Thursday, February 27, 2025

February ‘Fessions…just for fun


In the blink of an eye, February is on its way outta here.

Although it was a short month, it certainly packed a powerful punch. Thankfully, there was an abundance of sunshine, but there also were some extreme temperature swings. 

In keeping with tradition, it wouldn’t be a jolly end-of-month send-off without a trip to the ‘Fessional. Even better, is sharing ones ‘fessions with a few (or several) ‘fession-worthy friends. 

Are you game?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Feelin’ the Freezeout

Talk about your polar vortex posers. 

Wow, Momna N did not want to play nice this week in terms of temps & wind! She did grant us a bit of grace with a plenitude of sunshine, so there’s that. 

In keeping with my #OptOutside streak, I got outside everyday, but I may have questioned my sanity in doing so. It’s a good thing I’m #IowaTough

Saturday, February 15, 2025

It’s All About Perspective


This week was all about keeping things in perspective. Although Momma N dumped a lot of the white stuff on us, we really haven’t had much snow this winter. It’s definitely been cold and windy, but there hasn’t been much in terms of adverse conditions either.  And, let’s not forget we’re already halfway through February! In a few weeks, we’ll be only a few more weeks from Spring’s arrival.

Speaking of perspective, that shovel (above, title pic) isn’t really as big as it appears. The artistic element of perspective is what makes items in the foreground look much bigger than those behind it, LOL. 

But, I digress…

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Back to our Regularly Scheduled Winter

Yes, the real winter has returned.

After a week of spring-preview temps, Momma N snapped us back to reality. After all, it’s not like we didn’t know it was coming, right? This is winter in the Midwest, and we’ve barely crossed into February.

That said, it’s been a weird winter with little-to-no snow all season. We’ve had plenty of cold temps, though, and an abundance of wind. This week saw a little bit of ice, so we’re keeping humble, LOL

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Coffee? Chatting? Anyone???


Well, Momma N did it again.

First, she teased us with a sudden taste of Spring! Then, just as abruptly, she pulled the rug out from under us and catapulted us back to Winter. 

Yikes. I think this calls for a comforting hot beverage. It also warrants a gathering of friends…you know, misery loves company, LOL.

While we cannot change the weather, the wind, or the weirdness of this winter season, we can commiserate. We can also chat, and we can have coffee (or any beverage of choice).

Saturday, February 1, 2025

It’s Just a (fake spring) Break From Winter

 Well, Momma N never ceases to keep us guessing!

After what felt like the coldest week on record (at least for this winter), she sprung almost an entire week of spring-like temps on us. The mornings were still quite winter-like (as they should be, LOL), but the afternoons were flirting with temps in the 50F’s most days. Can I say this is my kind of winter?

Although I know these “fake spring” conditions won’t stick around for long, they sure have been a nice break from the recent arctic chill.