Thursday, December 31, 2020

Since We're Gathered Over Coffee...

We made it!!!!

It wasn't easy. At times, it was quite scary and filled with much anxiety, fear and heartache. But it's over and it's done.

Yes, indeed, 2020 is officially in the rear window. Things did not magically change at the stroke of midnight, but hopefully it gave many closure on an especially tough year. Alas, now we can forge ahead to much anticipated brighter pastures.

But first, we need to acknowledge that it's the first weekend of not just a new year, but also a new month. And that, dear friends, calls for a gathering over coffee...

Shall we? I say YES!!!

Since we're all gathered for coffee, let me begin by sharing that I officially drank my first cup of "real" coffee this week. Well, technically, it was a Kcup, so it wasn't a true brewed cup of java. I accidentally grabbed a French Vanilla coffee instead of French Vanilla cappuccino at work. I nearly gagged on the first swallow, but I added some (maybe a lot LOL) cream to it and managed to drink most of it with limited wincing. I know, I know...this is a silly (and pretty insignificant) problem, but the taste of coffee has never agreed with me. As much as I love the smell of it, the taste is another story. I'm hoping I can eventually bring myself to drink more of these, though, with less (and less) cream. Maybe I can acquire a taste for the real stuff eventually. Maybe.

Since we're gathered, I'd bring up the topic of cycling. You all know that cycling has become a favorite cross-training (and recovery) vice for me. I can honestly proclaim it is here to stay, even within the indoor arena of my basement. I had named our Proform XP70 Sebastian, but (after the fact) the name just never quite felt right. I jokingly called "him" Sebbe one day...and BINGO, there it was! So, for those who may not have noticed on Insta, you'll be seeing the hashtag #cyclingwithsebbe (instead of #cyclingwithsebastian) for all of my indoor rides. Another crisis averted LOL.

And, since we're gathered and talking about cycling, I gotta share this little beauty that arrived in my mailbox this week. The Quad Cities Marathon was my first 26.2 endeavor, and I was blessed with a near-perfect first marathon experience. I have since gone back and run with two marathon relay teams and also done the half marathon. Needless to say, this event is very near and oh-so-dear to my heart. When I saw this year's version of their bike jersey, it took me all of five minutes to link-in to their site and order one. I'm just bummed I have to wait several months to take it for a ride with Gustavas.

Since we're gathered, and it's rather chilly outside, I'll tell you how the Illinois Marathon Criss Cross Virtual Challenge is going for me. This virtual challenge is keeping me moving and motivated, through these cold temps, on a daily basis. Just this week, I "finished" the 224 miles of the West-to-East portion (ahead of schedule), and am now working my way southward, on the North-to-South course. It's not too late to join the fun...check out their site  HERE (code BRP5OFF will save you $5.00 on your registration).You have until May 1st (marathon weekend) to complete either or both routes. Rumor has it the swag pack will be arriving in a couple weeks!

Finally, since we're gathered, I want to wish you all the best as we head into this new year. I believe in looking ahead, and doing so with a glass-half-full attitude. My theme for 2021 is Blissful Persistence (look for #blissfulpersistence on Insta) because I plan to celebrate any, and all, hard work as it propels me towards accomplishing my goals. I know, firsthand, that persistence pays off, and smiling through the sweat simply feels rather blissful. So, onward!

Just for kicks, how about a quick runfession? Even though we're gathered over coffee, I'm drinking a hot chai latte instead of real steps. And there may have been a mimosa after my annual New Year's Day run earlier.

How about you? Are you enjoying a hot beverage today? Any NYD running? Did you bid 2020 a fond farewell?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

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  1. I am enjoying a hot London Fog as I read this and I have to tell you, I am all about say goodbye to 2020 and hopeful for 2021. I really am so over 2020 that I am going to bed early. LOL. By the way, love that last photo! So colorful and fun! Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!

  2. Blissful persistence sounds perfect for you! I love your always positive attitude. Happy happy new year to you and yours. Thanks for stopping by for coffee

    1. Hoping to one day actually be drinking real coffee for these get-togethers (#goals). I'm just glad to be here in any capacity ;-) Happy 2021!!!!!

  3. Happy New Year Kim! Over coffee I'd tell you that I'm always amazed when someone doesn't drink coffee regularly. It's been a daily part of my life since high school, although the dark side is that it's an addiction. I only drink one cup a day but I have to have it or I will get an intense headache.

    I love the quad city jersey! Happy cycling, and I hope you get a January thaw so that it can meet Gustavas very soon.

    1. Seriously, I LOVE the smell of coffee, but the taste is just so revolting (for now...hoping that will be remedied over time). I'd love a January thaw! Christmas has come and gone, there's no need for the snow (or cold) to stick around as far as I'm concerned ;-)

  4. Happy New Year! That new cycling kit is fantastic! I’ve been ordering Starbucks flavored lattes instead of coffee — feeding my sweet tooth which doesn’t need to be fed any more!

