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Monday, June 27, 2022

For the Love of My Shades

Did anyone catch the little known fact about yesterday, June 27th?

Well, it was National Sunglasses Day!

Personally, I think every day should be National Sunglasses Day, because our eyes need all the TLC we can give them. Also, let's not forget the fine art of wrinkle prevention. I mean, seriously, does anyone want to look older than what their birth certificate indicates?

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Grinding It Out

Let's just say it was a week filled with all kinds of grit and grinding.

We're talking random aches and pains, and an out-of-the-blue series of unfortunate events. As always, there's much to be said of having a positive attitude and a willingness to smile when things are sketchy. It is also most beneficial to embrace gratitude and celebrate one's blessings.

After all, our mindset is our own choosing, even when our circumstances are compromised.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Some Summer Fun 'Fessions

All is fair in fun & 'fessions, right?

It's hard to believe Summer 2022 is (officially) a reality, and we're already facing another turn at the 'fessional. When they say time flies, they aren't kidding.

It's been an interesting few weeks since my last 'fession session. You know, life and all that. Of course, I've got plenty to say...but I'll limit it to just the top five 'fessions for now (you're welcome, LOL).

Monday, June 20, 2022

National Selfie Day! Let's Celebrate!

Did you know that June 21 is National Selfie Day?

Yes, you read that correctly...there actually is a day that celebrates people taking pics of themselves (and posting them for the world to see). 

Although I play the (shameless) selfie game, pretty much on the daily, I do have mixed feelings about it. Most of what we see on social media is "filtered" (literally and figuratively) to reflect what the selfie-poster wants us to see about them or the lifestyle they lead. In other words, you don't see very many real-life images of us in our less-than-desirable states (and I don't think that's all bad, LOL).

While we all have our own preferences on the selfies we share, I do get a lot of questions on subject matter and content. So, in celebration of this most auspicious day, I'll share a few tips and strategies I utilize...

Saturday, June 18, 2022

#Maintaining #NoComplaining

Back in maintenance mode, and things are feeling fine.

Admittedly, I love the excitement and anticipation of a big race dictating my summer running. That said, I gotta runfess, it's also nice not having to strategize (almost) every fitness endeavor I choose to do.  

Such was the case this week. I'm still embracing the low mileage gig (in terms of running), and I'm saddling-up the bike whenever the weather is favorable. And, I'm smiling as I do so. 

Monday, June 13, 2022

Summer '22: What's To Do?

The Summer of '22 is already (unofficially) underway...what's a fitness-minded gal to do?

I'm glad you asked! 

Myself, I don't plan to spend very much of my Summer '22 indoors, nor do I expect to be sitting (un)comfortably still.  With no major races happening until the Fall, though, I have ZERO plans of over-expending myself with lofty goals or intensity.

There are a few objectives I have, though, as we approach the first official day of Summer '22...

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Keeping it Low-Key

Things had been a little crazy of late, fitness-wise, and my body was ready for a well-deserved break.

So, how about a week of (somewhat) easy-peasy recovery?

While my recovery looks different from that of others (as it should...none of us have the exact same routine, nor do our bodies need the exact same recovery regimen), I could tell it was due time for a low-key week. I kept the running mileage ultra conservative, I scaled-back on the biking, and I even caught a few extra hours of snoozing (yes, me!).

Are you curious how that all played out?

Monday, June 6, 2022

DAM to DSM - 2022 race recap

Everyone's got a DAM favorite race, am I right?

Myself? It is DAM to DSM. I first ran this epic race in 2008. It sucked me into the world of distance running, and I have not looked back. In fact, I've returned every year since.

This past weekend, I earned my 15th D2D medal. There's the saying "Always earned, never given," and those words rang true to me, this year, on the 2022 D2D race course. 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Riding the Stride

A lot can be said for the fine art of prepping for a big race.

There's the taper, but also the daily fitness "fixes" that we all know and love. Finding that perfect balance, which is an individual thing, is tricky. It's also well worth the trial and error in seeking it.

Thankfully, for me, I have my trusty bike(s) to keep me happy when I'm scaling back on other vices. It was an active week of tapering, so to speak. And a week of eager anticipation of a favorite race... 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

What's In My Cup?


I'm feeling the need for some coffee time and chatter. Anyone else?

You know, it's already that time of the month for gathering, coffee cups in hand, for some conversation. May seemed to fly by, in record time, and I'm hopeful it ((finally)) took the last of the winter-like temps with it. Don't worry, though, the wind still remains.

Anyways, grab your beverage of choice and let's get the party started...