that a 1-mile run (in the cold weather) will not dirty your clothing much (I sometimes wear the same base layer 2-3 times for the quick 1-milers).

**One of my initial arguments against streaking was the daily wear and tear on my body. Again, so many of these runs are 1-milers, and most of those 1-milers are done at an easy pace. There aren't any intentional speed drills or strenuous hill repeats...and, ironically, that little bit of daily movement actually feels better than not moving at all.

**Run streaking is a very personal choice. If you decide to give it a try, go cautiously at first and allow yourself time to find a routine that works for you. If you're not interested in considering it, that's fine as well. No harm, no foul.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, shoes and outdoor

Anyways, that's the latest and greatest from my winter exploits!

Did you do any fun running  endeavors over the holidays? Ever tried run-streaking? Have you ever done the Runner's World Winter Streak? 

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel  for the Running Coaches' Corner

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. You read my mind: I WAS worried about the laundry! I don't rule this out as I try not to limit myself like that. And it's certainly lovely seeing you do it each winter!

    1. I appreciate your comment about not limiting yourself...that's something we all should embrace! Like I said, I was a HUGE skeptic, until I gave it a try. I seriously doubt I'd ever go longer than that period between Thanksgiving and NYD, but at least I know it can be done without incident.

  2. It's not for me, but that's what makes the world interesting -- we all do our own thing & there's nothing wrong with that!

    We've been unseasonably warm with very cold days sprinkled in there too. Which means lots of black ice around . . . and too many runs on the mill. Just glad I can still get my run on despite the condition of the roads!

    1. Exactly :-) We all get to do this running thing on our own terms :-)

  3. I tried it once but started getting annoyed with it about halfway through the streak lol. I don't like running daily but what I've often done is an "activity streak" where I get in some type of movement every day. That seems to work better for me since I can mix it up.

    1. The first couple years of this, I was really bored, too, and it felt like a chore in the final week or so. That's why I make an effort to change the routes everyday, as well as vary the time of day I run. The past few years, it's gone well. Also, I have no desire to streak longer than that winter period. If I was training for a big race, it definitely would not be happening. You inspired me last spring to get outside every day...and I have. I get in at least one mile, every day, of doing something outside :-)

  4. I think I would like to do a streak one day. In Europe, Lent would be the ideal time. So this year it would be the 40 days from 26 Feb to 9 April. Mhm, I need to contemplate that.

    1. Lent would be a great time to do a streak...it's a time of self-reflection, and running is a perfect way of doing that.

  5. Looks like you made your streak a fun one with the various routes, clothes, etc. I like it! I am tempted to try it again but we'll see if I actually do it. Isn't there one in the summer after July 4th?

    1. Hey, I get bored easily LOL I gotta mix it up with different routes and funky clothing :-)

  6. The closest thing I've done to a streak was the Strava Lululemon challenge last year, where I got my 50 miles in 2 weeks by running 3 miles in the morning and 2 at lunch. It was fun and it really took the edge off winter. I think the key is that we all need to Change It Up every once in a while, and the streak is the perfect way to do that. Plus it's fun to say that you're a streaker;-)

    1. ha ha ha...I don't necessarily "brag" about streaking, but I am quite proud of the fact that I have the discipline to finish what I start :-) A lot of people roll their eyes when the word "streaking" comes up in conversation LOL I agree - I'm a huge advocate for changing things up, we all benefit from going outside the comfort zone now and then!

  7. Yeah, with my work schedule a run streak would not happen. But I'm glad you are able to make it happen for you!

    1. There are days when it can be a challenge with an 8:00 start time at work. I'm really lucky to be an early-riser, as well as having some flexibility with my lunch hour. And I'm stubborn...I'm determined to make it happen regardless :-)

  8. I am one of those people that needs a day between runs but I do like to do a workout streak around the holidays. Moving everyday just makes me feel better emotionally and physically. Congrats on another successful run streak

  9. It was fun following your run streak and you always had a lot of fun.

  10. That's a good idea to keep running fresh by mixing up the routes! I love the patterned leggings :)

  11. I've never done a run streak and I think I know why -- you mentioned it takes longer to get ready than to run the 1-mile. FACT. But I've also never had the desire to do one so there's that. ;)

    I was impressed with all your running. And your adorable outfits. I miss you, lady!
