Saturday, February 1, 2025

It’s Just a (fake spring) Break From Winter

 Well, Momma N never ceases to keep us guessing!

After what felt like the coldest week on record (at least for this winter), she sprung almost an entire week of spring-like temps on us. The mornings were still quite winter-like (as they should be, LOL), but the afternoons were flirting with temps in the 50F’s most days. Can I say this is my kind of winter?

Although I know these “fake spring” conditions won’t stick around for long, they sure have been a nice break from the recent arctic chill.

Before I get down to the nitty gritty deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here’s what went down in my little corner of the fitness universe:

Hitting the trail on Sunday
The morning hours had me meeting-up with some running club peeps for a preview run on the Groundhog Grind course at Thomas Mitchell Park. I had run this trail once before (back in September). Like most trails, to me at least, it looked and felt very different than it had previously. The course had not yet been marked, so the group I was clustered with were essentially on our own. Suffice it to say there were several wrong turns and numerous haphazard out-and-backs (by default). Alas, this 10K route registered as a 7-mile adventure by the time I’d made it back to my car. It was hilly endeavor, with a lot of  tree roots and debris underfoot, but I remained vertical!

Never miss a Monday
The forecast was showing very pleasant afternoon temps, so I opted to save the run for after work. Instead, I hit the stairs for 50 flights in the early hours.

After work, I suited-up in shorts for two miles of running bliss. Yes, in January! In Iowa! A bonus was the breathtaking sunset.

Taking things easy for Tuesday
It had been a hot minute (actually several, LOL) since I’d done any yoga. Ugh. I felt like the Tin Man! It was oh-so-obvious, per that session on the mat, that my body needs a lot more TLC in terms of stretching. Point taken. I also did a short upper-body strength workout before getting ready for the office. After work, I got out for a 2-mile walk in the beautiful spring-like weather.

Another early morning Wednesday run
As per usual, I met Kelly and Hannah for our weekly 3-miler. After a several week sabbatical, Bill joined us as well (but didn’t stick around for the weekly post-run pic). The afternoon temps were warm again, so there was another 2-mile walk logged after work.

Back on the bike for Thursday morning…
What happens when you suddenly realize you haven’t been on the bike for an entire week? Well, there’s only one solution. It was another Thursday morning on my own since Deb was traveling, so (are you ready?) I slept-in a little later than usual. Of course, that only allowed enough time for 10 miles, but that’s more of a First World Problem than a tragedy.

and Thursday night had me meeting with the Thursday night running group
The unseasonably warm temps still prevailed. I was ever-so-tempted to wear shorts, but opted for capris instead.

Finally Friday
I had every intention to get out for a walk, but the mid-morning rain showed up early. Alas, I hit the bike for five miles and ended with some more stretching. By the afternoon, the sun made its appearance. I was able to capitalize on the nice weather and grab a couple of walks… a quick 1-mile walk over lunch, and then 2-miler before meeting a friend for dinner after work.

A very sunny, windy, and busy Saturday
How about a full-on fitness morning? I’m not sure where all that energy came from, but there was a 3-mile run, a 20-mile bike ride, upper-body strength and core work! Then a lengthy trip to the home improvement center for a long-overdue purchase of drawer-pulls, cabinet knobs, and towel racks for the three bathrooms. Yes, I’ve been in my house 10 months, and it’s taken me that long to decide on such purchases, LOl.

and what’s on tap for Sunday?
There’s a possibility I might squeeze in a short stair workout (contingent on wake-up time). Otherwise, the morning will have me on site, helping with the Groundhog Grind. The forecast is looking great, and we’re expecting a a nice turnout. I’m hoping to do some walking in the afternoon (temps in the mid-50F’s!).

So, overall not a bad week. Running logged 18 miles. Biking ended with 35 miles. Walking had seven miles. There also was stair-climbing and a couple of good strength workouts. I’m really hoping to get out for more walking (I know, I say that every week).

In case you missed out, here’s what went down on the blog this week?

Friday Fashion Flair. Warm temps (for January in Iowa) meant no need for a jacket…so a maxi cardigan did the honors. It’s always nice when the bulky winter jacket can have a few days of vacation, right?

Finally, these spring-like temps have really been a welcome reprieve from the extreme cold. January didn’t see much for snow, but it certainly had some bitterly cold temps.

So, that’s a wrap! Just like that, January is outta here and February is front and center. Although we’re far from a true spring just yet, I’m crossing my fingers the worst of the winter weather is behind us. If Momma N can continue with the minimal precip, I’d be much appreciative.

Enough about me, how did your final week of January play-out? Any big fitness feats to mention? Upcoming races? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here 


  1. Have fun today at the Groundhog Grind! I just saw that Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow. Let's see if he is right about the early spring?

    1. ooops guess I saw the wrong clip--he did see his shadow...what does he know anywya?

    2. Phil would not have seen his shadow in my area, so that’s what I’m going with!

  2. Yes, 6 more weeks of winter. Boo.

    We had one warm day and now today -3.

    I'm so over this weather.

    Have fun today.

    1. Bring on the summer (spring is kind of sketchy anyways, LOL)!

  3. Thank goodness that the Deep Freeze of 2025 has lifted! It's nice to have outdoors as an option again.

    Note to self: start doing stairs!!!!

  4. I think we get your weather 1-2 days later, but not always the wind. Yesterday was warm and windy. Today is cold and calm!
    The Groundhog Grind sounds like a fun event!

  5. If you guys warm up, we warm up down here! I'm not too happy about it- we'll take six more weeks of Florida winter, please. Sounds like you had a great week- funny how 50 degrees is cold for us but warm for you!

  6. 50s! Wow, what a treat for Feb!! Well done with all the group runs this week .I really should do some yoga or stretching, good reminder :)

    1. My yoga (and stretching in general) needs a lot of work…

  7. Have so much fun today! Looks like we may get that early spring but who knows!? Like you, I do lots of core and barre but the yoga doesn’t happen too much

  8. That weather-related graphic at the end of your post sums up everything I feel about the weather today. Anyway, I'm delighted that you've had some mild weather, you deserve it! Looks like another good, active week in your books. The Groundhog Grind race sounds like a fun event!

    1. The Groundhog Grind went well! It was chilly in the early hours (as we were setting-up), but was perfect by race time (sunny, seasonally warm & no wind!).

  9. We took a drive through your area this week! We made a stop in Des Moines for food and gas, and wow, it was busy!! Jordan Creek I think. Lots of shopping. Everything you would ever need! The warmer weather this week was an interesting break but I'm happy to be in the snow now. Good job on the yoga. I do think my daily stretching is helping me. I can finally touch my toes! :)

  10. Yay for spring-like weather! It warmed up one day near us and then the next it snowed and iced over again, ugh! I want the ice gone! Nice job on the yoga!

  11. We will have so much catching up to do when I get back home and we can meet for our Thursday morning workouts again! To answer your question, we had the most amazing ride yesterday through a park in the West Palm Beach area. We rode with a local gravel group - they were fast so I worked my butt off keeping up, the scenery was boring at times, but absolutely gorgeous at other times, and we saw four alligators!

    1. Alligators! Sorry, not very jealous of that! Yes, I’ll have plenty to tell you :-)

  12. The last week of January was a poop show and I have never been happier to put a month in the rear view mirror. It's nice that the weather is more pleasant for you. It's definitely getting warmer here, and i'm not having it. I hope your February is great!

    1. As expected, the warm-up was short lived… back to winter & its requisite wind…