    1. My sweet tooth is my (potential) downfall. The extra calories from these chai latte's aren't a problem, but the excess sugar is probably not a good thing. Amazingly, the lack of holiday gatherings curbed my baking, so there weren't many sweet treats tempting me anywhere this year ;-)

  5. Coffee coffee. I did give it up once and drank tea but I missed it. I do need sugar and cream esp flavored creamer. It's high in calories but you only live once and only drink it in the am.

    Happy New York. Can't wait for real races but until then virtual ones I guess - 15k with you!

    1. Unfortunately, this time of year, I find myself having a chai in the morning, sometimes at lunch AND usually after work. I drink it more for the warmth, but I really don't care for plain tea either. picky picky.... ;-)

  6. I like that bike jersey - those colors and the design are awesome! I love how you have really embraced cycling over the past few months :)

    1. Cycling has really been a great cardio option for my non-running days, and my legs definitely have more strength as a result. Yeah, my art geek self saw that sugar skull bike jersey and it HAD to be mine LOL

  7. You must be the only person who understands my dislike for coffee, although I love the smell!
    And I love a hot chai latte, just like you. Even better with frothy milk on top.
    Happy New Year, Kim!

    1. Right?!?!? The smell and taste of coffee are totally not in agreement. As much as I love my chai lattes, I really don't need all the excess, my "plan" is to experiment with the flavored coffee Kcups (with cream, for starters). Maybe I can eventually learn to like them (without cream), then I can cut back on the chai's. Ha. We'll see...this definitely will be a major work-in-progress! Best wishes for a great 2021 to you ;-)

  8. Like you, I LOVE the smell of coffee, but just can't handle the bitter taste. I plan on having a cup of mint hot chocolate later today!

    I slept through NYE, but ran a virtual NYD race this morning. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy NY, Debbie! I'm embarrassed to admit I fell asleep before midnight (on the couch) last night! Oh well, I guess that was a perfect send-off for 2020 LOL

  9. That cycling jersey is fantastic! You can't go wrong with a sugar skull design.

    Blissful persistence sounds like the perfect theme for you - as I have often said I truly appreciate your glass-half-full perspective :)

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) I hope you and your family have a great 2021!!

  10. Whomever is in charge of swag is doing one helluva a great job! Love that jersey! Yes, I'm happy to see 2020 go. It's weird how before it started I thought it would be the coolest to graduate in 2020 or have a 2020 marathon medal. Ha! Not so much!

    1. Agreed! 2020 had so much promise and potential a year ago! At least there was some good to come from it, especially in terms of self-reliance and increased family time from being at home.

  11. Oh, Kim... I had to laugh at your coffee-drinking story. Coffee does smell so good when it's brewing. I love the way it makes the kitchen smell.

    Wow! That bike jersey is so cool. I have never run Quad Cities and I don't ride a road bike, but I still covet the jersey! :)

    I did do a 6-mile trail run today to welcome in the new year. Love your blissful persistence phrase for the coming year!

    1. A good friend, who is more of a cyclist than a runner, was almost drooling over the jersey. I told her all she had to do was run the 26.2 (and I'd gladly run it with her) and she could get one, too. She said, "no thanks" LOL

  12. I drink my coffee with only the addition of plain almond milk creamer, but I need to invest in some decaf afternoon options. I'm always cold these days (and about to head to Michigan, so I need a warm up!)

    1. Yes, it gets cold in Michigan! At least the wind isn't too painful (in comparison to Iowa, at least LOL).

  13. Yay for making it to 2021!! Blissful persistence is definitely a good mindset for this year! I' feel like that's something I'm gonna need to work on too!

    1. Making it across the 2020 finish line felt pretty nice!

  14. I did 5.2 miles yesterday which was lovely, lots of gulls on the lake and took my first photo of the day for the new year. Lovely to have a Peleton bike, I'm just exploring the app and not sure how to link up with people on that, or even if you can! Have a good and healthy 2021!

    1. Wishing you a great 2021 as well! Fun, fitness, health and plenty of laughter ;-)

  15. I don't like coffee either. Not even the smell. I have no desire at all to acquire a taste for it -- good luck with that, Kim!

    Love your cycling jersey. That's awesome! Happy New Year!

    1. Ha ha ha this coffee quest may be prove to be a bad science experiment, but I'm going to give it a try. I love the smell of it, after all, there's gotta come a point where the taste will become a little more's hoping!

  16. Happy new year, Kim! I just love that bike jersey! Sometimes the swag makes all of the difference! I was religiously logging my Criss Cross Challenge miles on a daily basis, but I probably haven't added them to the site in a good month. I have them recorded, just not logged. I'm hoping to get them all added this week and I really hope to have hit the West to East distance!

    1. Happy 2021, Linda! This bike jersey just HAD to make it to my house, no debate. I love the event, I'm biking more than ever, and I'm going through a sugar skull phase. It was meant to be LOL I try to log my Criss Cross miles each week, but it does get away from me on occasion.

  17. Happy New Year! I can't stand the taste of coffee either, lol! I love your mantra for 2021!

  18. While the initial sip might have been a shock, adding cream is a classic way to ease into the coffee experience. huawei distributor in dubai
